Where is God?

by donkey 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hannibal


    your arguement is well stated, but simple not true, for most. There are some like that

    and I agree its redicules. Its like a football player Going to one knee thanking God he

    scored a touchdown, than blaming himself for fumbling, it crazy.I remember when I first

    stopped going to the meetings my busniess was slow, my wife said ' If you keeped going to

    the meetings busniess would pick up'. I laughed, now my busniess is prospering having not

    stepped in a KH since. I dont think God cares about that. On the other hand there are

    benifits to following his principles (health,relationships,children, etc) that people are thankful for.

    I dont see anything wrong for thanking God for that.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Donkey, peace to you and you are quite welcome. I would like to continue this discussion, if I may. Thank you. You said:

    Well, lets try and put ourselves in Gods place:

    And perhaps herein is where the TRUE problem lies: you CANT put yourself in Gods place, any more than a man can put himself in a womans place a seeing man in a blind mans place a dog in a cats place... But, well, thats earthling man always trying to put himself in Gods place by trying to put Gods thoughts into his own perspective rather than putting his thoughts into Gods perspective.

    God can see everything going on, has enough power to stop the torture and abuse for the kids in the story, and God is love".

    Yes, to all three. Now, for your analogy okay, you teach son to use mower ummmm, properly, yes? In fact, you even leave him a written copy of the safety rules and tell him to read them. Okay, good start. But then your analogy fails, at least in trying to use it with reference to God. Why? Because you say:

    If you return and find that your son is not doing the job properly and is ignoring the safety rules are you going to "allow him the free will" and decide "he has to see why my way is the best way"? What if your son gets his hand caught under the lawn mower and is being mulched into little pieces, while screaming? Are you going to say: "you had free will, kiddo! I am going to leave you under the lawn mower so that your siblings can see what happens when my way is not followed"? Would you leave your kid under the lawnmower to die? Well in the analogy, mankind is the kid and God is the adult.

    Whats the problem? Well, this is not an ACCURATE analogy. What is? Your son didnt simply ignore the safety rules: he, in fact, chose to ignore them over and over and over again, DESPITE your repeated warnings, even playing around with sticking his hand quite close to the blades, DESPITE seeing what happened to the neighbors kid, etc. You threatened him with taking away the mower. His response? You dont trust me to do it myself. I HEARD what you said; now leave me alone and let me mow it MY way. What do you do? Take the mower away, of course. But what if your son said over and over and over again, Okay, Pop, I hear you. I wont do it again, I promise. Let me do it; let me SHOW you I can be trusted.

    And once again, as soon as you turn your back he goes right back to playing around with the blades? Can you truly say he didnt know any better? And when his hand finally gets chopped off, can the neighbors say it was YOUR fault, that you didnt teach him properly? But when you asked him, he ASSURED you that he knew the rules, in fact he could recite them for you backwards and forwards. But he CHOOSES not to abide by them! THAT is the accurate analogy, dear one.

    I know that believers will try and come back with "the analogy is flawed".

    Ummmm... well...

    You won't even look at the TRUTH and the reality of the situation.

    Truly, I did. But did you? Because if you really think about it, is your analogy the TRUTH and reality of the situation? Isnt the truth and reality that the one I was permitted to give you is in fact more accurate?

    If there is a God who is love (1 John 4:8) he would not allow this stuff to go on - just to show us that we have free will and that his way of doing things is the best. If a parent actually did as the parent in my analogy did everyone would be saying "what a sick egotistical bastard". That father deserves to be shot.

    God is love and it is His hands off approach that proves such: He is giving us what WE asked for. The same as any parent today, who has a rebellious child would do: sooner or later you just gotta LET GO and let your child learn from the school of hard knocks. For some parents, theres nothing you can do. Because at some point, that child IS an adult with free will. Unfortunately, some children NEVER learn and carry their failure over to the detriment of others. Think delinquent: their acts dont usually affect only them, do they? At what point do we stop blaming the parent and start blaming the child?

