Newly DA'ed Our story

by Robotnomore 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Welcome Robotnomore!!

    Glad you and your wife are free!! I know it is hard when others don't follow but, give it time.

    There is so much against The WTBS that theya re bound to hear some of it and come ask you questions

    Again, Welcome!!



    For the misses

  • Pathofthorns

    Just wanted to welcome you.. The Proclaimers book had a significant part in my leaving as well so I found it interesting you should mention that.

    I have not been able to get my family out and that has been disappointing. But with others I have found that living a good life and enjoying it outside of "the lie" and patience to be the most helpful in getting others to leave. Directly tearing down someone's beliefs and being bitter about the past will often have the opposite effect than intended.


  • spec

    50 years, wow, I'm really pissed off I wasted 25 years and I thought I was hard done by.

  • outnfree

    Welcome to the board, Mr. & Mrs. Robotnomore!!!

    I, too, chuckled at "the comics" remark -- very clever!

    DA'd myself, I am fortunate to have no family "in" (just a dear friend), but I wish you all the best in trying to s-l-o-w-l-y extricate your loved ones from the grip of the true apostates.


  • mouthy

    Welcome Mr & Mrs Robotnomore... So glad to know you saw the light at the end of the tunnell.

    If ANYONE know how to get folks out of the "LIE" I want to know also.I have a daughter & grandchildren there. I will check Amazings site again....

  • Shakita

    Hi and Welcome to the forum Robotnomore:

    Wow, 50 years! Doesn't it feel great, though, to know you didn't sacrifice your whole life and die remaining faithful to a lie?! Now you and your wife have the rest of your life to be free to believe whatever you feel is right without fear and guilt.

    My husband and I also found out the truth about the WT this past year. It has been a roller coaster ride for us emotionally. And, until we have our whole family out of the "lie", we will continue to ride this roller coaster I'm afraid. But, that is the legacy of being a JW. We will never give up trying.

    I wish you and your wife the very best in trying to get your remaining family members free. The website has some very good information on it concerning helping family members see the real truth. I suggest baby steps. That is what we are doing. If you throw a bunch of stuff at them all at once, they will think you have been "brainwashed" by apostates! And, they will not talk with you again on anything spiritual. Baby steps is best.

    Take care, and hope to hear again from you soon.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • JT

    i have much respect for you cause i can't imagine what it must have been like to be a jw living during the height of the nationalism and patriotic fever that swept this country and yet you had to be made to stand out like a sore thumb-

    welcome and i truly wish you the best-

  • garybuss

    Welcome! I walked away in 1974 and have been snubbed, shunned, ostracized, yelled at, and slandered by my Witness relatives for years. If they left the JW's, I would go back in just to get away from them.

    There is no current Witness I would like to see quit distributing religious literature for free for the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation. They are with their peers and are where they belong.

    The Way I See it

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Robotnomore...Great introduction post. Welcome. Glad you decided to start posting and join our discussions. I look forward to reading your posts!


  • TweetieBird

    Welcome to the board! I loved reading your colorful experience.

    Don't give up on your children that are still in. My dad disassociated himself and tried to get the rest of the family out. It took me about 10 years for some of the things he said to me to sink in. I wish it had sunk in earlier but I am a bit of a hard-head. One of the things that did stick was that someday the society would have to drop the 1914 doctrine (lie) and that would cause a domino effect since everything hinged on 1914. It didn't mean much to me at the time until the "new light" came out about 1914. Lightbulbs started going off in my head.

    Be patient with them, if you think they would read a letter from you, maybe put in writing why you now see things differently. Our brains are like computers, we have the ability to store bits of information and sometimes that information comes pounding to the forefront and tells us that something is just not right.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

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