Family says police killed dog for no reason

by Yizuman 70 Replies latest social current

  • aluminutty

    I can understand defending law enforcement and all that hippy jaz but... come on, if it is confirmed that the dog was in fact a bull dog boxer mix, the cop would have to be a complete nincompoop to automatically assume that the dog would be aggressive. When you factor in the fact that the dog was wagging its tale, you have to conclude that the cops actions were, um, lets say less then commendable. We shouldn't award stupidity as a culture nearly as often as we do. If the officer acted out of cruelty, he should be prosecuted, if out of stupidity, fired. These would be the best senarios for handling the problem for the department involved. If the respective department despatches this obviously bad officer, it will affectively demonstrate to folks that the department is committed to doing the right thing. Public support should never be under rated; especially by the police.

  • Robdar
    The officer needs to make split-second decisions in certain situations.

    You know, I am really getting sick of the above being used to excuse the police officers when they mess up. If they are that nervous, maybe they shouldn't be carrying a gun? Or stopping citizens for that matter. There were a lot of bad asses impressed that they had a badge and a gun when I was with the force. It's no different now.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Hmm why the hell couldn't the officer use pepper spray? What you all forget is the officers were in the wrong, the minute they pulled this family over. The family did no crime, they weren't speeding, the guy simply left his wallet on his roof. If the cops are going to be this jumpy, then they don't need to carry guns. I've had to actually face down aggresive dogs, when I was twelve, I had no gun, I managed to survive, using my brains. I think pepper spray would have done a great deal. I know someone with a bulldog-boxer mix, the dog is hyper, not aggresive, it just wants to be petted. Even if it was aggresive, there were alternatives to killing it, because it was doing what comes naturally to dogs, when they precieve, your attacking they're owner. If you had done the same thing to me, my corgi would have come after you, while I was growing up.

  • mike047

    HI ALL; I live very close to where the family involved resides and within a 100 miles of where this event took place.

    It seems to me that this event compared to my actual experiences with the law enforcement in this area is really not uncommon.

    I had the pleasure of being stopped in similar "john wayne" style in Sept 1998. They were searching for a drunken perp, 30 yaers my junior, driving a different colored vehicle, wearing different colored clothes, etc. I was stopped by a cobination of 9 vehicles from several different departments. Every one of the officer had drawn guns. The lead officer went through his stop routine...Hands up...etc. He was so nervous that as he was instructing me to exit the vehicle, he neglected to tell me to remove my seat belt[I like all lawabidding drivers had mine on]. I had to yell 3 times about the seat belt, he each time ignoring my plea[by this time I REALLY expected to get shot]. Finally an officer hiding in the weeds in the median relayed my plight to the officer. I was cuffed, told I was NOT under arrest and being held for ...I really don't remember what he said. After a period of time an experienced local officer arrived and IMMEDIATELY told all concerned that I was not the one they wanted and said to release me. The "lead" officer still argued to hold me. Eventually I was turned loose. You cannot believe how relieved I was to get away and not have been shot. These guys were on the ragged edge and wanted BLOOD.

    The guy they were looking for was DRUNK, and had tried to rob a McDonalds with a PUTTY KNIFE.

    A PUTTY KNIFE......9 guns to arrest someone with a PUTTY KNIFE......Western North Carolina/Eastern Tenn. is NOT the place to be pulled over.

    Being treated as I was, a local resident, and hearing this incident about the dog, caused me not to even blink. The family should be GREATFUL that these idiots did not shoot them!!!!!

    mike[of the if I didn't live here I would not visit here class!]

  • Trauma_Hound

    Mike, maybe you should contact the media, and relay your incidident? How come you didn't sue the pants off these guys?

  • Yerusalyim

    OK, I'll jump in on the side of the cops on this one since everyone else seems ready to linch them. Having myself been bitten by "a playful dog wagging it's tail" the cops can and are justified in shooting the mut regardless of the breed. And no TRAUMA HOUND this was not a case of "illegal detainment" the family was stopped and detained in an investigation until things could be sorted out. Again, this is a case of liberals shouting about the "police state." Perhaps no one should be arrested unless they're caught in the act of committing a crime by the police, huh?

  • mike047

    TH; this area has a very closeknit law enforcement community. The level of harrasment I would have been subjected to could have led eventually to my physical harm......Any one that has lived near here can understand the situation, it is hard to relate the real conditions to an outsider. This is an area for RICH retirees, there are areas here I will not even[and I am clean cut etc, now] drive through, because I would be pulled over. If one is not an affluant retiree or cop, you're SQUAT.

    I'll just keep my mouth shut and live....


  • mike047

    Yeru: the officer LOST control......He was not JUSTIFIED in shooting the dog regardless of the breed. He was SCARED..............He could have just as easily shot one of the human family.


  • troucul

    my turn...if I'm not mistaken, I believe the cop was justified. Cops are authorized to use deadly force when necessary. They are not simply authorized to wound someone or something, they are authorized to KILL if they feel threatened. Too many people today complain about police encroaching on their rights. While that may be true on a societal level, in cases like this, the cop was true to the law. It's a scary thought, but it has been the rule of thumb for generations. Even if there are details missing from this story, the only necessary variable is if the cop felt threatened. Go ahead you bleeding hearts, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.


  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    The gas station did not report a robbery. The police should have dispached a unit to the station to perform a quick check to confirm the allegation from the caller. The officer could have CLOSED the door! Final note...What happened to innocent until proven guilty? I'd sue the crap out of them.


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