Lost My Job Part 3

by Yizuman 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewLight2


    He HAS tried to find work - but he has other problems he needs to solve BEFORE he can get that elusive job. Please read his other two parts that he has linked in this thread for you. He is DEAF. He does not have a TDDY at home to make phone calls. He must GO to the Library to use the equipment there, BUT his car is broken - so he can't even get to the Library to make calls. He must WALK where ever he goes and is is very cold outside. He is on the computer because he can't use a phone! BUT he CAN email people.


  • pr_capone

    Yiz man... post your resume on monster.com Sounds hokey I know but I kid you not, I got at least 10 calls within 3 days of posting my resume. That is where I found my current job and I love it. Its worth a shot. What city are you in? Maybee we can pitch in with some help finding you some assistance locally.

    Hope things work out for you man. I know its difficult and it seems that you are banging your head against the wall sometimes. bang head

    Edited by - pr_capone on 21 January 2003 18:42:34

  • Francois

    When you get the dispossessory warrant from your landlord, reply to it requesting a hearing before a court of record and request a jury trial. It usually takes forever to get a jury and even longer for a civil action since there's so many criminal cases to try first. You could get months and months before you can be moved. Work the system, man, work the system.


  • josephus

    im so sorry your down right now.
    ive been low before and it allways improves eventually. 
    the advice youve gotten is good, if you were near me you could have a 
    room at my house.
    i will pray about it for you tonight, and i hope it gets better soon. 
    the only crumb of advice i can offer is this.
    ask everyone who can help, for help. 
    ask others whove been low before for advice, they may have found avenues you wont think of.</P> once again im sorry.
  • Yizuman
    Mary - Can you not take a bus to the Welfare Office? They'll give you enough money for your rent and some food until your employment cheques start coming in..........and I would assume that you'd be eligible for some sort of a disability pension aren't you?

    I live out in the country, Noblesville does not have a bus system like Indianapolis does.

    Except for school buses.


  • Yizuman
    surferdude - i don't want to seem harsh, but if i were in dire need of cash, i would not be on the internet. there are always jobs out there,,you just have to be willing to look and accept anything that comes along. now is not the time for pity or negative thinking, get out there and change your situation!

    So you think I am not? On the contrary I have been looking for a job!!!!!!!

    Get some facts first before you assume something you don't know nothing about. Use the search feature up above and type my user name and read all about me first. You would then have realized what I have been doing then.

    Thank you for your concern,


  • Yizuman

    Been there - Maybe you could go take care of your sister for awhile for some food and shelter. Sounds like she could use the help. I don't know where you live but if there is a Vineyard Christian Church in your area they have food, and they may be able to help you in some way. They are a very works oriented church. Good Luck. "If it were'nt for bad luck you'd have no luck at all"

    If my sister wanted me to live with her, she would have said so already.

    She can't take me in, she has 2 kids that she's homeschooling and she's financially strapped as it is.


  • Yizuman
    pr_capone - post your resume on monster.com Sounds hokey I know but I kid you not, I got at least 10 calls within 3 days of posting my resume. That is where I found my current job and I love it. Its worth a shot. What city are you in? Maybee we can pitch in with some help finding you some assistance locally.

    I have my resume on every single job bank that I could find and more. I'm still doing it.

    I live in Noblesville, Indiana

    Hope things work out for you man. I know its difficult and it seems that you are banging your head against the wall sometimes. bang head

    Can't help that. Being deaf sometimes can be a hinderance since most folks prefer to hire a hearing person. But that doesn't stop me from trying. A deaf friend of mine went through 20 diff job interviews in one month alone with no call backs. But he still keeps at it.


  • Yizuman
    Francois - When you get the dispossessory warrant from your landlord, reply to it requesting a hearing before a court of record and request a jury trial. It usually takes forever to get a jury and even longer for a civil action since there's so many criminal cases to try first. You could get months and months before you can be moved. Work the system, man, work the system.

    I plan to get an attorney as well to represent me in this situation.

    Good suggestion, I didn't realize I can ask for these things. Hopefully the Judge will not deny my request, but suppose he does, where do I go to appeal it?



  • Yizuman
    josephus - im so sorry your down right now ive been low before and it allways improves eventually. the advice youve gotten is good, if you were near me you could have a room at my house i will pray about it for you tonight, and i hope it gets better soon. the only crumb of advice i can offer is this ask everyone who can help, for help. ask others whove been low before for advice, they may have found avenues you wont think of. once again im sorry.

    Thank you. I would be glad to accept your offer if it means moving out of state and see if there are better jobs there than here.


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