    You have 3 choices:

    1. Go on making excuses for the lack of intervention on the part of God

    2. Hold God accountable

    3. Figure out if God exists at all....once you decide to look objectively (I mean objectively with no pre-disposed bias to make excuses for the flaws in what you believe) you will see reality. You will also for the first time in your life experience two things: real freedom and also a sense of emptiness.

    Well, for choice #1, God does not need me to make excuses for Him. But if simply stating the truth translates to an excuse to you I dont know what I can do about that. Note, sometimes the truth is thought to be an excuse (WHY did you do it, Billy? Well, because)

    Regarding choice #2, I have to point out your error here: WE cannot hold God accountable. You can hold accountable someone that has some authority higher than him/it, which authority can punish or exact restitution from such one. And since there is no one higher, nor any who can either punish God or demand restitution from Him your choice is invalid. However, God DOES have authority over earthling man and thus He can and will call for an accounting. Sorry, but that IS the truth like it or not.

    As for choice #3 I have personally have no pre-disposed bias for God as I know Him NOW by means of knowing Christ is NOTHING like earthling man has made Him out to be, particularly the false prophets of the WTBTS. And it is in knowing Him that I DO in fact know real freedom: I have the FREEDOM to love whomever I wish and myself without hesitation. I dont have to worry that my love and/or concern for another individual because of THEIR relationship with God or lack thereof has ANYTHING at all do with MY relationship with Him. I can help whom I want HOW I want whether they are known to me or not. For I can even love my enemy, regardless of whom earthling man may consider that to be and how he (earthling man) might feel about my doing so. Does that leave me feeling empty? Oh, my dear one, no nonononononono. For since having received the spirit of God, holy spirit, by means of which God and Christ now dwell IN me (Romans 8:9-11; John 14:23) have made their abode WITH me I am FILLED.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    Ahhh, now, dearest Reborn again, peace to you!

    Bottom line: When innocent children are molested, tortured, and murdered, an all-powerful deity who is the perfect manifestation of love does not intervene and prevent or stop such suffering.

    And what would you have Him do, Reborn? And at what point? Tell me, please. Tell Him. Hes listening. If you are right and He is wrong tell Him just what it is that you would have Him do.

    When a believe replies with "which God?" it is a diversionary tactic in an attempt to cast blame away from the particular God they worship.

    Not diversionary, and not a tactic. It was a valid question, to which, I might point out no one replied. As for attempting to cast blame away, I have in fact given you the reasons why my Father has not acted. Several reasons. Several valid reasons. If you are unwilling to accept such reasons, then what? Should I change the reasoning to suit you? But then, that would not be the TRUTH, would it, but simply a means for tickling you ears. Havent you had enough of THAT already?

    Fortune 500 Companies are green with envy over such public relations representatives who work for free and act on things unseen (faith) If something good happens, praise God, if something bad happens, divert blame (must be some other God or he wasn't obligated to act in this particular case)

    I wouldnt know what Fortune 500 get envious over, truly; I also wish you to know that neither is the case when it comes to those things that YOU might consider good as well as what you consider diverting blame. God is not dealing with what you all believe He is what earthling man has told you He is. He is dealing with His people Israel (not Israel that is of the flesh, per se, but that which has shown itself to be Israel, by means of having His law written on their hearts). But for SOME reason, you have a bit of a time grasping that. And why is that? Because you are angry. And anger always always puts a veil over sight, so as not to see clearly. Always.

    Bottom line: Basically all cultures and religions believe in the same premise that an omnipotent, omniscient God exists.

    Ummmm. methinks you err here, RB truly...

    Beliefs vary a bit but all still believe in one God who created all things and is all powerful.

    Again, I think you are in error, truly, but what do I know?

    When you start resorting to semantics such as "which God" then you are getting desperate.

    We addressed that desperate thing in the previous post

    When Islamic children are beaten and mutilated for no good reason then Allah is accountable?

    I dont know IS he? If not, why not?

    Or if it was a JDub kid then Jehovah is accountable?

    You tell me. Cause like I said, Im not sure WHICH god youre blaming here.

    Are you then trying to say that all these Gods actually exist?

