Hello all. Just introducing myself

by JamesThomas 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Hi James, and welcome!

    I only have to wear my flakjacket occasionally


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy and welcome! I wear my flak jacket all the time, but rarely need it.

  • Outaservice

    Hi James Thomas,




  • Jesika

    First I wanna say Outaservice---sheesh what a welcome.

    James Welcome and I enjoyed your post too.

    You made alot of good points. I for one don't "hate" the WTS, but I do hate what they do to people's lives. They tell people they are a "loving org" but they are far from it. The only love I have seen are those individuals within the org that are just good people at heart ---JW or not. Which has nothing to do with what the WTS teaches.

    When certain ones come here who are studying with JW's and want the "real story", I have told them to research both sides and to draw their own conclusion. If they can't see the hypocrisy for themselves through all the false prophecies, then that is their choice to continue to study with the JW's. I won't lie, it does break my heart if they continue but I don't judge them for it.

    I didn't have a choice--I was born into it and made the decision to leave. So, everyone must choose their own path and if that means being a JW, I wish them the best.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.


  • pr_capone

    Welcome! Hope you find this place as encouraging as I have!

  • Shakita

    Hi and welcome:

    You said in your post:

    I find that evil and suffering are often carried in my pocket; and are something I can discard.

    It is great that this can work for you. Nothing good can come from harbouring hatred in our hearts.

    But what you must remember is, some of us here have had our hearts permanently scarred. Some of us still have family who are shunning us and causing indescribable pain. Some of us are cut off from the only family we will ever have. Some of us leave the organization of lies knowing that we will leave family and friends we love behind. We do this because we cannot discard what we have learned about the WT, we cannot go on living a lie and promoting a lie.

    That is what is so great about this place. You can say what is in your heart, good and bad, and let your feelings out. Freedom of speech, isn't that what the WT has fought for all these years? Too bad they don't practice what they preach.

    Great post and looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Prisca

    Welcome James.

    You bring a refreshning change in perspective, and I hope you continue to post here. I definitely know what it's like to have everyone disagree with you, but it helps to be stubborn sometimes

  • mouthy

    Welcome James! First let me say I honestly hate no one.... Secondly let me say I think it is cruel the way the ORg parts families.Just because I didnt believe Jesus came in 1914 they have told my daughter & grandchildren & great grandchildren I am apostate & must not even say "hello" to me. I love those folks more than you could know -I dont even hate the "TOP GUYS" I think they are followers of followers, just as I was. I dont think we have the right though to say to those on here who do hate them.....you mustnt!!!!-they are only doing what we were taught in the Borg....

    I hope you post again - isnt it great to be able to express ourselves openly- Yes I get "ticked" off occasionally but I feel that help me see myself as others see me. ( a gift from God)

    "Oh the gift that God had give us to see ourselves as other see us"O.K. Folks who said that????I like it!!!!

  • teejay

    Very fine post, James T, and welcome to the funny farm.

    You seem to be seeking a balance in your life that's not totally devoid of compassion for JWs. It is a worthwhile goal. You also hold a view that I also share -- that the JW life may be a lifestyle that others enjoy... even benefit from. In certain ways and for certain people, it is the only way to live.

    Since the time I first posted on Internet discussion forums ten years ago, I have never bashed JWs or categorically demonized the Organization. How could I, having been one for more than thirty years?

    I look forward to your posts on other topics as they come up. Again... welcome.


    I think that as Witness's we were subtly programmed to hate and despise other than our own; and as ex-JW's we often carry that programming with us. -- James T
    Not me. I hate everyone equally. -- Farkel

    Farkel....do you see a reflection when you pass a mirror? -- RubyTuesday

    Now *that* was funny, RT!

  • Skeptic

    Welcome to the board!


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