Change your world...

by VeniceIT 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Ven -- what a beautiful woman you have become. I love you, crazy lady who almsot ran over me the day we met. You are one of those rare people who touched me in a very special way, and helped me to grow, and for that I will always thank you.

    Much Love,


  • xenawarrior


    And a great attitude! I'm glad things are getting better for you. May this New Year bring you all sorts of wonderful adventures!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family !!


  • jurs


    What an encouraging post.

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


  • Mac

    Wonderful post ,Venny.........great attitude and insight!!! Thank you for sharing.


  • LyinEyes

    Venice it does my heart good to see what a person can do when faced with the hardest choices in their lives, they decide to live.

    Growing up , people in my life just gave up , I saw people get old and die,I was even afraid to live , live life because I was afraid someone would just die on me. I put myself in a shell for years and years. This last year has been a new way of living for me too. I am really living.

    I am so proud of you Venice for living , being happy, and being able to accept the past for what it was. I know what you mean about looking back at the family videos, I do that with pictures, instead of crying all the time, I can smile at alot of them. Even if things were not always great , there were good times and that is what I want to hold on too.

    Keep up the good work Ven, and keep laughing and smiling and being so full of life.

    Beans,,,,,,,,,, those lines to live by you wrote pretty much sum up the way I want to be.

  • Pathofthorns

    I thought this was one of your more interesting posts Venice...

    I sometimes forget how horrible it was when everything I believed in turned out to be a lie and sometimes it is good to remember that when talking with active JW's. Most of us here made a huge decision when we left and sometimes I think how remarkable it is that we made it past that dark period.

    There is an incredible peace once the dust settles and things have worked out rather well for me. I know that others are not so fortunate and it is something that I think about often.

    Your comments on dealing with feelings as they happen I think are good. Too many I know never dealt with them and maybe went overboard on a few things to bury their pain. For a while these people can shine and be on top of the world but eventually all these things they have ran away from come back to haunt them.

    People that manage to work through the pain will find themselves much stronger for having suffered through it. I wouldn't wish something so horrible on anyone, but unfortunately it seems to be the only way out and I respect everyone that could make that choice.


  • VeniceIT
    I thought this was one of your more interesting posts Venice...

    I'm afraid to know what you think of the others

    Thanks EVERYONE I luv you all, and being here and being able to share my thoughts and feelings. I know some of you were worried about me, hell so was I. I'm on the upswing though now. Thanks for your love and kindness, happy holidays!!!


  • justhuman

    Great post

    I took some tips for my self...

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