    Their followers certainly believe they do, dont they? As well as make it CLEAR that one is not the other, yes?

    Then you are a multitheist and guilty of blasphemy for acknowledging other Gods and not giving yours exclusive devotion.

    Youre trippin, RB. First, even MY God says, through His Son, my Lord there are many gods. Satan... is a god (of this system of things). Baal was/is a god. As are Allah, Buddha, etc., etc. Now, whether they are 'real' or TRUE is another story and my Father has no problem with me acknowledging that there are those CALLED god(s) by others. So, c alm down, please and get a grip. Oh, and find out what blasphemy is before you go around accusing folks of it. For it is a VERY serious matter and accusation.

    Or are you just crying out "which God" because surely YOURS the "only true God" cannot be responsible.

    Well, no, thats not why, but it is true. Now, whether I can convince you of that is another story. I dont think I can nor it is my job to do so. The ONLY way that you would know is to KNOW the Truth (John 14:6) just as I do and have that One set you free, just as he released me. (John 8:32, 36) But simply me telling you: when has Israel EVER truly listened to those sent to her? I am not concerned over your lack of faith, RB. That is a problem for you and my Lord to work out. Truly.

    It has to be someone else's fault.

    Surely. Say, how 'bout... ummmm the person(s) who commit the wrong act(s)? You think it might be his/her/their fault? I do but then, what do I know, right?

    Do you really expect me or any rationally-thinking person to believe that if the child called out "Jah Miscajah save me!" (thereby calling out the correct name of the God you worship) instead of "Allah" or "Jah", etc. fire and brimstone would part the heavens and something would happen?

    Er?! Fire and brimstone part the heavens? Uhhhhh no, I think not. But would it need to? As for something would happen, I have to say, absolutely. As to WHAT would happen, I cannot say, for it is not my call, is it?

    It would truly make a difference?

    Believe it or not, it would. Its has to do with that calling on the name of JAH and getting away safe thing.

    Or is God so vain so as to say he or she did not call me by the right name, let them die.

    Well, skirting the FACT that if He chose to be "vain", He could be (but, He's not... so, that's not an issue...), I have to point out that you... like many others... assume that God is sitting there, chin in hand watching each and every act we do. Actually, others are doing that... and writing it down (remember the "secretary 's inkhorn"? Remember the "Book of Life" and "Lamb's Book?" Sure you do! I do know, however, that whenHe hears His name He responds. Just l ike you tend to do when you hear yours.

    Or how about why your God didn't use enough foresight to see to it his creation was properly instructed what the right name is?

    Oh, hold on there, Tonto! May I refer you to Jeremiah 8:8, please? Read that, and then get back to me on who did and didnt do what.

    Instead.. thousands of years of bloodshed and confusion because everyone thinks they, their book (be it Bible, Koran, etc) and they alone are right.

    And you don't think YOU are? When you look up "blasphemy", look up "hypocrite," too, K?

    You go on making excuses for the lack of intervention on the part of God.

    No, I am just trying to stand in the gap and respond to false accusations made against someone I love and KNOW... someone near and dear to me. I would do it for you, too, had I knowledge that you were being falsely accused. I promise you, I would.

    God allegedly created humankind.

    God created one man... and one woman. And lo ok what they did... and look what one of the sons THEY "created" did to his own brother. Tell me... God warned Cain: why didn't Adam? Eve?

    To sit by idly and NOT act when one has the ability to prevent such suffering is reprehensible and disgusting.

    Tell that to the neighbors, teachers, relatives, friends, mother of the children in the article that evoked this discussion. Oh, yes, thats right we arent even considering them, are we?

    Even imperfect humans have more compassion than that.

    Just which " imperfect humans" are you referring to, RB? The father? The neighbors? Teachers? Relatives, friends, mother? who know when children are abused but remain silent? You want us to believe they... these "imperfect humans"... had/have more compassion? Truly?

    Or is God showing favoritism according to your beliefs because he chose to form a covenant in your behalf and is obligated to act for you but not for the thousands of kids who die every year?

