Where is God?

by donkey 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Don't know where God is in this, but I DO KNOW what I'd do to this man if I could get my hands on him.

    What in the world could make a person be so evil and cruel to their own children. I swear, for the life of me, I can't understand such things.

  • IslandWoman


    Your post opened an avenue of thought I have traveled for some time. In particular this statement you made:

    just because someone stands by and lets horrible things happen to others, that in itself does not means they are non-existent.Trying to figure out the reason for this refusal to act in behalf of the suffering of others when you have the power to put a stop to it does not bring conclusion to this question either.

    Well said!

    Those words could also be applied to mankind himself. Most of the suffering that occurs on this beautiful planet is caused directly by mankind. For example, many children suffer from starvation, lack of good drinking water, diseases easily prevented by simple vaccines denied to them along with the most fundamental of medical care, inadequate housing, many are used as virtual slaves laboring for almost nothing, they are sold for sex, they are abandoned in the streets, they are made to fight as little soldiers in their country's battles and it goes on and on. Yet all this and much, much more could be prevented if mankind only cared enough but well, I guess not enough people do care.

    Mankind does "have the power" to stop all this yet he/she does not. I think God could ask the question: "Why in the hell are you asking me to help you when you yourselves don't help each other?"

    The animals fend for themselves, with no added help from God and with quite a bit of hardship added to their little lives by mankind. Yet mankind that blessed of all creatures, that one and only creature who can change his environment, who can create beauty and destroy it at will, who is so gifted that it seems there is almost nothing he cannot do; he is the one who looks up to the heavens and curses God for not doing more!

    If I were God I would chuck it all and let the animals inherit the earth.


  • Realist

    God is dead

  • IslandWoman
    God is dead

    I think mankind is dead also. Maybe we are just a figment of someone's imagination, a dream or nightmare that just keeps repeating in some god's head or maybe we are the little toys in a baby god's play room!


  • Realist


    the question is...if this universe is the result of intelligent design then why isn't everything perfect?

    the fact that the world is less than perfect is the strongest argument against a creator of the universe.

  • Blueblades

    Hi IslandWoman,Thanks for your post.Yes mankind has responsibility,however ,the original question posed by Donkey was "Where is God?"For those who say He exists then the question remains,why don't an Almighty God put a stop to mankinds dominating man to his injury as the scripture puts it?

    About the animals.Animals behave in a way characteristic of a species, natural unlearned predictable response to stimuli, in other words instinctively.It was God who put that in them.It was God who allowed them to eat each other .It was God who allowed man to eat them.So,the hardship that was added to the animals came as a result of what God has allowed.Of cause this is based on the premise that God exists.The others side to this ,is that of Darwins theory of the survival of the fittest.Again," Where is God?"He is "ALMIGHTY" why continue to let this eating of one another to go on with the animals and man eating them.This has nothing to do with vegetarianism which I am not and find no fault with those who are.It has to do with the question that I can't answer that Donkey posed,"Where is God?"

    Hi Realist,Perfection is relative.What is your understanding of perfection?

    Hi Aguest,You say your Father is planning to wipe out evil.My question is ,why didn't He wipe it out at the outset,nip it in the bud so to speak and prevented all this horror and suffering.Without using a belief system of faith,how do you arrive at the existence of God? Blueblades

  • roybatty

    I do believe in God but also believe that God isn't all powerful and that Evil is much more powerful then I use to believe. Gives me even an even stronger desire to work against evil in this world instead "waiting on Jehovah" as some people would suggest.

    This past Wednesday my son and I were watching the last episode of "Band of Brothers" (which is about the 101 Air Borne division and there battles during WWII). In this episode they stubble across a concentration camp filling with dead and half dead Jews. After the episode was over, my son and I discussed what we just watched. It lead to a very profound discussion on why evil exist and what moral obligation we have to fight it.

    Does God exist? I believe so. Is he "all powerful"? I can't believe he is and still allows things like this to happen. But I do believe that he uses people for good as Satan (or whatever you want to call him) uses people for evil.

  • MrMoe

    I don't know about you all, but right now I am sitting on God's face. Ok, so I lied... I'm not sitting on anybody's face...


  • roybatty
    I'm not sitting on anybody's face...

    Would it be wrong to pray to God about that? "Heavenly Father, I humbly bow my head asking that someday MrMoe will..."

    Maybe that should be a private prayer instead of a public one.

  • dedalus

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