ISIS Destruction of Ancient Palmyra Temple

by freemindfade 20 Replies latest social current

  • Saintbertholdt

    Perhaps the Syrians were better off when they actually worshiped Ba' al

    Surah 37:123 - 130

    And Elias was most surely of the messengers. He asked his people: 'Do you not fear God? Will ye call upon Baal and forsake the best of creators? God is your Lord and the Lord of your fathers, the ancients' But they rejected him, and they will certainly be called up for punishment, except the sincere and devoted servants of God among them, and we left this blessing for him among generations to come in later times, peace be upon Elias.

  • Saintbertholdt

    Oh but lets not forget the Bamayan Buddha's.

  • Diogenesister
    I was FURIOUS when I read about Palmyra and the antiquarian al-Assad. They say isis have not done as much damage as initially thought but you are quite right TRUE religous fundies like the WTBTS would willingly destroy all ancient monuments as being symptomatic of Satans' system and worthy of destruction. Excellent OP Freemindfade.
  • freemindfade
    Yep. As I said at the begining. The things these modern day monsters do are the things my book of bible stories is made of. A witness book for kids.
  • fulltimestudent
    Diogenesister: you are quite right TRUE religous fundies like the WTBTS would willingly destroy all ancient monuments as being symptomatic of Satans' system and worthy of destruction.

    I guess, if the predictions of the BIG A hitting around 1975 had been correct, we ourselves (if we had survived the Yahweh/Jesus combo god's big purge) would now be engaged in just the same work. For the True God surely would not permit the continued existence of anything pagan, now would he?
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    The Tower of Jonah - the Old Testament Jonah - was revered by both Muslims and Christians. Now you see it, now you don't.

  • truthseeker100
    It is truly disgusting that anyone would do that to ancient sites like this. Alfred Nobel must be turning in his grave.
  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
    ISIS is not really islamites...isis is from satan
  • LoveUniHateExams

    ISIS is not really islamites...isis is from satan - here's a clear example of the 'no true Scotsman fallacy' ... Just out of interest, are you therefore calling ISIS members apostates? In your opinion, do they then deserve death?

    * * *

    It may be uncomfortable for some to acknowledge, but ISIS act according to their religious beliefs. When they destroy Baal temples, they're copying when Muhammad destroyed false idols.

    Suicide bombers believe that they'll go straight to heaven and be with God. If they didn't believe in afterlife/God would suicide bombers detonate their vests? I don't think so.

  • freemindfade
    Islam is full of bad ideas. Just like most religions that are founded on principles of death and intolerance of "unbelievers" "infidels" "apostates" whatever. It's bad ideas. Isis and anyone involved in sharia law in whatever foam are at the center of the religion and passifists are on the frindge.

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