    How many children do you have, RB? One? Two? None? Okay, lets say you have ummmm, three. How many are you obligated to act for? WHY are you obligated to act for them? Why aren't you OBLIGATED to act for my children? How 'bout the children in Afghanistan? Palestine? Israel?

    AGuest, I never ran out of rebuttal for your foolish logic. I simply out of respect and being asked not to pursue it ceased replying to your nonsense.

    Okay. If you say so, it must be true. I apologize if I pegged you wrong, truly.

    Believers like you who make excuses over and over again for God when the crux of the matter is the alleged Supreme Being who is responsible for creating all things is apathetic enough to sit by idly while dying children call out for aid. That is not wanting intervention? Your kidding yourself.

    Im not sure what youre point is, here... exactly...

    You don't understand that. Instead you state that children being mutilated either do not want intervention or God is not obligated to act on their behalf because he has not formed a covenant with them, but conveniently he has formed such a contract with you.

    Again, you misstate my words and my point... entirely. I wont try to explain again, then.

    You are now on my ignore list.

    Rant and rave after this post all you want. Anyone who flails wildly and makes excuses in the face of facts is not worthy of my time. Goodbye.

    Rant and rave? Me?! Oh, RB, honey, you dont know me at all: I can count on one hand the times I have raised my voice... in my LIFE... and that last time, literally, was in 1998. And that took a LOT for me to do, I promise you! I remember, because, as I said, it's not something I do. Most times, people ask me to speak up and/or even repeat myself because they say I speak too soft or too low. Im not a ranter or a raver, dear one, truly. I am just speaking what is true. Thats it; thats all. Please don't mistake my caps, etc., for "tone". There is none.

    And again, the greatest of peace to you and talk to you soon!

    Finally, dearest Expatbrit peace to you, dear one and I absolutely agree with you. Please know that God is not ASKING for the credit you and others speak of. The credit He asks is that when He DOES speak by means of Christ that we tell the TRUTH and say who it is, rather than give such glory to ourselves... or even to others, including other gods. I dont know this stuff, dear one ANY of it. Truly. I know the One who does, however and I hear him. For me to tell you dear folks that it's anything else, or for me to take credit would be absolutely false and misleading. And you all deserve better than that. After all of the lies youve been told by religion and particularly the WTBTS... the LEAST I can do, if I truly owe you love is to also speak truth to you.

    Again, I bid you all peace as well as ears to hear.

    Your servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • donkey

    Think I found Jesus:

  • MrMoe
  • AGuest

    GREAT posters, Mr. Moe... and peace to you!

    Looks like something the WTBTS would come up with to keep folks from parasailing, skydiving, etc., because "it shows a disrespect for life." Nevermind that Christ taught that the flesh they keep trying to convince people to want to keep... "is of no use at all." John 6:63

    I personally don't have the "guts" to do any of this stuff (well, I might be persuaded to try parasailing...), but for those who do, I say... KOWABUNGA, DUDE! GO FOR IT!!!


    A slave of Christ,


  • Realist


    as long as i can imagine something better it can't be perfect yet... about this universe: well why is it unstable? why will it either collaps or end at thermal equilibrum? why are there asteroids that will eventually hit this planet whiping out 90% or more lifeforms? why will the sun die in 5 billion years? why are there diseases? why is there suffering? why aren't we perfect? it seem God did quite a slobby job.


    actually scientists do not say the world was ever perfect...where did you get that from???

    the world was always and will always be a shitty (nevertheless the only world we have) place. come on...why did species die out billions of years before the first human came into existence? ...why is the universe itself imperfect (see above)? human activities did not alter the universal constants nor the matter distribution in the universe nor the laws it follows.

  • Iwasyoungonce


    I side with you on this one. Personally I don't take issue with order out of chaos. In fact I find some of the posts here quite comical. Even my 4 year old child comes up with better answers to problems than "Blame it on Rio...I mean God." (Same for giving credit too.)

    P.S. Mr. Moe,

    Hail to you for your post.

