New to JW and looking for the right associations.

by sunflwergirl420 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • aluminutty

    What's pot and 420???

    I don't get it. What could pot and 420 have to do with each other?

    Oh, I see. . . DUH! Your talking about 420 degrees: the temperature at which heated aluminum releases the deadly gasses that make our blood poisoned, aren't you? I now see that you were being a "good Shepard" and recalling our attention to the old Watch Tower wisdom concerning this aluminum, this most vial of threats. How could I have been so blind? I for one will endeavor always to keep my pots much cooler, and I will even use stainless steel for all of my future cooking. We must follow the teachings of the Watchtower as they come straight from the creator via the F and DS. Thank you for your timely Christian guidance, brother Trauma-Hound.

    In loving Christian kindness.

    Aluminutty (want some coo lade, class)

  • PopeOfEruke
  • aluminutty

    Those darn apostates keep appropriating our symbols and such. They will pay at the day of judgment. I for one am glad there is a "new system" (TM) coming. -(

  • GentlyFeral

    Pope, shoulda tried

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Gently,

    yes, thats a good site! Thanks for it!

    I checked it yesterday after you tipped me off; I see that the the German cannibal story hasn't appeared there yet, but like you mentioned, we should check it again in a couple of weeks!


  • NewLight2


    Looking for some interesting reading?

    Check out the links below.


    Shaun's Research on the Jehovah's Witnesses
    (Site Contains Photo Documentation )

    My home page - Has lots of links to valuable information

  • sunflwergirl420

    My goals are to stay clean off of drugs and alcohol. I was into drugs pretty bad...weed, crack, cocaine. I have been clean off of drugs for about 2 months...although I know that if I'm around it I would do it. As far as alcohol...I have not gotten drunk in 1 month. I have drank about 2 beers in that month. Another of my goals is to be a good wife and mother for my family. I have been married for almost 9 years and I have 3 children ages 7, 5, and 2. My toughest goal is to resist my bisexual urges. The drugs and the bisexuality almost destroyed my marriage. My husband and I are working on what needs changed. I even took my tongue ring out which meant alot to me!!

  • metatron

    If you're having trouble resisting alcohol or drugs, I would recommend AA or a similar
    group that encourages people with these problems to look after each other.

    Unfortunately, many congregations discourage Witnesses from attending these programs,
    which is sad. They can help some people. Good associations are those that help you
    stay clean - even if they aren't Witnesses.


  • Gopher


    Best wishes in your efforts to clean up your life! It must be quite a challenge. Many on this board have probably faced some similar challenges. If your goal is to have a clean and happy life, many on the board would share that.

    As far as jumping into a new religion, all I can say is look before you leap! Keep reading on this board, and you'll find the experiences of many who sampled the very zealous religion you are now considering, and the results they had.

    Welcome to the board.

  • sunflwergirl420

    I have been attending NA, AA, and seeing a counselor and a dr. They have suggested that I take meds since in October 2001 I was admitted into a hospital for trying to commit suicide. Things just got so bad then I saw no other way out. I have been taking the meds but what has been helping me deal with things the most, in my eyes, is my daily bible readings. If I keep my mind occupied with good things than the bad do not have a chance to come out. I am looking into other religions and have been wondering if maybe just studying the bible and praying and keeping a clean lifestyle on my own is enough. My husband was a Morman when we got married but I was basically an athiest. I have always had trouble accepting any religion. Even if I don't become a member of JW I will forever be grateful to them for opening my eyes to the bible and actually helping me to understand it.

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