I am a Former Addict

by Robdar 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • imanaliento


    you will not only feel better but smell better!!

  • no one
    no one

    I only smoke after sex....

    and only then if I go REALLY, REALLY fast!!!

  • Skeptic

    Way to go, Robyn! Congratulations!


  • Jesika

    I quit smoking cold turkey when I was pregnant with my son. It was easy to cause it made me sick to even smell smoke.

    Since he almost died when he was born and has major surgery when he was 2 days old, I had my hubby (we were still married at this time) go and buy me a pack of cigs cause I was on the brink of loosing my son.

    Since then, the habit is back, and that was 9yrs ago. I don't smoke alot, mainly when I am drinking. I wish I could quit, but my boyfriend and our roommate smoke and they smoke alot.

    I honestly don't think living with smokers makes it possible to stop smoking. I would think that this would cause problems in my relationship if I stopped cause when you stop smoking you can't stand the smell and don't want to kiss someone who has been smoking.

    I was hoping that my working out at the gym would help me slow/stop smoking to allow me to breathe better. We'll see.


    Robyn, I am so proud of you!!!!!!! It isn't easy to quit. Please keep us informed as to how you are doing.

  • Skeptic
    I only smoke after sex....

    So, no one, tell me....how often do you smoke?


  • Robdar

    the first week is known as hell week

    LOL Vanilla, that pretty much describes it, especially with the headaches and sweats you get from withdrawal. Thanks for your encouragement.

    one cig id be back.No matter what nic. trys to tell you remember its a lie, even one will temp you to two. Keep it up , we[ will ] make it.


    I have found that to be true all the times that I have tried to quit. Yes, we will make it. Thank you for posting.

    you will not only feel better but smell better!!


    Yes, I do smell better. But now that I have my sense of smell back, I am noticing how much Kansas City stinks. We have got to do something about our air pollution! Thanks for posting.

    LMAO @ No One. Funny one!


    Thank you for your encouragement.

    I honestly don't think living with smokers makes it possible to stop smoking.


    I live with smokers so I know how you feel. Tell them to take it outside. Most smokers will. I wish you well in your endeavors to stop smoking.

    Thank you all for posting. And so now, I start day 4 of my new life. It's looking good.





    I feel so proud of ya, girl!!!!!!

    I, like Jesika, smoked until I got pregnant with my son. I felt soooo nauseous, I would literally gag everytime I lit up a smoke. I then and there decided I would quit and never light up again. I am proud to say, I have kept true to my self-promise. I am proud of meeeee, tooooo!

    Love ya,


  • no one
    no one
    So, no one, tell me....how often do you smoke?

    Gee, Skeptic, you sound..............................................................................................skeptical.

  • Soledad

    good for you, I just made 1 year since I quit and I feel so alive and free!!! The first two weeks were tough for me but once I got over that I never missed it again. Its worth quitting.

  • Jesika

    I wish I could tell them to take it outside, but that's not happening. I was the last of us to move in. Plus my boyfriend is the owner of the house and has been living here for 3yrs before he even met me.

    Oh, well, If I want it bad enough I can figure something out right??


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