I'm new....

by layla 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Welcome layla!

    Your story sounds too familar to me. I went through much the same thing when I was married to a week JW, no encouragement to our family at all mostly we were shunned. It was aweful for me and my kids. I'm happy to hear you and hubby have sorted all that out and have gotten on with your lives.

    Wishing you happiness in your future!


  • Warrigal

    Hi Layla; You are most welcome here and will find many folks who have gone through the same things you have. Just jump in and write us when you can.


  • Kenneson

    Hello Layla,

    So glad you could be with us. I learn new things from the site all the time. You will too. Welcome.

  • pr_capone

    Hello and welcome!!!

  • Scarlet

    Welcome Layla. You will find alot on this site.

  • Shakita

    Welcome to the board. I am glad that your husband is "on your side." It will make leaving much easier for you. Sorry about your sister, though. If she is still talking to you, keep in touch with her even if you have to contact her first. Prove the WT wrong. People who leave the WT are a great bunch of people!

    Hope to hear more from you.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • email

    I am sooooooo happy for you...

    Welcome... and don't look back... I can honestly say you've made one of the best decisions of your life.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hello Layla, thank you for inroducing yourself. A big welcome to the forum!

  • Dolphin57

    Hello Layla. What a pretty name! I am glad youve joined and shared your story. Welcome to the board. *hugs*

  • ChakkaConned

    Hello Layla

    Are you an Eric Clapton fan? He IS God! lol

    A hearty welcome to you! I remember feeling uneasy until I hit the 6 month mark in my fade. I knew that the thought police would be after me most during that time since it affected the cong. average and they had to account to the CO. But, they surprised me by not bothering with me at all It's been over a year now and so far, so good.

    As you learned, whenever the elders get involved in someone's marriage, they invariably do more harm than good. The council is always the same.....don't miss meetings or field service. Be strong so that your mate will return so he also can be at all of the meetings and out in FS. That is ALL they care about.

    Now you and your husband can present a unified front as you plan your strategies when and if the elders confront you. Keep researching and posting here.

    All the best!


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