    Edited by - Iwasyoungonce on 16 December 2002 14:1:14

  • Realist


    what??? :-) how can you side with me??? :-)

  • AGuest
    AGuest, Actually scientists do not say the world was ever perfect...where did you get that from???

    I believe my response was

    Actually, if you ask any scientist, geologist, geographer, etc., they will in fact tell you that the earth and universe WERE "perfect"... and it is earthling man who has upset that "perfection"... even today. Think "global warming," "endangered species," "delicate ecological balance." Truly, as my Father, JAH, said of earthling man... "the defect... is their own."

    This does not take into account the imperfection of the world which I take to include the biosphere of the earth, that which contains physical life as we know it. It is only here that the balance is upset; everywhere/thing else in the universe is where it should be doing what it should be doing. Whose says that the cosmic "chaos" is not p erfect? If it's doing what it should be doing, what it was designed to do... constantly recreate... your statement universal CONSTANTS lends credence to that fact. Scientist know what they know today, even regarding things that occurred millions/billions of years ago, literally BECAUSE of that constant or perfection.

    The universe is unstable because it was created to be so. Everything is in its relative place, doing its relative job. Were it NOT then your fear of collapse or thermal equilibrium end your concern regarding asteroid collision and the sun dying out are completely unfounded. Why? Because if it were IMPERFECT all of it is pure speculation, isnt i t, for scientists have NO way of knowing what they "know", for the evidence is also unreliable. Yes?

    Stars are born and stars die. What is the result of such death? NEW forms. Life comes out of death, doesnt it? I mean, a seed has to die (germinate) in order for a plant to grow, yes? Perhaps you think that life is perfection. I tell you truly that it is not, for even wicked spirits have life. Rather, it is LOVE that is perfection and knowing LOVE that leads to eternal life. For God is eternal and God is love. Thus, knowing God... leads to everlasting life.

    Why did species die out billions of years before the first human came into existence?

    First, I think your "billions" is a bit off. Scientists currently "believe" life started about 540 million years ago... but that is another subject. To answer your question, though, because of that balance in the universe something had to die in order for life to come into existence. That, in fact, is also one of the very lessons of the Christ: HIS death meant LIFE for many.

    Why is the universe itself imperfect (see above)?

    Truly, it isnt. It is only that part of the universe in which earthling man dwells that has BECOME imperfect. And it started when MAN became imperfect.

    Human activities did not alter the universal constants nor the matter distribution in the universe nor the laws it follows.

    No, they did not alter the universe constantslaws or perfections which is what I thought we were speaking about. However, is has indeed altered those perfections with regard to where WE are... the earth/world we live in.

    As long as i can imagine something better it can't be perfect yet...

    That assumes that you are the "author" of what is "perfect". But what is "better"... or perfect... for YOU... may not be so... for ME. And certainly not for God. But I'll go with you and ask, where does this "better" that you imagine exist? Here, on earth with regard to humans? If so, then you have limited your imagination to finding perfection only in the only IMPERFECT realm of the universe.

    Why are there diseases?

    Techincally, because man introduced certain uncleanesses, including vermin and other animals, into his lifestyle one way or another. Literally, however, because man, a formerly perfect balance of flesh and spirit... SOLD that spirit... into a vessel of imperfect flesh... which is SUBJECT to disease. As a result, the "suffering" brought upon the SPIRIT... by connection to such imperfect FLESH... has also brought a "ruination" to the spirit... resulting in IT becoming "imperfect" as well. However, although we cannot return our flesh to perfection... (only a resurrection or change to an "incorrutible vessel" can do that)... we CAN return our spirit to it. How? Love.

    Back to your question: Even many of the diseases that exist today CAN be eradicated, but save for the COST have not been. Why get rid of illness when some can profit? If the pharmaceutical companies CURED those illnesses for which they have cures, how then can they profit? Wont they cure themselves right out of business? For example, why not GIVE HIV and AIDS medicines away? Why in the WORLD would you force dying people to pay for medicine to live?

    Why is there suffering?

