Family says police killed dog for no reason

by Yizuman 70 Replies latest social current

  • Robdar
    Go ahead you bleeding hearts, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it

    Okay Troucul, but first you need to come down off that cross. We need the wood.


  • talley

    Sort of like the dog shooting in St. Paul, MN, awhile back... the cops are going to do a drug bust in "Frogtown neighborhood", go up to a well kept house with a fenced yard (fence went around the front too, with a gate at the sidewalk)...they see tricycle and little kid's toy on the grass, and as they are going through the gate, a 9 yr. old BLACK LAB bitch approaches, guessed it..... shot the dog as the kids were coming out the front door to see what the dog was barking about......guess what...... they had gone to the wrong address....... too bad for Dad, Mom, Kids, and especially the house pet...........

    We have a black lab that lives in our house and travels with us in the car all the time and travels with us in our motorhome....this dog is our 'kid'.... so I have spent alot of time pondering on my response should I ever have the misfortune of encountering "law enforcement" either at home or away, because it is 95% sure the dog will be with us and 95% chance the dog will not survive the encounter. I still have more thinking to do.....

    This has bothered me greatly since the St. Paul incident, and since this one on the hwy, I have determined to approach our local PD and ask for instructions on how I should behave during 'contact' and yet be able to protect our dog.........

    talley...of the 'hands sweating with fear just thinking about this class'

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Good grief, next you'll want to flop it out and see whose is bigger. Settle down chief. We're not exactly solving world hunger here.

    This is asinine. There was no justification for treating the family the way those cops did. The cops did not know what they were doing. They were not in control of the situation, like they should have been. It is clear that these cops are poorly trained to give in to panic so easily.

    Personally I hope that family ends up owning that town from the lawsuit. I would be tempted to file a federal lawsuit to bring some much needed federal attention on these bozo cops.

    Edited by - big tex on 12 January 2003 10:44:31

  • Xena

    Yea CC I wondered about that too...who were they supposed to have robbed? Was a robbery even reported anywhere in that area???

    Come on Yeru...would he have DIED if the dog had bitten him??? NO...there were other officers who could have gotten the dog off him if it had indeed gone for him...The family asked to be allowed to restrain the dogs...he just jumped the gun (pardon the pun).

    I understand where you are coming from Mike...I don't mess with cops, they can make your life a living hell if they want to!

  • Trauma_Hound
    OK, I'll jump in on the side of the cops on this one since everyone else seems ready to linch them. Having myself been bitten by "a playful dog wagging it's tail" the cops can and are justified in shooting the mut regardless of the breed. And no TRAUMA HOUND this was not a case of "illegal detainment" the family was stopped and detained in an investigation until things could be sorted out. Again, this is a case of liberals shouting about the "police state." Perhaps no one should be arrested unless they're caught in the act of committing a crime by the police, huh?

    Yes it is a case of unlawful detainment, there was no store reported robbed, if the cops can get nailed in the City of Seattle, for unlawful detainment, while they held a guy for jay walking to run his id, then this is obviously unlawful detainment. Liberals? Is that all your capable of saying? Nobody agrees with poor Yeru, you shout they're a liberal, when in fact it's you liberal boy that thinks priests should be able to hide confessions of pedophiles. And this freak is "protecting" our constitution? LOL

  • Yerusalyim


    Your little diatribe shows you have no basis for your arguement other than pure hate of all authority. Not suprising, many XJW's suffer from this same symptom. I'm just glad I don't have to live in your world, or your head. The LEFT COAST isn't the real world, in the real world people recognize the fact that the police can stop you based on suspicion.

    The cop felt threatened by the dog, he shot it, GET OVER IT!

    And yes this "freak" is protecting the constitution as oppossed to running it into the ground like you seem prepared to do.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Your little diatribe shows you have no basis for your arguement other than pure hate of all authority. Not suprising, many XJW's suffer from this same symptom. I'm just glad I don't have to live in your world, or your head. The LEFT COAST isn't the real world, in the real world people recognize the fact that the police can stop you based on suspicion.

    The cop felt threatened by the dog, he shot it, GET OVER IT!

    And yes this "freak" is protecting the constitution as oppossed to running it into the ground like you seem prepared to do.

    Wow I never said I hate Authority, just authority abused, as was the case here. Not suprising, a stanch christian, could support killing an innocent animal, that's what christians are good at doing, killing things. Sure they can stop you on suspicion, but they better be willing to pay the consquences, when they are wrong. Let me tell you another thing that happened, road block for DUI's was deemed un-constitutional here. You know why? Because you can't simply pull everyone over! Have you heard of unreasonable search and seizure? These cops are morons, they could have left the dog in the car, and called someone that can deal with animals, they don't have to right to shoot everyone, just because. They were the ones stupid enough to open the door, and let the dog out, even while the owner was asking to control the dog. These cops are morons pure and simple. It doesn't take a genius to come up with a better solution, but all high and mighty Yeru, thinks everyone should be shot first, and asked questions later.

  • mike047

    Hi Yeru; First, I appreciate your military service and support your efforts.

    I feel you are wrong in your assement of the event being discussed. Enough said, we disagree.

    I don't know what basis you have for the comment on the "left coast" though. I have lived there as well as many other parts of this country. It's not that much different.


  • LittleToe

    Simmer down, children.
    Lets have less of the personal attacks, since all are permitted their point of view. Attack the position, not the person, yeah?

  • reporter

    I'm not gonna put views or words in anyone's mouth, but 20 million people weekly listen to people like Rush Limbaugh all afternoon, sometimes he's right, but mostly he makes me sick... It's often all too tempting to categorize left vs. right, Republican vs. Democrat, ad nauseum. I like to keep my views sharing the principles of all parties, mixed in with some of my own. Using terms like "left coast", for example, can prove to be generalizing and inflammatory. Many Californians abhor Gray Davis. That doesn't make all Californians valley girls or Berkeley "peace-niks". Those were comparatively small enclaves of political opinion.

    I do appreciate all the views and opinions expressed in this thread. TH with the pepper spray, Yizuman's observations which I changed my mind on, and the others...well done, as far as I'm concerned.

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