Is the bible inspired?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    The bible isnt any more inspired by GOD than Nostradamus was. can fold a $20 bill to show the World Trade Centers on Fire too. You see what you WANT to see.

  • Abaddon

    how did david know jesus bones would not be broken which was custom of romans? ps. 34:20 john 19:32,33

    This supposes Jesus existed. There is some proof that a Jesus that the Biblical account is based upon may have existed. But no where near enough. Funny how that earthquake when he died, when the dead rose from their tombs and preached, is mentioned in NO OTHER document... . If Jesus existed, then it is not even proof that his legs were not broken, if he died that way. It's even possible that various events were added to the account to match with prophecies that people asociated with a Messiah. Adds a nice buff to the resume.

    how did micah know jesus would be born in bethlehem? mic. 5:2 3v

    See above. No evidence of any survey that matches, which is kinda funny, as the whole point of surveys is gathering huge amounts of information. But if prophecy say he's born in Bethlehem, damn good plot device to embroider possibly true story.

    Essentially, similar objection lie with each scripture cited.

    Belief and proof are different. You are welcome to your belief, as I am to a desire for proof.#


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    What you are describing here are not predictions but "postdictions".

    Out side of the writings of the bible, where is the proof these events were actually foretold ahead of time?

  • AGuest

    Is the Bible inspired? No, it is not.. and may you have peace!

    What IS 'inspired'... is scripture... which is written when the writer is "in spirit" (inspire)... so as to see and hear the one(s) speaking to him/her... and such one is TOLD by God, through Christ, to write what they see and hear. Thus, scripture is:

    Moses (which is NOT the Pentateuch, as [J]oseph wrote Genesis while in Egypt, and at least Joshua and Ezra wrote parts of the other four...)

    The Prophets (which were written while the writers were "in spirit" and also includes the Books of Enoch, Jashar and others)

    The Psalms (which David and other wrote while "in spirit")

    The Revelation (which John was given while "in spirit" and TOLD to write)

    which, excluding the Revelation because it was written after his presence in the flesh, my Lord is recorded to SAY is scripture:

    Luke 24:27, 32, 44, 45

    Please... please... rather than chide religion for its false teachings, read what the Bible ITSELF says it is. Please. For it also says that it is not the word of God, but tells us what... or rather whom... is: Revelation 19:13; John 1:14

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Carlo

    Most of the bible is so insane it is blasphemy to say that god is a part of it.

    What do you think about 2. mos 21: 20 - 21. Slaves should be killed slowly. The bible is complete nonsens.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The Bible has being written and rewritten over thousands of year and there is no way we know what has being added and what has being omitted. How can any intelligent person accept this book at face value??


  • gsx1138

    Inspired? Yes.

    By God? No

    The NT is definately written after the fact as it was not even started until some time after Jesus (supposed) death. It is like me writing a book now how I predicted the Lotto numbers from 1995. If some people wish to believe something is true without any evidence or evidence that contradicts what they believe that is fine. However, the truth won't go away even if you choose to ignore it. I had a friend who would come into work everyday and pick up a random book, flip to a random page, and read a random line then give a small sermon about how it was inspired by God. Every time he did this it was just as logical and easy to understand as anything written in the Bible. He was trying to prove to our younger employees they shouldn't believe everything they heard in church. As for prophecies in the Bible:

  • thinker

    To answer this question I think we should examine HOW inspiration occurs. Russell described how he was "inspired" by God:

    Zions Watchtower June 1916
    MANY are the inquiries relative to the truths presented in the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and THE WATCH TOWER, as to whence they came and how they developed to their present symmetrical and beautiful proportions. Were they the results of visions? Did God in some supernatural way grant the solution of these hitherto hidden mysteries of His Plan? Is the author of these writings more than an ordinary being? Does he claim supernatural wisdom or power? Or how comes this revelation of God's Truth?
    No, the truths we present, were not revealed in visions and dreams or by God's audible voice; nor were they revealed all at once, but gradually...

    We give the following history, not only because we have been urged to give a review of God's leadings...

    ...such points as are necessary to an understanding of our position and of the Lord's leadings.

    ...all the little points of Divine favor to which was tested, prayers were answered, etc.,...

    I was led gradually to see...

    Seemingly by accident, one evening I dropped into a dusty, dingy hall in Allegheny, Pa.,...

    What I heard sent me to my Bible to study with more zeal and care than ever before, and I shall ever thank the Lord for the leading;...I soon began to see...

    And here I gratefully mention assistance rendered by Brothers George Stetson and George Storrs, the latter the Editor of The bible Examiner, both now deceased. The study of the Word of God with these dear brethren led step by step into greener pastures...

    The years following, to 1876, were years of continued growth in grace and in knowledge on the part of the handful of Bible students with whom I met in Allegheny. We progressed from our first crude and indefinite ideas of Restitution to clearer understanding of the details...During this time, too, we came to recognize the difference...

    It was about January of 1876 that my attention was especially drawn to...

    It came about in this way: I received a paper called...

    Here was a new thought...

    Anxious to learn from any quarter, whatever God had to teach...

    Being a person of positive convictions, and fully consecrated to the Lord, I at once saw ...

    After a time I conceived the idea...

    By noticing how quickly people seemed to forget what they had heard, it became evident to us that, while the meetings were useful in awakening interest, a monthly journal was needed to hold and develop that interest. It therefore seemed to be the Lord's will...

