Adults and children with ADD /ADHD

by LyinEyes 25 Replies latest social physical

  • LyinEyes

    I have been doing some research on the condition ADD/ADHD and came across a list of names of people who have this condition.

    This runs in my family and only recently have I been diagnosed with this , which was a real eye opener, and if only I had known about this as a child some things would have been more easily understood by my parents.

    I have two children with this condition, and for the time being, have decided agaisnt medication for them. That is why I am doing research on the meds, behavior modification etc. because as any parent knows dealing with a child with ADD is quiet the challenge.

    I sometimes gets frustrated myself trying to cope with not only my own problems with this but in helping them . I found this list of famous people who were not , as children mainly, seen for the potential they truly possessed:( I know this was encouraging to me,,,,,,,, when I sometimes wonder what talents my children have, if they are only encouraged instead of discouraged).

    Famous People and Attention Deficit Disorder

    (Off-site links will open in a new window.)

    Ansel Adams - Photographer

    Ann Bancroft - (1931-present) - Actress

    Alexander Graham Bell - (1862-1939) - Telephone Inventor

    Harry Andersen - (1952-present) - Actor

    Hans Christian Anderson - (1805-1875) - Author

    Beethoven - (1770-1827) - Composer

    Harry Belafonte - (1927-present) Actor/Vocalist

    Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington - (1912-1988) - WWII Flying Ace (Black Sheep Squadron Leader)

    Terry Bradshaw - (1948 - Present) - Football Quaterback

    George Burns - (1896-1996) - Actor

    Sir Richard Francis Burton - (1821-1890) - Explorer, Linquist, Scholar, Writer

    Admiral Richard Byrd- (1888-1957) - Aviator (was retired from the navy as, "Unfit for service")

    Thomas Carlyle - Scottish historian, critic, and sociological writer.

    Andrew Carnegie - (1835-1919) Industialist

    Jim Carrey - (1962-present) - Comedian

    Lewis Carroll - (1832-1898) - Author - (Alice in Wonderland)

    Prince Charles - (1948-present) - Future King of England

    Cher - Actress/Singer

    Agatha Christie - (1890-1976) - Author

    Winston Churchill - Statesman (Failed the sixth grade)

    Bill Cosby - (1937-present) - Actor

    Tom Cruise - (1962 - Present) - Actor

    Harvey Cushing M.D. - (1869-1939) - Greatest Neurosurgeon of the 20th Century

    Salvador Dali - (1904-1989) - Artist

    Leonardo da Vinci - (1452-1519) - Inventor/Artist

    John Denver - (1943 - 1997) Musician

    Walt Disney (A newspaper editor fired him because he had "No good ideas")

    Kirk Douglas - (1916-present) - Actor

    Thomas Edison - (1847-1931) - Inventor (His teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything)

    Albert Einstein - (1879-1955) - Physicist (Famous Tongue Sticking Out Picture)

    (Einstein was four years old before he could speak, and seven before he could read)

    Dwight D. Eisenhower - (1890-1969) - U. S. President/Military General

    Michael Faraday - (1791-1867) - British physicist and chemist

    F. Scott Fitzgerald - (1896-1940) - Author

    Malcolm Forbes - (1919-1990) - Forbes Magazine Founder & Publisher

    Henry Ford - (1863-1947) - Automobile Innovator

    Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) Politician / Elder Statesman

    Galileo (Galilei) - (1564-1642) - Mathematician/Astronomer

    Danny Glover - (1947-present) - Actor

    Tracey Gold - (1969-present) - Actress

    Whoopi Goldberg - (1955-present) - Actress

    Georg Frideric Handel - (1685-1759) - Composer

    Valerie Hardin - Gothic poet, Artist, Children's Author

    Mariette Hartley - Actress (Tells of her and daughter's ADD)

    William Randolph Hearst - (1863-1951) - Newspaper Magnate

    Ernest Hemingway - (1899-1961) - Author

    Mariel Hemingway - (1961) Actress

    Milton Hershey - "The Chocolate King" - (1857 - 1945)

    Dustin Hoffman - Actor

    Bruce Jenner - Athlete

    Luci Baines Johnson - LBJ's Daughter

    "Magic" Johnson - Basketball Player

    Samuel Johnson - (Author

    Micheal Jordan - Basketball Player

    John F. Kennedy - (1917-1963) - U. S. President

    Robert F. Kennedy - (1925-1968) - U.S. Attorney General

    Jason Kidd - (1973-present) - Professional Basketball Player

    John Lennon - (1940-1980) - Musician

    Frederick Carlton (Carl) Lewis - (1961-present) - Olympic Gold Metalist, American track-and-field athlete.

