Just be disfellowshipped - need to chat

by CraigSA 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • CraigSA

    Hey all - new here.

    Well i have now just bee shut off from my family and branded disfeloowshipped and an apostate. Sheesh anyway - for those of you who have been through simular - let me know.


    JHB South Africa

  • SYN

    CRAIG!!!!!! I'm in Johannesburg too!

    You got mail

  • meadow77

    Craig, I think you will find lots of support here, from people just like you. It will take time to get used to being an apostate, but hang in there. Just kidding. I have never been a j-dub, but I can empathize. I'm sure many others will respond to your thread with love and kindness, this is a very accepting place to be(most of the time) :) All I can offer, having never been in your shoes, is friendship. And to tell you that you are special, unique, and have gifts that are worthy to share, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Welcome to Apostate Hell Brother!

    Its more fun than the organizational Utopia.

  • CraigSA

    Hey thanks so much for your comment - I look forward to corresponding with all you guys in here....

  • rebel

    Hi Craig,

    Just keep reminding yourself that you are not 'disfellowshipped' from God. Who do these people think they are? No matter what has gone on in your life, only you know how you feel about God and Jesus and whatever else you believe in. How dare they assume that you have committed a sin that deems you worthy of being thrown out of the cong. If that's the way these 'Christians' behave, you are well off out of there. The only person that matters is God and how he feels. The JWs tell us he is all forgiving, so how do these moronic elders know whether he has forgiven you or not? They just take things into their own hands. If you still believe in God, nobody can cut you off from him, only yourself. Just have pity on the elders in your cong and pray that they will come to 'an accurate knowledge' of the scriptures some day


  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome to the board. I'm from the Southern Hemisphere too - Australia

    I have been inactive for a couple of years and haven't been df'd yet, but I have been told by my JW sister that I "sound just like an apostate" - so does that count??

  • hippikon

    One mans apostate is another mans hero

  • Lapuce

    Welcome Craig,

    I know how you feel, I will be disfellowed within a question of days the elders told me, I will finally be freed from these dubs, You will find lot of support and friends here.


  • Angharad

    (((Craig))) Sorry for what happening to you, but please believe us it does get easier.

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