Letter From Bill Bowen

by Lin 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • mike047

    I too, wondered about the original post. I don't think IW should be faulted for her questions.

  • troucul

    what the hell is everyone talking about?

  • Lin

    "Oh Bother"! Good Gawd! I simply copy and paste the letter received from Bill for information sake and all hell breaks loose. <<shaking my head>>

    <<Bowing down in humility>> I apologize with tremendous regret that I didn't preface the letter with words to suffice everyone, I was simply passing on information, as many here do as well. Ooops I goofed! <<Bending over for my beating>>

    I shoulda prefaced the letter with, I received this from Bill Bowen, or something to that effect. Whatever. Bite me.

  • RevMalk

    Lin, maybe we can take that post down now? I'm concerned that people might not read through the thread to realize this was a grave mistake.

  • NewLight2


    A simple edit of your original post would be very helpful at this point. Just add a statement at the top of the post stating that the entire situation was just a misunderstanding and that the complete thread should be read before making any further posts regarding BB's first email.



    BB asked in a second email that the first email be removed, but at this point, I feel that would cause more damage than it would help.

  • Englishman


    Remember what L'il Miss Dynamite had to say? Your own Brenda Lee?

    Speak to me pretty!

    Obviously I don't mean Me / Me, but I do find your responses quite abrasive generally. Mulan says you're one of the Good Guys, I wish that I could see what she could see.

    Why don't you show us?


  • roybatty
    It is a shame that he is quick to smear and label people (making sure everyone reads it) without getting all the facts straight first. This happened over Ray Franz and now seems to have happened again with RevMalk.

    Why are people so quick to take offense? What's so hard about picking up the phone, calling the person and finding out what's going on?

    BTW, cut Simon some slack. His house, his rules.

  • Mulan

    Good grief!!

  • Englishman

    Good grief!!

    Oops. Er, no offence intended there, Mulan.



  • RevMalk

    Haha, Trauma really isn't a bad guy. I've grown to like him (even though he's a Gore fan!)

    As for the original Bowen email, I guess you're right, it might be best to keep it up, but maybe Lin could place something in there stating it was from Bill, and that it was a misunderstanding, and please read the entire thread, blah, blah, blah.....I've got my hands full already with 'damage control' :)

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