    It now became clear to me that the Lord... I therefore understood it to be the Lord's will ...

    I went to the Lord with this, as with every trial; I told Him just how it seemed to me, how anxious I felt for the dear sheep, who having their appetites sharpened by the Truth were by their very hunger exposed to Satan's deceptions. I told him that I realized that He was the Shepherd and not I, but I knew also that he would be pleased with my interest in the sheep and my desire to be His servant and to declare the Truth, the Way and the Life to them; that I felt deeply impressed that if the time had come for the permission of a false view to deceive the unworthy, it must also be His due time to have the truth on the same subject made clear, that the worthy ones might be able to stand, and not fall from the Truth.
    Believing that the due time had come for the correct understanding of the meaning of the Jewish sacrifices which all Christians see were typical of "better sacrifices," and trusting that the Lord would grant the insight as soon as I got into the attitude of mind best fitted to receive the light, I prayed with confidence...

    But on the third day, near noon, the whole matter came to me as clear as the noonday sun--...

    So here's how God inspires: by guiding thoughts, actions, and attentions; by answering prayers and implanting ideas.

    Suppose someone believed their thoughts were being guided by God, but they were mistaken?

    Genesis contains the account of Noah and the flood. I've read many discussions about the flood itself. Because this was a single event which happened thousands of years ago the debate may never be conclusively ended. I look at an event in the same account that repeats itself every day. Namely: "Ge 9:13-14 "I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. And it shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud,..." Ge 9:16 "When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth." Some bibles say "rainbow", so I studied the hebrew word. The same word is used 4 other times in Genesis (21:6, 27:3,48:22, & 49:24), all refer to a bow and arrow. Throughout the bible this same hebrew word is descibing a bow (a weapon). Common sense tells me that hanging up your weapon (your bow) would be viewed as a sign of peace as stated in the account. It "fits" the meaning of the account. Therefore I believe "bow" is more correct.
    My hypothesis: An ancient hebrew who works outdoors (let's say a shepherd) gets caught in a thunderstorm. As scary as this would be for you or I, this man "knows" that God and his angels control the wind, rain, lightning, and thunder. He would logically conclude that God was angry with him. Perhaps he prays and asks God to spare him. Then something wonderful happens. The storm stops, the sun comes out and a beautiful band of color appears in the sky. Since God heard the shepherd's prayer, perhaps the shepherd can receive communications from God as well. Maybe not the actual "voice" of God, but a guided thought process. He prays for divine guidance in solving the mystery of this beautiful thing in the sky. Using his knowledge and reason he examines the evidence: 1) this thing is in heaven therefore it belongs to God 2) It is arched like a bow , so it might be God's bow 3) It appeared after the violence of the storm ended, so it may be a sign of peace. Conclusion: God hangs His bow on a cloud as a sign of peace after the violence of the storm.
    To check my hypothesis I realized that if God had a bow He would also have arrows. I did a word search for arrows in the bible: "Psa77:17 The clouds poured out water: the skies sent out a sound: thine arrows also went abroad. 2 Samuel 22:15 He shot arrows and scattered [the enemies], bolts of lightning and routed them. Psalm 18:14 He shot his arrows and scattered [the enemies], great bolts of lightning and routed them. Psalm 144:6 Send forth lightning and scatter [the enemies]; shoot your arrows and rout them. Psalm 64:7 But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded. Num24:8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows. Deu32:23 I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. Psa7:13 He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors." Conclusion: the bible says a rainbow is God's bow and lightning are His arrows.
    While the shepherd sincerely believed he was given divine guidance in determining the true nature of a rainbow, I question if this part of the bible was really from God or merely from the mind of man. Common knowledge tells me that rainbows are refracted light and lightning is a discharge of electricity. In describing the above to a christian friend, he presented the following arguments:
    1) God "dumbed-down" the truth so it would be acceptable to the understanding of the men at that point in history. My reply: Noah had just been saved from the greatest diaster of all time BECAUSE of his faith in what God said, do you really think he would quit trusting what God said NOW? For example, if God said, "Dear Noah all the colors you see there are contained in the light of the sun."; would Noah really question this? Also, I believe God's message is written for all men at all times, not tailored to one point in history.
    2) This part of the flood account could be figurative, not literal. My reply: Many christians feel free to split a single story into some literal parts and some figurative parts, but still claim it as "true". In this case my friend believes the flood occurred literally, but the rainbow part is figurative. I could just as easily claim the whole story is figurative. Some religions even split a single verse. There seems to be no logic or reason to this labeling. Who decides what is literal and what figurative? Can it all be figurative? I think you must read and study and decide for yourself.
    3) The bible is a spiritual book, not a scientific one. My reply: I agree! That is why I don't find it necessary to claim that every single word is from God Himself to understand the spiritual message contained in the bible. You are of course free to believe that God uses a rainbow to shoot lightning arrows to earth, thus making every word "true".


  • whyhideit

    The Bible is inspiring to individuals at times, but not inspired by God.

  • joannadandy

    Once in an ancient tomb the words were inscribed:

    "Here I sit broken hearted, tried to sh*t and only farted"

    That's powerful stuff my friend!! Inspired even. The struggle of man to have a good bowel movement. It's about as inspired as the Bible is as far as I am concerned.

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