Paranoid Schizophrenia

by Nickey 33 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • jgnat

    And exactly what productive result would come of telling the elders about it?

  • wildfire

    DEAR NICKEY...... PLEASE LISTEN TOME ,,,,, I HAVE A 22 YR OLD SON WHO IS IN PRISON RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THE BIZARRE BEHAVIOUR THAT STARTED WHEN HE WAS 20,,,,,, he stole a car and when the police stopped him he said he was obiwon kenobi of starwars and he was on a mission to save the princess..... he also talked to the tv set,,,, knew what they were going to say to him.....and also like your mother could act perfectly normaL when he had to..... but i had togo to court to get him committed and there he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia,,,,, it broke my heart ,,,,,, he spent some time in a psyche ward but when he got out he wouldnt take his meds so he decided toleave the state (which he was not to do ,, he was on probation) he left and met up with his brother in florida and the craziness did not stop...... he abandoned his car and stole 2 other cars and ended up in prison.... I just came from seeing him today......he has an uncle that became this way around the same age as him.... so genetics does play a the movie a BEAUTIFUL MIND AND I THINK YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY TRUELY GO THRU...... (RUSSEL CROWE,, RON HOWARD DIRECTED AND WON AN OSCAR FOR IT) WE MUST CARE AND BE PATIENT AND LOVE THEM AND NEVER GIVE UP ON THEM........SHE NEEDS HELP AND THE ORG WILL NOT GIVE HER THE PROPER HELP BELIEVE ME NICKEY I KNOW ..........

  • SPAZnik

    Nickey, please remember that you are the child and she is (supposed to be) the parent.
    If she can't help herself or you, due to mental health issues of some kind,
    the first thing you need to do, is get help for yourself.
    Getting help for yourself is the first and most important step
    in order to ever truly be able to help her.

    A Beautiful Mind, is a great movie. It really depicts one family's struggle with this disease very well (except for the sexual and spiritual sides of it). In real life though, Schizophrenics rarely acknowledge their disease or understand it as a disease. Professional help IS needed. Educate yourself and get support for yourself first. There are support groups for this kind of thing.

    As for the elders, they are trained to handle "spiritual" matters within the confines of their religion. They are not educated/trained in handling things like paranoia and schizophrenia or other such mental health issues. It would not make sense to expect them to help you with this sort of thing.

    Here's a website for locating Schizophrenia support groups:

    Perhaps they can direct you to a chapter local to you. They can also help you in handling what you are dealing with and give excellent advice on how to go about getting your mom properly assessed/diagnosed by a psychiatrist. They can help you one step at a time. They know all the "ins and outs" of this kind of thing. Good Luck Nickey.

    Here's another site that may be of use to you.


  • Nickey

    wildfire and spaz,

    I've heard about that movie Beautiful Mind. I saw a snippet of it. But I'll go and rent it again and watch it. I heard it was pretty good.

    It's just so unpredictable because it pops up. One minute, they're normal and the next they're off the edge because they "truly" believe in whatever is in their minds. The ideas are so real to them and it's hard to convince them otherwise.

    I don't trust in the org, because I've personally seen and experienced how they've dealt with certain situatuions. It made things worse and I don't intend on making the same mistakes.

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