    Because we exist in flesh. The flesh is subject to various needs: food, water, sleep, air, blood, etc. And it "suffers" if deprived of any of these. It can experience pain of heart and flesh and it can retain sickness and age. And, ultimately, it dies. The SPIRIT, however does not. It ... must be destroyed (Matthew 10:28). Thus, cut off a mans arms/legs, he will still be the SAME man inside, the SPIRIT man. However, it is the vessel that we now reside in that Adam sold us into slavery to that brings us suffering. Were there no flesh... with its blood... and thus, NO sickness NO aging NO pain NO death there would be NO suffering!

    Why aren't we perfect?

    Because Adam, who was created perfect sold his progeny us... to Death. That is why Death is the master over us and why we NEEDED someone to REPURCHASE, REDEEM, SAVE and buy us BACK from Death. For those who take advantage of such purchase Death has no sting. True, our flesh will "die"... but not our spirit.

    It seem God did quite a slobby job.

    (Smiling) Again, you accuse the wrong one. True, I cannot prove it to you, now because you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear what exists beyond the physical world, the world of flesh... with its blood. But the legal trial is not yet over, and fortunately, while there are all kinds of witnesses AGAINST my Father and my Lord there are a few of us character witnesses who still believe in standing up for our wrongly accused loved ones even if the odds and circumstances seem overwhelming.

    Why do we do it? Two reasons, the first the same reason you would: because we truly KNOW the Accused and know what He will/wont do and has/has not done. Just as you would, perhaps, know your own father and/or brother. But what YOU know you may not always be able to prove to others. So, you just have to wait until all of the testimony has been heard... and the jury returns. 2 Samuel 22:26 Psalm 37:28 Psalm 86:2 Psalm 97:10

    The second reason is that He, my Father, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies has always ALWAYS proven Himself loyal to me. When I am falsely accused and I have been many times, even here (eh, RB?) He answers. Sometimes it may seem as if it is about to be too late. But even if its in the nick of time He answers. For He also knows ME that I am not Christ, so that I can suffer even unto death nor am I Job, that I could bear up under the same trials. I am WAY weaker than both of these, and many others, and would lose the battle far, far sooner. But... He never abandons me to my accusers; I owe Him that same loyalty.

    Jeremiah 3:12

    I bid you the greatest of peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


    Edited by - AGuest on 17 December 2002 12:0:29

  • Realist

    This does not take into account the imperfection of the world which I take to include the biosphere of the earth, that which contains physical life as we know it. It is only here that the balance is upset; everywhere/thing else in the universe is where it should be doing what it should be doing. Whose says that the cosmic "chaos" is not p erfect? If it's doing what it should be doing, what it was designed to do... constantly recreate... your statement universal CONSTANTS lends credence to that fact. Scientist know what they know today, even regarding things that occurred millions/billions of years ago, literally BECAUSE of that constant or perfection.

    The universe is unstable because it was created to be so. Everything is in its relative place, doing its relative job. Were it NOT then your fear of collapse or thermal equilibrium end your concern regarding asteroid collision and the sun dying out are completely unfounded. Why? Because if it were IMPERFECT all of it is pure speculation, isnt i t, for scientists have NO way of knowing what they "know", for the evidence is also unreliable. Yes?

    Stars are born and stars die. What is the result of such death? NEW forms. Life comes out of death, doesnt it? I mean, a seed has to die (germinate) in order for a plant to grow, yes? Perhaps you think that life is perfection. I tell you truly that it is not, for even wicked spirits have life. Rather, it is LOVE that is perfection and knowing LOVE that leads to eternal life. For God is eternal and God is love. Thus, knowing God... leads to everlasting life.


    can you define what perfection is for you?

    it sounds to me as if you would for instance consider earthquakes and vulcano erruptions as something imperfect?! is that true?

    right now sometimes new things form from the death of a star...but that will not continue indefinitely. in the end everything will die and there will be no more live in this universe. it will be a dead cold universe...the universal constants will most likely still be constant but does that by itself make the universe perfect? does simple predictability make something perfect?

    i assume you view humans as something special...if so how can you view the design of our solar system as perfect if it is certain that our sun will eventually evolve into a dwarf star killing all live on this planet during the process?

