Who Created Jehovah (Yahweh)?

by Satanus 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Satanus

    Why, the jews, of course. They wrote the ot god stories that collesced into the entity that ended up being called yahweh. Chistians stole their god from them, renovated him, gave him psychotherapy, then gave him new life. Since then, they have been busy selling him to the rest of the world


    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 January 2003 4:14:26

    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 January 2003 4:15:36

  • StinkyPantz

    Say it ain't so!

  • Satanus


    Honest to osiris. He told me so himself.


  • StinkyPantz

    But the Good Book says that "Jehovah" has no beginning and no end, you must be mistaken.

  • Satanus


    The jews wanted a god that was better, stronger, meaner, smarter and whatever elser, than the gods of the folks around them. The jews felt inferior to other folks around them. The other nations were the old timers there. They were stronger, had developed more culture. So, the newer, better jewish god helped make up for the jewish inferiority. Kinda like whose dick is bigger.


  • Mackin

    If something has no beginning and no end, it can only mean one thing....It doesn't exist!

    So really the bible explains the truth about God quite accurately really.


  • Satanus

    According to the bible, until the time of abraham, yahweh didn't make his name known to his devotees. That means noah, abel and others supposedly faithful, were worshipping a god whose name they knew not. Noah even built his boat for his unknown god.

    Later, many different names were put on the jewish diety. Yahweh of armies, yahweh nissi, baal, lord. In writing genesis, moses, the claimed author used the term elohim. Elo = goddess, him = masculine plural, in other words, 'the gods', generally. Towards the middle of the ot, the use of yahweh became quite popular. Strangely, the later ot books again started to avoid divine name usage (yes, because of fear of him). Even more strangely, the divine appellation is totally gone from the nt. The standard christian reason given is because yahweh incarnated as jesus. If this were true, then why was not jesus called yahweh since when he was born? At any rate, jesus christ would then be added to the list of vocolisations by which jews called their god.


  • AjaxMan


    You're right on where Yahweh came from.

    However, the name Jehovah was a translation made by (of all people) a Spanish Catholic or Jesuit monk during the middle ages with the word "jehova" (pronounced hae-oo-va with strong accentuation at the last a).

    Isn't it ironic that a non-JW (there weren't any JWs during that time) made up the name "Jehovah"?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Why is this starting to make more sense than anything else? I am so confused <hugs head>


  • nightwarrior

    Why would the jewish nation feel inferior in that day and age ,i beleive the catholics see jehovah as they see jesus as being one of the same, therfore his name being seen as one and the same then that settles that ,why do you call yourselfy ( saint ,satan , ) You must have some love or concern within your soul,as you are after all named after a saint,i think we need to be looking towards our inner selves and inner light,then we may glimpse a little of the confusion around us ,guess what ,you are quoting from records or literature which we all pick up knowledge from,everything you know comes from someone else, or another, computer , try & stop to take aslow long look into the creation around you and brother ,when you know & feel ,life that jehovah god /a creatyor created life ,then you had better pray ,that you never meet him or her for your lack of faith,not that it affects me ,as i find you & your postings quite amusing ,

    were you an ex j.w or have you allways been arebel . just curiouse

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