Change your world...

by VeniceIT 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    Life is a journey, and it sounds like you have made progress from the WTS control. Congrats, and always remember life is what you make it out to be!

  • happyout

    Thanks, Venice, for a great post. I wish I could somehow get my family to see the "truth". I admire you for standing up for your real beliefs, and I hope that someday you will get to hug and kiss your niece, sister, and brother in law.

    Happy Holidays!!


  • LovesDubs

    Thanks Vennie...upward and onward for us eh? Lead boots and all xoxox

  • riz


    you are a beautiful person- inside and out!

    i'll try to remember your words when the gestapo comes for me. i can feel it in the air.

    love, riz

    by the way, you have mail.

  • VeniceIT

    Thanks everyone, this board has been a real important part of my progress and growth, thank you so much for everything!!!

    Riz keep us posted, looks like they're cleaning out eh???


  • Mulan

    Good going, girl!!!! I knew you were worried all of us for a long time, but we knew it would take time. It took a long time of us too, but you had such a sudden, drastic effect on all of you.

    You're right about change too. The only person you can change is YOU.

    As to the gestapo.............I give us 3 months............and then we will be officially DA'd. Probably the rest of my family too. In many ways it will be a relief. I told our mutual friend "O" this morning, what the elders are doing now, and I could tell she was upset................she said "Can't you just lie to them?" You can only be evasive so long, and then it's just time! So be it. She understands, but it will sure complicate her life.

  • Beans

    Ven, great thread sister, here are a few things that I live by!

    Where ever you are, make the best of it!

    Everyone is different, some more than others!

    You cannot change people, they are what they are!

    Treat people as you wish to be treated.


  • Swan


    I'm so happy that you're happy. I could sense some of that sadness in some of your posts and I too have been concerned about you. Glad your getting a life! Isn't it wonderful? And yes, this board is a big help in getting in touch with your feelings!

    Love and hugs,


  • Solace

    I SO agree!

    I also try to remind myself that we will never be able to contol how others treat us, but we can control our reaction.

    Take Care Vennie!

  • Prisca


    Yes, it takes time to heal and grow and move on. I am glad that you have been able to do this, it is great to have seen your progress on the board over the years.

    Have a lovely Christmas with your parents and friends.

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