    Meriwether Lewis (Lewis & Clark) - (1774 - 1809)

    Abraham Lincoln - (1809-1865) - U.S. President

    (Entered The Black Hawk War as a Captain and came out a Private)

    Greg Louganis - Athlete

    James Clerk Maxwell - (1831-1879) - British Physicist

    Steve McQueen - (1930-1980) - Actor

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - (1756-1791) - Composer

    Napoleon Bonaparte - (1769-1873) - Emperor

    Nasser (Gamal Abdel-nasser) - (1918-1970) - Egyptian Leader

    Sir Issac Newton - (1642-1727) - Scientist and Mathematician (Did poorly in grade school)

    Nostradamus - (1503-1566) Physician - Prophet

    Ozzy Osbourne - said he was ADHD on TV

    Louis Pasteur - (1822-1895) - Scientist -

    (Rated as mediocre in chemistry when he attended the Royal College)

    General George Patton - (1885-1945) - Military

    Pablo Picasso - (1882-1973) - Artist

    Edgar Allan Poe - (1809-1849) - Author/Poet

    Rachmaninov, (S ergei Vasilyevich) - Composer

    Eddie Rickenbacker - (1890-1973) - WWI Flying Ace

    John D. Rockefeller - (1839-1937) - Founder, Standard Oil Company

    Nelson Rockefeller - (1908-1979) - U.S. Vice President

    August Rodin - (1840-1917) - Artist/Sculpturer

    Anna Eleanor Roosevelt - (1844-1962) - First Lady

    Pete Rose - Baseball Player

    Babe Ruth - (1895-1948) - Baseball Legend

    Nolan Ryan - Baseball Player

    Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat - (1918-1981) - Egyptian President, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (1976)

    George C. Scott - (1927-present) - Actor

    George Bernard Shaw- Author

    Will Smith - Actor/Rapper/Entertainer

    Tom Smothers - Actor/Singer/Entertainer

    Socrates - (469-399 B.C.) - Philosopher

    Suzanne Somers - Actress

    Steven Spielberg - (1946-present) - Filmmaker

    Sylvester Stallone - (1946-present) - Actor

    Jackie Stewart - Grand Prix Hall of Famer

    James Stewart - Actor

    Henry David Thoreau - (1817-1862) - Author

    (Lev Nikolayevich) Leo Tolstoy - Russian Author (flunked out of college)

    Alberto Tomba - (1966-present) - Italian Alpine Ski Champion

    Vincent van Gogh - Artist

    Russell Varian - (1899-1959) - Inventor

    Jules Verne - (1828-1905) - Author

    Werner von Braun - (1912-1977) - Rocket Scientist (Flunked 9th grade algebra)

    Lindsay Wagner - (1949-present) - Actress (Bionic Woman)

    Gen. William C. Westmoreland - (1914- present) - Military (Vietnam Era)

    Robin Williams - (1952- present) - Comedian

    Woodrow Wilson - (1856-1924) - U. S. President

    Henry Winkler - ( October 30, 1945 - present) - Actor (Fonzie)

    Stevie Wonder - (1950 - present ) - Musician

    F. W. Woolworth - (1852-1919) - Department Store Innovator

    While working in a dry goods store at 21, his employers wouldn't let him wait on a customer because he "Didn't have enough sense."

    Frank Lloyd Wright - (1867 - 1959) - Architect

    Orville Wright - (1871-1948) - Airplane Developer

    Wilber Wright - (1867-1912) - Airplane Developer

    William Wrigley, Jr. - Chewing Gum Maker

    William Butler Yeats - (1865-1939) Irish Author


  • Aztec

    Thanks Lyin Eyes! I completely understand the frustration of raising a child with ADHD. My son is ridiculously hyper (like me) and has the attention span of a gnat (also like me). I refuse to put him on meds because I don't think they do any good and I am not turning my son into a robot. We are trying behavior modification through karate. His first class is tonight!

    It's doubly frustrating trying to explain to people that ADD is a REAL disorder and not all in your head. I, too, wonder what I could have done with my life if I had the ability to focus. Not that my life has turned out so bad but you never know...

    That list was reassuring!


  • pettygrudger

    Lyin Eyes - if you are doing research into "treatment" options for ADD/ADHD - I would highly suggest obtaining the book "Special Diets for Special Kids" by Lisa Lewis.

    I've been to a few "biological intervention" conferences for my own son's "diagnosis" of Autism, and found that this diet also can perhaps be maybe not a "cure", but from those that have tried it, and definite improvement of their children's condition. I have had now 2 friends that started their children on this diet - & ended up removing all medications their children were taking (ritalin). It doesn't cure every case, but its a good place to look first imho. There are many reasons why certain foods have such an impact into a person's behaviour, and this book really helped our family alot.

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks for the replies,,,,,, I really do need to hit the library Petty, and we are cleaning up our food intake right now. I have more things to get in order physically than they do,,,,,,like smoking .

