Why on earth do boys..............................

by Jesika 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I like to live life on the edge Shutterbug

  • wednesday

    o jess,

    i hate to tell u this, but my two teenage sons actually got on video them "lighting" thier farts. Someone told them they would actually casue a flame, and they tried it. I have to tell u- my now dgt. in law saw the video and said "that must have been the proudest day of your life as a mother" They are older now, and laugh hystericaly at the video.

  • target


    It's just beginning. Next they get into spitting. Why do men spit? Women can go all through life without having that urge. I find it most disgusting.

    If my husband had done all that burping, spitting and farting when we were dating that he does now, there is no way we would have gotten married. They save it up for after marriage when they think it is OK. No wonder there are so many divorces.


  • Robdar
    They save it up for after marriage when they think it is OK. No wonder there are so many divorces.

    Unfortunately, my husband didn't save it up til after marriage.

    I had known him a week when he first let loose. He was helping me move and as we carried my sofa down the stairs to the truck, he let one rip on every stair. Literally, it was take a step...poot. Take another step...poot. Another...poot.

    When we reached the parking lot of the apartment, I stood there aghast wondering what in the world this was that I was dating. Was it human? He looked at me, grinned and said "those damn barking spiders struck again".

    Having never heard the phrase "barking spiders" not to mention my embarrassment of hearing all that gas, I started laughing and couldn't stop even though tears were streaming down my face. I began to worry that I may not want to introduce him to my family afterall.


  • Vivamus
    Dutch Oven

    I strongly object to that terminology. [:|]

  • NoMoreJW

    My Mrs (accidentally) let one rip during a quiet moment in the book study once. Both my children, and myself, were so embarrassed! We didnt want to breathe either! hehe She has a habit of doing that at the most inopportune moments!

    Jesika, Try not to give your kids too much attention with their little game. You seem to be fuelling them to do it all the more. If they continue just tell them they stink (in a light hearted way), and if you`re in the car just wind down all of the windows, or if theyre inside tell them to go out. Its a phase that boys seem to go through. Some never finish it though - that might happen with your little angels if theyre rewarded with attention.


  • mouthy

    Gumby & Animal I laughed so hard at your remarks. Thanks I needed that

  • ballistic

    Of course, not all of us are complete animals. Farting, while a natural bodily function, should be carried out with finesse and professionalism. At work for instance, I never fart above about 5 decibels. If you mastered the art of performing it completely silently, you can actually carry this out in a lift or other confined space and then practice looking annoyed at the person in front of you.

    At home is a different story. Here one can master the art of lighting ones fart. This plays a dule role of helping heat the house while also burning off dangerous methane emissions which can damage the ozone layer. It is extremely easy to light your farts - the only problem being firstly finding your bum hole. Use a cigarette lighter, and with a little practise (and maybe enhancements to your diet) you can use it as a real party piece also.

  • animal

    Last nite, my wife and I were in the garage having a smoke.... I was sitting on my old bike, and my daughter (12) comes out and jumps on my other bike. As she is squirming around on the seat, I hear what I thought was the sound of her sliding on the vinyl seat. I look at her, and she roars with laughter! She had to get off the bike, because the noise wasnt the only part of it... it stunk! I asked her WHY she would fart on my Harley! We all laughed, it was funny.


  • cruzanheart

    Hey Jes, Tex here.

    I hit my posting limit, but I couldn't resist this thread (naturally). My kids and I like to have a burping contest to see who can burp the loudest. At lunch today I gave them both ginger ale and my son (are we surprised?) let loose with something that rattled the roof.

    Well I thought it was funny.

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