JW loopholes for visiting DF'd relatives

by MegaDude 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    I've noticed in my own situation and others that even though we are DF'd or DA'd, that occasionally our holier than thou Jehovah Witness relatives will deem it "appropriate" to visit. This is after months or years of shunning in some cases.


    This Christmas my non-JW cousin came to visit from Houston and stayed with us a few days. Because *my cousin* was at my house, who has never been a JW, my annointed saintly mother decided it was okay to come over.... not for dinner but afterwards. Well, my two sisters were there, one DF'd and the other who hasn't attended a meeting in years. I'm DA'd. No problem it seemed. The only thing that seemed to make it a Watchtower allowed visit was the fact my JW mother wanted to see my cousin.

    A few days later, my younger JW brother who shuns me and my sisters joined us at a restaurant. (He waited until after we had eaten. Wooooo, big big sin eating with the apostates, ya know!) Again, the only reason he did this was because my cousin was there. I haven't seen my brother's new daughter yet, but he allowed himself to join us simply because my cousin was there.

    It would seem if you have a Watchtower legalized reason to visit your DF'd relatives, then it's ok to talk to them. In this case I guess my mother and brother reasoned it was okay to be around their former JW family members because they reasoned *they were there to see their cousin.* Not us.

    I used to pay my mother to clean my house. Now, mind you, she wouldn't come over and have lunch, nor would she have dinner. But because I paid her to do maid service, it was *a business relationship* so she could come over and see me.

    I'm sure there are many more situations like this involving cousins, children, siblings, spouses, what-have-you. But the last time the elders visited me, about a year ago, we got into a discussion on what the current rules of disfellowshipping were and they told me if a JW ate or socialized with a DA'd or DF'd JW, family or not, then that JW could be DF'd.

    I also find it funny that my JW mother and brother are fanatical about not eating with us, but drinking (especially beer or my frozen margueritas) is okay!

  • larc

    I think that our friends and family who are still in, are as upset by shunning as we are. I think that they look for loop holes and ways to bend the rules, so they can be with their loved ones. That is the reason I think it is best to fade and not DA. That way your friends and relatives and save face and still interact with you. If you DA, you are shoving it in their face and making them make a choice they would rather not make.

  • freedom96

    I agree with larc. They try to justify it so they can see you. I do believe many witnesses are this way. They really want to associate, just the WTS (therefore God) says they cannot.

  • MegaDude

    Well, I have no doubt that is the case, that JWs do miss their DF'd or DA'd family members, but I'm still amazed at the Pharisaical legalities that allow for my JW mother or brother to come over to my house. And the not eating but drinking while they are in my home is ridiculous. I mean, why do my JW relatives get to guzzle my brew and tasty margs but GOD FORBID don't let my cheesecake touch their JW annointed lips!

  • unbeliever

    My mom shuns my DF'd sister and treats her like she is dead, but expects to be able to see her kids whenever she asks w/o my sister being there. The arrogance of those JW's never ceases to amaze me and what irks me the most is that they claim that shunning is an act of love.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    My JW hubby's sister and brother in law just left here. They are on their way to see their disfellowshipped son . He is going to marry a "Strong Witness girl"...They think she will shape him up!..Don't ask me how that is going to come about...Maybe he is working on being reinstated again!..No shunning there!

    My daughter told them while they were here that she is Catholic now and very happy and doesn't want any "preaching".(She used to be a JW when she was a teen.) Then they all hugged each other..no shunning there either....Hummm?

    Maybe its a which congregation you go to thing?


  • ugg

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan


    Do you mean they can drink with you but they can't eat with you?

    And expect people to take them seriously?

    Not to put your family down, but I seriously wonder if certain medications could make a difference to those states of mind - it's like a paranoid obsessive compulsive disorder.


  • MegaDude

    Well, I make a pretty strong marguerita using Cuervo Gold so I would consider that medication of a sort. They do seem to have definite therapeutic effects.

    The other thing is I think JWs focus on the scripture (forget where) that says regarding those who have left the congregation "not even to eat with such a man." Now, legalistically it doesn't say anything about DRINKING. So I guess the JWs reason that drinking with former members is a conscience matter but eating is clearly forbidden by the Bible.

  • LB

    Well Jerry it is weird how they reason these things. A friend of ours who we always associated with when she got DFed now visits us regularly even though I'm DAed. As soon as my DAing was announced she asked for a copy of the letter than she had heard about and then told me that her excuse for visiting was that we traded and sold horses together. They haven't forbidden business relationships, yet.

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