The Next Teaching to Fall

by Blueblades 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    While many have had their hopes dashed concerning the change on This "GENERATION " teaching, there is yet another Teaching yet to Fall very soon.It must and will fall because it connected to the Generation doctrine that has already been changed.

    The Teaching that could shortly cause the Governing Body a serious problem and could bring about a major change for the vast majority of the rank and file is "The GREAT TRIBULATION".While this teaching has been put off to the " Indefinite Future"the GB.continues to have a serious problem with it.If the Great Tribulation fails to occur reasonably soon,the doctrine concerning the earthly hope for the vast majority of JW'S.will have proven to have been false.The' Great Crowd' are those who will have come out of the Great Tribulation.According to the Society those persons began to be identified as present as early as 1932.So the youngest members are now in their 70's or 80's.

    Again, the TIME-LINE is running out! And has the potential of adversely affecting hundreds of thousands of other witnesses in the not to distant future,as time passes without the fulfilment of their hopes for a New Heavens and a New Earth.

    Also, some time ago,there was a Watchtower study article, I don't remember which one it was .It SPIRITUALIZED, Armageddon! Psalm 91,especially verse said that a thousand will fall at your very side and ten thousand at your right hand,applies to those leaving the Org. NOW! Maybe someone can find it in 'Quotes'.and post it for us. Blueblades

  • Inkie

    "According to the Society those persons began to be identified as present as early as 1932.So the youngest members are now in their 70's or 80's."

    Yes, the Society taught that between the two world wars, that was the period that the days of the great tribulation were "cut short" such that the great crowd began appearing or "came out." In 1969 the teaching of the great tribulation was put off to an indefinitely future time. But they forgot to put the great crowd into the indefinitely future time also. You CANNOT keep the one (great crowd) if you throw out that which causes their coming into being. Yes, the teaching will fall shortly.


  • freedom96

    I love thinking about such things. I would like to think that there is only so much that our friends and relatives can take of this garbage. When it happens to themselves, without us telling them about it, maybe they will be more receptive, and realize what is going on with the WTS.

    That is one reason I am buying as much time with my friends as possible. One day they may see the light.

  • Analysis

    The Great Tribulation as you said was extended to a future date. And I think the "Millions Now Living" quote from Rutherford has already proven to be false. So I really do not see the issue with those of the Great Crowd in the 1932 as being a big deal.

    The Generations and the Separating the Sheep from the Goats changes really should have had a larger impact then they did. Do not get me wrong I know many who have left. But, on the world level they are still growing.

    I really do not see any major Doctrinal Changes coming in the near future. Lawyers attempting to protect the assets of the Corporation are running the organization. They will continue to gloss over the teachings as they have for the past 10-years or so.

    Any major changes will come when they are forced to change by Governments. Such as the thread on shunning and child custody, or blood, voting, and child abuse, these are the areas of change in the future.

  • blondie

    Blueblades, there is always the principle the WTS uses that prophecy is not understood until after it has been fulfilled.

    They could say later that the destruction of Babylon the Great has already started but is not complete and that the Great Tribulation has begun invisibly and the separation of the sheep and the goats has started also invisibly. After all it worked in 1914.

    1927 Prophecy can not be understood until it has been fulfilled or is in the course of fulfillment. From 1874 to 1914 the prophecy concerning the Lord's coming was being fulfilled and could be understood, and was understood, by those who were faithful to the Lord and who were watching the development of events, but not by others. (Creation; 1927; p. 290)

    *** w51 7/1 399 Release to the Captives ***

    It is further established that prophecy may be understood only after it has been fulfilled or during the course of its fulfillment. No matter who tried to grasp the meaning of these visions they could never know until Jehovah the "revealer of secrets" (Dan. 2:47) disclosed them by bringing the actual events to pass .

    Mans Salvation Book pages 190-1

    Chapter 11 No Harming nor Ruining in the Spiritual Paradise
    Therefore the time for the fulfillment of Isaiahs prophecy concerning the transformation of the disposition of animal life dates from the postwar year 1919 C.E. onward.

    This marked the beginning of a period of education in the written Word of God from the standpoint that Bible prophecy is best understood after it has been fulfilled. So there needed to be a correction of our previous views, and the surviving remnant of spiritual Israel needed to be readjusted to the postwar realities and opportunities.

    Blondie (can't get the red out)

  • Moxy

    why shouldnt all the statements about millions never dying simply have their fulfillment moved farther and farther forward as need be? after all, all the bible statements on the matter have been moved forward thousands of years and theres no indication that the writers thought they were speaking of anything but the present. my favourite is the old WT standby 2 tim 3. remember that? 'in the last days there will be critical times... etc.' remember how it ends? in speaking to timothy, paul describes the people in the last days and tells him: "...from these turn away." he clearly thought the last days would occur in his lifetime! but no one has the slightest qualm imposing future meaning onto the words where none is implied. the same will be true of russell and rutherford.


  • Banshee

    First we get new light

    Which then becomes old light.

    Rank and file wonder

    Is this a freakin' strobe light?

    They do a bit of research and

    Conclude there was NO light!

    -----Banshee P.S. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • kelsey007

    I saw Jerry Falwell being interviewed on Donahue last night- If you think the JWs are out ther on the tribulation story you should have heard this guy! He is one sick pup. These guys tore him up! It was a trip. One guy stood up and said I am an anthiest- Are you telling me that I will burn in hell! Made the JW thing look kind of tame LOL

    BTW Jerry proudly announced that he is buying a new Hummer and that neither he nor Jesus knows what Jesus would drive LOL LOL LOL

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 24 December 2002 16:1:51

  • Blueblades

    Hi INKIE! " You said that in 1969 they put off the GT.for an indefinitly future time." I thought that they clearly marked 1975 just six yrs. away from 1969 as the time when the GT., Armageddon, and the New System would be here?Now that it has not happened yet, they have put it off to the indefinite future.

    Hi ANALYSIS! "On the world level they are still growing". Despite the continued growth the future does not seem bright for them.And it has been discussed here before that the figures of growth are questionable! But growth is not the question ,it is the truthfulness of the teaching that is the question.

    Also,the legal dept.concerns itself with procedures and policy.The writing dept concerns itself with doctrinal issues such as when the GT. will arrive. Thanks for your input Blueblades

  • RandomTask

    The problem as I see it is that for many JWs, new light is thirsted for, they look forward to it. Like Pavlov's dogs they go to the conventions salivating at the possibility of "Jah" telling them a new way to live their lives. New light has become deeply ingrained in them and they not only expect it, they welcome it with open arms.

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