my dad died

by termite 35 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    I echo all the words here - my thoughts are with you at this sad time.



  • cruzanheart

    ((((((termite)))))) I am so sorry for your loss, dear friend. Give yourself time to grieve and to heal. I know it's small comfort now, but at least your father went quickly and may not even have been aware of what was happening.

    Lots of love and cyberhugs,


  • NewYork44M

    Termite, I would like to express my sincere condolences. I also have lost both my parents. My mother died in an automobile accident and my father died due to a stroke. It is a strange and frightening feeling not to have your parents around.

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Dear Termite, I am so, so, sorry about your Dad..I, too, just lost my Dad, 75, on Dec. 21st and he was an athelete also, and always so strong..Write to me anytime, I feel like you, that I wish I could sleep thru this grief..My prayers go out to you..NK

  • acsot

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. My father died 22 years ago, age 62. I hated to cry but every time I did I felt better, so cry your heart out. I've read that it's actually best to do so alone, that way you don't feel as if you should hold anything back or be strong for those around you. And we're always here for you. I found it almost impossible to sleep initially after my father's death. I'd have weird dreams, nightmares, then wake up and expect to see him, only to remember he was gone. So you may have strange feelings or experiences or whatever, just remember it's a normal part of the grieving process.

    What may also help, in a few days when the arrangements are done and you're not quite as exhausted is to write in a journal, for 20 minutes, everything you're feeling. " Opening Up" by James W. Pennebaker is a good book which deals with emotional trauma and how the process of writing things down helps people cope. Pennebaker did several studies on the process, so it's pretty well documented.

    Sorry I've written so much, I just wanted to express my sympathy. Hugs to you and your family




    Hugs to you. So sorry to hear of your loss, honey. I understand, 'cuz I lost both of my parents. My jw kids didn't even bother to send me a card. You have lots of people who love you and care about you here in the forum.

    You have my deepest sympathy.



  • TruckerGB

    My deepest sympathies Termite,my thoughts are with you.

    Take care,


  • JeffT

    Sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • wheelwithinwheel



  • Kep


    Sorry to hear about your Dad.

    Thru losing my dearly loved Dad this time last year I have cherished memories of the times we spent together. They indeed help me cope with his loss. He was my best friend and confidant. Altho he didn't have answers to my problems, he was there to let me pour it all out.

    I am still hurting with his passing, and as the days drew near to when he died I was not my usual self. Despie feeling that he is at peace and in a better place, I can't help but feel the pain of his loss, of not seeing him again or being able to talk to him.

    I go thru some rough patches but overall I keep all the wonderful memories of him alive in my mind and heart, I talk often to people about him and it helps me accept his passing.

    Take care and don't bottle it all in, have a good cry, I do this quite often as things trigger the hurt and pain. I feel better after letting it out.

    Thinking of you and your family


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