Society's damage limitation article.

by dmouse 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    The title of this study article is so ironic!

    The courageous ones in the JW's would see the facts for what they are, and would be strong enough to take a stand against pedophilia and its coverup.

    On the other hand, the WT Society itself is not courageous and strong against those harming and abusing children in its own ranks. It is fickle and weak! The only time they muster strength is when these inadequacies in their organization and in their policy are pointed out by well-meaning outsiders. They gather "strength" to close ranks and tell their people to close their minds.

  • Shakita

    The WTBS using the PERSECUTION OF GOD'S PEOPLE angle, once again.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • neyank

    Well for those who are here lurking, having doubts whether or not the WTS is really Gods chosen org. what do you think of this?

    To those that have seen the programs about the JW pedophile problems and the cover up by the WTS, what do you think?

    I'm disgusted by how low the WTS will go to try and control the r&f JW.

    The WTS is like a snake crawling on it's belly trying to manuver.

    It's articles like this that shows what the WTS really is.

    To those wondering if God is really using these snakes in the grass, what do you think now?


  • Thirdson

    To me the Catholic church is facing heavier "persecution" in the media and the courts. In Watchtower logic that must mean that the Roman Catholic church is the true religion.


  • DanTheMan
    The congregation will offer canned answers and the elder will prostitute himself in yet another accolade of the society, commending everyone for not being fooled like the inexperienced ones.

    Ouch! Well said!

    To the diehard Mama-Watchtower luvin' j-dub, another article to reinforce their misguided and self-righteous notions of loyalty.

    To the doubting and conflicted but fearful JW, another helping of shame and coercion.

    I'm embarrassed that I swallowed crap like this for years without a second thought. JW-brain death is powerful!

  • freedom96

    I can see so many in the hall just sitting there nodding their heads while reading this.

    It reminds me when people first started studying, and were told that a sign of it being the truth was that so many would tell them to stop studying. Any sort of thing that got in the way of attending meetings and being a witness, such as work, friends, spouse, etc was a sign that it was the true religion. Well, these things all happened in life anyways, but now that they were told to look out for it, then the student would pay closer attention, and think to themselves, they were right. They predicted all my friends would tell me to get out, therefore it is the truth.

    Now the WTS will be saying, we predicted persecution towards us, and here is proof. The media, and the apostates are attacking. We predicted, now we are vindicated!

    What a crock.

  • rocky220

    It looks like the Blotchtower is trying to keep R&F in the dark a little longer to further hold on to it's main income'll will be needed in all their future lost court cases, me thinks...rocky220

  • avengers

    When I read this WT propaganda I started getting sick to my stomach. I kid you not!!

    I was feeling good listening to my buddies "Simon & Garfunkel", and then these losers come in and seperate my family even more by saying I am the liar. This pisses me off fiercely and brings back feelings of taking these MF's down to where they belong. The moment I read this I really did get neauseated. check this!: "opposers maneuver the media" and this, "television reports about Jehovahs Witnesses are distortions or outright falsehoods?" Who do these "men" think they are? In other words:

    The affiliation with the U.N.never happened.
    Pedofilia in the org. isn't a problem

    Plus several minor issues:
    They never got a fine for polution
    They don't have shares in Regi.
    There is no blood issue.

    No merci for these "men".
    2 Timothy 3:6

    There is no way to better ruin your day than to read the crap that this society puts out.
    In Spin City they're seated and they are indeed the best spindoctors in existence!!

    Hey. Thanks for printing part of this article, even if it ruined my day. (joke)barf, angry, puke.

    avengers. I am a rock, I am an island
    And an island feels no pain
    And an island never cries.

  • dmouse

    The article ends on a threatening note:

    Paragraph 20 -

    Of course, persecution itself is not pleasant, but our standing firm despite persecution, including slanderous reports in the media, is a cause for rejoicing. It means we are pleasing Jehovah and will receive a reward.

    Now, if the media reports truly are SLANDER then why don't they take 'em to court? Hmm?

    And I certainly know what reward I'd like to give to men who protect pedophiles rather than children! Like you avengers, that last sentence really makes me wanna puke!

    Edited to add that I am also very excited about the major TV documentary coming up, even though I won't be able to watch it initially:

    Edited by - dmouse on 18 January 2003 11:15:27

  • Englishman

    Of course, persecution itself is not pleasant, but our standing firm despite persecution, including slanderous reports in the media, is a cause for rejoicing. It means we are pleasing Jehovah and will receive a reward.


    Just smell that burning martyr!

    Makes me want to get the barbie going...


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