    First, I think your "billions" is a bit off. Scientists currently "believe" life started about 540 million years ago... but that is another subject. To answer your question, though, because of that balance in the universe something had to die in order for life to come into existence. That, in fact, is also one of the very lessons of the Christ: HIS death meant LIFE for many.

    the billions is not off....you probably refer to the first multicellular organism....the first procaryotes are however some 3 billion years old.

    why does something have to die in order for new things to form? it is easy to imagine life drawing its energy from inorganic material or solar energy. it is not necessary in principle for something to die in order to create new life.

    Truly, it isnt. It is only that part of the universe in which earthling man dwells that has BECOME imperfect. And it started when MAN became imperfect.

    how is earth less perfect than lets say the moon, jupiter or the sun?

    No, they did not alter the universe constantslaws or perfections which is what I thought we were speaking about. However, is has indeed altered those perfections with regard to where WE are... the earth/world we live in.

    how so?

    That assumes that you are the "author" of what is "perfect". But what is "better"... or perfect... for YOU... may not be so... for ME. And certainly not for God. But I'll go with you and ask, where does this "better" that you imagine exist? Here, on earth with regard to humans? If so, then you have limited your imagination to finding perfection only in the only IMPERFECT realm of the universe.

    well the point is...in a perfect universe there would be no suffering (right?). the universe we live in will always cause suffering...hence it cannot be perfect.

    Techincally, because man introduced certain uncleanesses, including vermin and other animals, into his lifestyle one way or another. Literally, however, because man, a formerly perfect balance of flesh and spirit... SOLD that spirit... into a vessel of imperfect flesh... which is SUBJECT to disease. As a result, the "suffering" brought upon the SPIRIT... by connection to such imperfect FLESH... has also brought a "ruination" to the spirit... resulting in IT becoming "imperfect" as well. However, although we cannot return our flesh to perfection... (only a resurrection or change to an "incorrutible vessel" can do that)... we CAN return our spirit to it. How? Love.

    Back to your question: Even many of the diseases that exist today CAN be eradicated, but save for the COST have not been. Why get rid of illness when some can profit? If the pharmaceutical companies CURED those illnesses for which they have cures, how then can they profit? Wont they cure themselves right out of business? For example, why not GIVE HIV and AIDS medicines away? Why in the WORLD would you force dying people to pay for medicine to live?

    how then is it possible that animals had viruses and bacteria long before the first human was born? how is it possible that we rely on bacteria in our gut in order to survive? how exactly do you invision that microorganism came into existance?

    many diseases could be cured or better kept under control. the problem is the production of such drugs is not cost free. the pharma industry spends billions on the production of new drugs. in an perfect world they could just give them away....but since the universe is not perfect and we all have to live from something they cannot distribute the medication for free.

    Because we exist in flesh. The flesh is subject to various needs: food, water, sleep, air, blood, etc. And it "suffers" if deprived of any of these. It can experience pain of heart and flesh and it can retain sickness and age. And, ultimately, it dies. The SPIRIT, however does not. It ... must be destroyed (Matthew 10:28). Thus, cut off a mans arms/legs, he will still be the SAME man inside, the SPIRIT man. However, it is the vessel that we now reside in that Adam sold us into slavery to that brings us suffering. Were there no flesh... with its blood... and thus, NO sickness NO aging NO pain NO death there would be NO suffering!

    so adam and eve had these need? or did they live from air and water?

    how about brain insuries? they alter the personality...do they alter the spirit too?

    (Smiling) Again, you accuse the wrong one. True, I cannot prove it to you, now because you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear what exists beyond the physical world, the world of flesh... with its blood. But the legal trial is not yet over, and fortunately, while there are all kinds of witnesses AGAINST my Father and my Lord there are a few of us character witnesses who still believe in standing up for our wrongly accused loved ones even if the odds and circumstances seem overwhelming.

    what exactly does that mean? is this a braod hint that JAH is gonna kill me because i can't see him???



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