Adults and children with ADD /ADHD

by LyinEyes 25 Replies latest social physical

  • Solace

    OMG, Az!

    She kissed his bare bum?!?

    My son convinced his cousin that she had dead bodies burried under her house and oh God, I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

    You know something? In writing, some of my sons shinanagans are actually pretty funny.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Edited by - heaven on 13 January 2003 22:28:3

  • xenawarrior

    There is a great book out there called: "Is This Your Child" Discovering and Treating Unrecognized Allergies in Children and Adults" by Doris J. Rapp

    I got it when my daughter was very small because so many folks in my family suffer from allergies; including food allergies. I was concerned about her and wanted to be prepared. Luckily, except for an allergy to some antibiotics, she hasn't suffered allergies.

    One of the things they discuss a great deal in the book is how food allergies will manifest themselves in outward behavior from silliness to outright agression.

    One little boy who was tested, was given some drawing paper and some crayons. He sat quietly and drew pictures for a while. Then they introduced corn into his system and he became agitated and his drawing became angry and agressive. He could no longer sit still and became quite unruly. Given the serum to counteract the corn in his system he returned to his former more calm state.

    Corn is one of the major food allergies and it is found in so many other foods, it is quite amazing. If a child (or adult) is allergic it can create some real outward signs. There are many foods that have this affect.

    I would highly recommend this book !! It would be great to find out that a child doesn't need to be on medication, but maybe needs to limit certain foods !!

    Here is some of the info on the book from

    Hope this helps someone !!


  • Solace


    Wow, thank you. Thats interesting, I have heard about some childrens reactions to certain foods but I always thought it was artificial foods, dyes etc.

  • Seven

    Hi LyinEyes,

    I became involved with our local chapter of LDA (ACLD) while tutoring a friend's daughter who has ADD/ADHD. Having no background in special education I was as frustrated as she was at what I preceived to be her inability to learn. This was soooo far from the truth. She is brilliant. It is just that she processes things differently.

    I arranged a meeting between her parents and the teachers at ACLD. They worked with her school and acted as an advocate in making certain she received the education she was entitled to. They also provided affordable tutoring for her in the subject areas needing the most attention. The organization also has an outstanding program for sharpening fine motor, social skills and self esteem. Please consider making that phone call. You will not be sorry! Support will be provided for you as well. You'll get the opportunity to chat with other parents who are going through exactly what you are.

    My friend's daughter is now a senior at a major university. She fought all of her life to get there. I am so proud of her. It's been a struggle for her and all students like her but they can be anything they desire-believe it.

    Btw, I would recommend your children see a "developmental" pediatrician. They are head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to issues with ADD/ADHD. They know medication and they know the alternatives. Best of luck to you {{{{LyinEyes and kids}}}}.


    National Headquarters:

    Learning Disabilities Association of America
    4156 Library Road
    Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349
    (412) 341-1515 (voice)
    (412) 344-0224 (FAX)

  • LyinEyes

    That damn Yahoo crap just made me erase all I had written. Now I am too tired to write it all down. I read the book XW talked about. Kelly was allergic to red dyes, even diapers with a little pink lining. SHe did outgrown some of her bad behavior and is doing good.

    Now my youngest boy, 8 , Chance is another story. Doctors tell me , he being a premmie, lack of oxygen on more occassions than I can remember, that were emergencies, life threating, are to blame for his ADHD, and Obsessive compulsive disorder.

    He got kicked out of day care for saying he was going to burn the place down.

    He beat the hell out of a 8 yr old when he was 4 for running over his sister on a bike.

    He has went after family members with knieves;burnt a chair; will not back down from anything . Has way too many obsessions. One time he went thru a phase of only wearing red shirts. Then the shirt had to have no pockets. Then he had to have a certain kind of jeans. His socks had to fit perfectly tight on his feet.

    Some things he has done is kid stuff, other things are more serious. Like being mean to his cat when he gets really mad, he hasnt done it often because he really loves this cat . He talks of killing himself , if I die, or his pappaw dies. He has a terrible fear of death and has for years. I wonder if he has almost seen it even if he can't remember. He was at death's door many times in those first 3 yrs. I don't know what he might remember or have experienced.

    One time when he was 2 , he had just had some corrective surgery and I was taking him up the elevator for a check up. He saw two white coats.....doctors come in the elevator and proceeded to slap the shit out of me..... and started fighting to run off. He has been to the hospital or doctors office and walked the heck right out of the office and told the doctor he was a son of a bitch.

    I could go on..........but I am sure most of you get the picture. He is actually doing better in some ways other ways,,,,,,,no.

    Wild says we are going to keep our Sunday's open when he turns 18,,,,,,,, so we can go visit him in bootcamp or prision. J/K we hope to work with him and help him fit in with the rest of this crazy world.

  • songmistress


    Where did you find the info on all the famous ADD people??? Docs and drugs can be such a frustrating thing. I know I am not feeling quite as good as I was a couple of weeks ago, and my doc is suggesting I may want to try some new drug, Strattera I think it is called, when it comes out in a couple of weeks. I don't think I want to be a post test trials guinea pig. I know I have very mixed feelings about meds as well as the pharmaceutical industry. And I can be so easily convinced to try this drug or that drug, this approach or that approach. It gets very overwhelming I know.

    Thanks for sharing some of your research and I am open to looking at any websites you may come across if you are open to sharing.



  • Mac


    My oldest son was diagnosed as having ADHD at a very young age. He literally bounced off the walls at times and his attention span was minimal even though he was very bright. Rather than turn to medications we did some research and came upon The Feingold Association and started applying the dietary recommendations prescribed by them. The changes in his behavior were nothing short of miraculous!!!

    Here's a link to their website: I hope this may be helpful in some way.


  • wednesday

    I have 2 children. one was hyperactive and had was very severe and he was truly suffering so we put him on ritalin. he did well on it. Then articles came out about the evil drugs and all and i decided to try natural. For my child it was a big mistake. He said to me"mommy i can think better with my medicine". He is an adult now, and still has ADD and is still hyperactive. he uses coffee to help control it. But it is a fine line-took much coffee and it makes him lose concentration.

    My other son just had ADD and he did not take meds, but would have benefited from them. He struggled in school. For him, i should have ignored the latest rage in natural treatment and just gave him ritalin. He'd have been better off.

    I have read and seen what advocates of both sides say. it really varies with the child.

    I had ADD as a child, but at that time it was known as "slow learner". As an adult, i find coffee helps me a lot.

  • Dia

    For some really excellent tips on ways to cope with Attention Deficit and to help bring the behavior it back into line, look on for a wonderful book called, 'Ritalin is Not the Answer'.

    You'll find it very helpful for all concerned.

    Good luck. Thanks for posing the list.

  • kelpie

    My 10 year old stepson has adhd..

    His mum has him on medication but he doesnt have it when he is at our house.

    My question is, does anyone else have the problem with the really bad temper. I notice that he can just fly off the handle for no reason. He will just snap and lash out.

    the other day he went for his dad with his fists clenched. If his dad hadn't stopped him, the 10 year old would have laid into my partner.

    How can we help him control his anger? Is it harming him more by having it at his mum's house and not at ours?


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