What's Your Sign?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Virgo, September 7.

  • neyank

    There are only two kinds of people in the world.

    Taurus' and people that want to be Taurus'.


    BTW. I'm a Taurus.

  • outoftheorg

    My sign? It is neon. I guess that says it all.


  • xjw_b12

    Minimus. Fellow Gemini. May 30. I read the horoscope most days. Even read it while I was a JW. Most days I just snicker, but once and a while, they hit a lot closer to home.

    Anyways I find the horoscopes have a lot higher accuracy level than the WTBTS prophecies!........er teachings......or clarification of teachings........er baloney/malarkey/BS.

  • Jesika

    Dec 26 Capricorn here!!!

    Even when I was a dub, I would sneak a peek at the horoscope section.

    Don't believe in them but find it interesting to read and funny at times too.

    This is my horoscope for today:

    Horoscope: The coming days promise a busy time socially, jesika. You might even host a party of your own, at your home. You may feel terribly rushed, and wonder if you'll be able to get everything done, but don't worry, it'll all come out all right. Friends or family members could prove invaluable in lending assistance. At some point, you might attend or take part in a sports event. Have fun!

    LOL I guess I better get busy planning a party LOL.


    Edited by - jesika on 19 January 2003 13:31:10

  • SpannerintheWorks

    I've often wondered why they have never made a movie called, "Up, Horrorscopes!"

    A WW2 sub video nasty!


  • xjw_b12

    Jesika. You posted

    Horoscope: The coming days promise a busy time socially, jesika. You might even host a party of your own, at your home. You may feel terribly rushed, and wonder if you'll be able to get everything done, but don't worry, it'll all come out all right. Friends or family members could prove invaluable in lending assistance. At some point, you might attend or take part in a sports event. Have fun!
    Ummm. If I remember correctly...your boyfriend came home this weekend. I think that about covers everything above in one way or another doesen't it ?
  • Introspection

    "Yield" and "Slow Children Playing".

    Oh, in terms of horoscope.. I guess I'm on the cusp of Cancer and Leo.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    I am a Goat in the Chinese lunar calendar.
    My sun sign is Gemini.
    My moon is in Leo.
    My rising sign is in Libra.

    I'd have to look the rest up, I'm afraid.


  • caligirl

    Aquarius, Feb 4. I don't pay a lot of attention to the daily horoscope, but the personality traits of my sign are a perfect match!

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