Anyone Here Lost Their Inheritance To The WT?

by Englishman 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I have.

    I hadn't even realised it until I had a conversation with my brother last summer. Our dad was a proffesional man who could command a good income whilst he worked. Trouble is, that he would listen to all the 1975 "end of the system" nonesense and then become motivated to serve where the need was great. The house would be sold, he would pack in work and pioneer. Then the money from the sale of the house would run out and he would start to work again and take on another mortgage. He did this 3 times in all.

    Well, it was his money so that was his rightful choice.

    However, as time progressed and relatives died and left their money to my parents, that money too was spent on furthering the kingdom work, apart from the the princely sum of 25 which was designated as being mine. Now, there is absolutely nothing left. Mum lives in a rented house and draws the basic State pension. Hmm.

    So. The WT buggered up my childhood, snaffled my inheritance and then pronounce me unfit to even have my existence acknowledged!

    Anyone else lost their nest egg to dub-dom?

    Englishman, who can still smile, BTW.

  • Vivamus

    Not really. But when I still was a dub, my dad cut me off, and out of his will.

    But we are best buddies again, now that I'm an hardcore apostate

    Sorry to hear about you loss Eman. Glad you're still smiling.

  • Scully

    Hi E-man:

    Seems like it's becoming the trend among JWs to leave their estate to the WTS....

    I'm not particularly interested in getting anything when my parents pass away, I just think it's a shame that whatever money they've saved over the years - not much BTW - will go to The Worldwide Education Work TM when they could be enjoying the fruit of their labour themselves... I'd love to see my parents go on a nice holiday every winter.... but nooooo that's something they're going to do in The New System TM because it's more important to make sure The Preaching Work TM gets completed. BTW, the same thing happened with my grandparents' (who were never JWs) estate... it was a fairly handsome inheritance... and somehow a large portion of it managed to find its way to the WTS.

    Love, Scully

  • scumrat

    I haven't lost anything yet. However my mom has alzeimers and my 3 JW siblings are taking care of her. ( they dis-owned me ) I expect the estate to be left to the WT. Currently I am gathering Watchtower propaganda and information for a lawsuit that will be filed against them if need be.

  • Matty

    My dad has a habit of giving more money than we can afford to the Watchtower Society. Various antiques, objet d'art and inherited collections have all gone to finance various Assembly and Kingdom Hall builds. Whenever we have had a windfall, like a tax rebate, a bonus, etc most of it has gone to the Witnesses.

    He often gives things away to other brothers and sisters who are supposedly worse off than us and does it without consulting anyone else in the family. One minute something is in the house, and the next minute it's gone. I'm a victim of theocratic burglary!

    On the flipside, my dad has paid so little into his pension he simply cannot afford to retire, so he'll have to work until he dies. When I leave home they won't have enough money to keep the house going and will have to sell as my income is vital to keep things going.

    30 years ago, preparing for retirement was looked down upon - as if paying into a pension was admission that you had a lack of faith that the kingdom was going to come imminently. Any spare money should be given to further the preaching work. Jehovah will provide, he looks after the little sparrows doesn't he (ahem, they're nearly extinct in England!) - and having sustenance and covering we should be content with these things!

  • Brummie

    Sorry to hear that E

    I have no idea what my grandparent left behind, I had left the borg beforehand, JWs sorted everything out, we didnt even get a look in, dont know what happened to any the stuff, not that I'm too bothered mind. I know my mom was given some of my grans old JW books dating way back....I'd have rather inherited a black eye than a load of old junk like that.

    The Cetnars in the USA lost over a million, and I know of others who lost everything.

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Know where youre coming from E-man. My dad quit his job and cashed out his pension around 1975. Later he had to find a job and ended up working at K-Mart. Mom has told me he gets under $20/month pension from K-Mart. My sister, who is dfd, was informed she is cut out of the will. But from where I stand us kids will probably be paying funeral expenses.

  • sleepy

    In a round-about way I lost my inheritance as may parents never earned enought money to give me one due to all the theocratic activities designed to take up your time and make you so nackered you couldn't earn a desent wage if you tried.

    The do own their own house though which is a lot better situation to be in than many witnesses I suppose.

  • kelsey007

    My great aunt owned prime property where we lived in the 70's. When she became ill I was the caretaker of her house and animals. Right in the middle of that she deeded over the main part of her propety to the local KH who within a few short years after her death in 1975 made a killing on the land by selling it to wal-mart. So of course when she passed I received nadda and the congregation raked it in! They probably donated lots of money to the world-wide work after that one!

  • NameWithheld

    I'm with Sleepy - mine are in the 'work till you die' mode too since NO priority was placed on saving for retirement, or even thinking beyond making enough $ to make it through the next week. A true day to day living arrangement. Now that they are approaching old age I wonder how they feel about the 'closeness of the big A'? Probably now that they are being backed into a corner they wish more and more ferverently for that carrot that's been dangled before them ... after all if Big A doesn't come what will they do?

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