    Aztec you son is soooooo cute. He can be bad all he just kiddin,,,,,,,,, I know how it is. Sounds great he is going to karate class,,,,,,, I wish there was an aeorbics class for ladies here. I need the exercise for mind and body. I would be more motivated with a group and fast pace. Although on a day like today I wouldnt even be able to walk in the front door......... Fibromyalgia.It hurts pretty bad today...... and I have a birthday party for my 16 yr old today.

    Sweet sixteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God i am getting old.

  • pettygrudger

    Lyin - this diet that has shown results for ADD/ADHD & Autism children has also been known by the mothers that have tried it to greatly reduce dymptoms of auto-immune disorders such as Fibromyalgia. It seems that certain foods (i.e. wheat & dairy products) contribute GREATLY to auto-immune disorders due to the imbalance of yeasts & other stuffs in the body.

    The funny thing is, most parents (especially mothers) of children with these neurological conditions (ADD/ADHD) also turn out to have auto-immune disorders themselves - and researchers are just now beginning to notice the links.

    Eddited to add this link :

    Edited by - pettygrudger on 13 January 2003 15:23:22

  • ColdRedRain

    Hey, I'm also an adult diagnosed with ADD.

    A thing that helps a child with ADD/ADHD to concentrate would be a sport or a musical instrument. I know as soon as I started getting into music and sports, my concentration improved.

    Sports I would reccomend would be football and perhaps maybe ice hockey.

    Instruments that I would reccomend would be the guitar or the synth. They're cheap and popular.

    Edited by - ColdRedRain on 13 January 2003 20:2:7

  • LyinEyes

    PettyG, speaking of auto immune disorders I have arthritis , had two surgeries on both of my feet when I was 16 and then again at 17. I had alot of some kind of illnesses at this time also , I had bronchitus, tonsilitis, mono, you name it I had it those years in high school. I had a very high white blood count.

    When I got older , I was told I had fibromyalgia, and for years had one doctor tell me it was a real condition and then another say it was the wastebasket catch all illness when nothing eles showed up. They seriously believed I may be suffering from MS, because my right side function , and muscle pain is so much worse on that side. Some days I can't walk, like yesterday, and today I hurt still. Other days it disappears and I feel almost normal and can dance all night. It comes and goes, the weather effects it, as does stress. My husband used to not understand how I could tell it was going to rain hours before it did on a sunny day!!!!!

    I don't care what some doctors say about ADD or Fibromyalgia,,,,, the Reumatology Association has acknowledged it as a real, even to some degrees diabling condition. I guess the question that can't be answered is why, how,,,,,,,,, I honestly think mine problems have alot to do with the year I was so sick , I couldnt get off the bed, and I was an energetic barrel racer when I got sick, I hated to stay inside or sleep.

  • NewLight2

    I am an adult with ADD, too. I find that my concentration is at its best when I'm doing something that really interests me. One of my interests is reading, but I know that reading is not a "normal" liked activity for most people with ADD. Try to find projects and activities that seem to "grab" your son's interest. Those activities will act as training for activies that must be done, but do not interest him.


  • Solace

    Thanks so much for posting this.

    My 5 year old son is hyper and has never been able to sit still. He is also very impulsive and fearless. He seems to be in trouble constantly at school and has been in the principals office so many times, I have lost count. The most recent was when I had found out he was in a fight with another boy. I walked down to the office, expecting to see another small child sitting with him. I open the door only to find a huge fouth grade boy slumped in the chair next to my son who was yelling at the top of his lungs how this boy was "LYING!!!" and so on...

    During the first couple weeks of school my son had also pulled a boys pants down on a dare during a football tackle, showed a girl his spiderman undies and pushed another child out of his chair because he was blowing bubbles in his milk.

    I can only imagine what the teachers were thinking and I feel so bad for him, not being able to control himself.

    He is totally fearless and will say anything to anyone! I cant imagine where he gets it from.

    Seriously though,

    My son excels in physical activities. He can out walk, run or jump anyone. As long as we provide him with an outlet for his energy, we are all fine. If not? Look out! Trouble!

    We have held off introducing any meds to him. We thought we would get some of his teachers evaluations in first. Sometimes I wonder though, is it the children who need the medication or is it the adults who cant seem to handle them? I must admit, I love my son, but after spending an entire day with him, I have often thought of taking a mild sedative.

  • Aztec

    Heaven, I think our son's are twins! My son has a problem with authority. He's been getting in trouble since preschool where he actually convinced another 3 year old girl to kiss his bare booty. I felt so bad for the girls parents. He is always gettin into trouble in school for something. He had his whole first grade convinced that "the devil and his fire dogs" were coming to get them. Tonight was his first karate lesson and he really took to it so I'm very excited and hope this helps him with his self discipline. I'm sure the teachers agree ...LOL


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