Jesus Sacrifice - How Stupid and Illogical

by MrMoe 139 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seven006

    The myth goes that Jesus was created as a spirit creature, his natural state of being. He became a man to die and go back to being a sprit creature that again, was his natural state of being. Where is the big sacrifice? A few little scars on the palms of his hands that came from a day of hanging around with his buddies? All this to make up for a couple of people eating a piece of fruit that a talking snake told them was FDA approved. What a sin! Fruit eaters should be filling our damn jails with that logic. Either god is a childish and manipulative little child who likes to play games or this whole story is a total crock.

    If Jesus had gotten married and had kids, a mortgage, car payment, insurance, heat bill, food bill and so on, then had his ex-wife drug his ass through the courts every few years to try and get more money then maybe I would shed a tear for this guy. He was a freeloading, homeless, jobless, responsibility shirking vagabond, who depended on the kind hearts and gullibility of others to feed him and give him a place to sleep at night. The guy could have at least opened up his own winery and try to help pay his own way a little. There were a group of people who tried to follow his example back in the 60's. They were called hippies. They couldn't turn water into wine but they could at least grow their own pot and sell it on the streets.

    Religious myths are like over stuffed pillows. Some people need one to prop their heads up higher and sleep a little better at night.


  • JT

    each friday at bethel they would have an open question to the writing dept and some bethel heavy would answer it- on this friday the question was:

    Who got the paid the ramsom for mankind - was it to satan-

    well for any bethelites who were at bethel that friday will recall it was our boy Teddy Jarazc who anwsered the question-

    he explained that someone kidnaps your kid- then calls you up and says for a Six pack of Bud and some Pork Rines you can get this little bad A$$ kid back- so you got down to the ATM machine take out $20 and pay the guy next door the money so the ramsom went from you to the guy holding your kids-

    then he REDEFINED WHAT A RAMSOM IS and how it doesn't apply like we all understand a ramsom works

    cause the question was who paid the ramsom and who was it paid to, was it to satan

    well he explained that god paid the ramsom to himself-

    I guess it's sorta like a man who takes $20 out of his front pocket and puts it in his rear pocket and think he now has $40 -smile

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Yeah, I was never a big fan of the whole sacrifice thing myself.

  • avishai

    Hey, Jc, when you coming back for the 2nd time? When you can no longer use your hands as a whistle?

  • seven006

    Hands as whistles, now that funny.

    I can just see him coming back and using those big holes in the middle of his palms to stick his tongue through and scare the hell out of little kids. Then he can try to play hide and seek while holding his hands over his eyes and cheat by still seeing where the little kids hide. You won't read those kinds of stories in the little kiddy bible book of propaganda. It's amazing what some people choose to believe.


  • shera

    I'm back in forth to what I should believe...I'm not saying I believe what Islam teaches....they believe Jesus was a prophet,born to the virgin Mary.They donot believe in orignal sin and they believe Adam and Eve were both at fault...evenly They don't believe Jeus died on the cross,they also teach he was saved from cruifixation and raised to Heaven.I just thought I would bring this up..with the replys here...

    Nor do Muslims view his death as an act of atonement for mankind's sins. Rather, along with the early Christian theologian Pelagius, Islam rejects the doctrine of original sin, a notion argued into church doctrine by St. Augustine

    Here is a link to that quote

    Please don't eat me up Islam to the board.Its a touchy thing in the world with what is going on in the name of Islam.

  • Farkel
  • shera

    @ Farkel

  • JT

    Dave you are SICK

    how goes it out on the west coast- things are cold out here in DC got some snow on thrusday

  • FiveShadows

    I was moved with love to share the following with you all, to give some light on the suject in which you all inquire about

    In the beginning as stated in my other posts there was Death (Hate) and God (love). Death had no power over good but God outo f the goodness of His (God's) heart created the 'Light' to stand in place of Darkness. Death wishes to consume LIFE. All forms of life. That is what Death does. Genesis 1:1-3 speaks in regards this that there 'was' ALREADY darkness before 'The Light' (The Christ) ::John 8:12:: was created. Christ said 'I am the Truth, The Way, and THE LIGHT." This was the first thing created to stand in place of Darkness. Adam was given life to stay close to it and was informed not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Why was this important? Because once Adam had partaken of the fruit he not only knew bad but became INTIMATE with this. This world has you believe that 'knowledge is power' however truly i say to you today, 'He that gains knowledge' does not increase power but rather 'sorrow.' (Ecclesiastes 1:18 ) Knowing of the knowledge by intimate means made Adam prideful jealous angry selfish and full of hate etc. Before this he never had manifested any of these traits. He became 'unclean' in the sight of God, and did not practice the fruitage of the spirit. This resulted in Death entering into the world. But God showed mercy as He can upon anyone whom He choses to do so and provided 'The Way' for all to attain everlasting life. Death made a bargin with God that if He (God) would give Death His only begotten Son ('The LIFE' John 14:6) He would release the world from the pains of Death. Why? Because Death wishes to CONSUME LIFE. And Christ IS 'the Life.' God knowing that Death was a liar agreed these terms. Christ came and gave his soul AS A RANSOM (keyword) to free US from Death so we may attain everlasting life. In the process taught everyone not only what love was but what mercy was among other things. He taught us how to live and to show kindness and love to all so we may become one with Truth, and not 'the lie' (Death). After Christ's death He went to preach those that were already dead in Sheol about the hope of everlasting life. Death, being a liar, Held on to Christ but did not release the world as He promised. This made it justified for God not only to take back His Son but also to release the world from Death's hold. Satan is not the last enemy may i remind you. For it is written that 'last enemy' is Death (1 Corinthians 15:26) That which will be brought to 'nothing.' God provided 'The WAY' (Christ) for us to attain life. This is why Christ said He was not only The Son of God but also 'the Light, the Truth, and THE WAY.' Anyone that wishes to listen and hear waht the spirit of Truth is speaking let them rejoice for they have understand that which prideful men and women have not yet with all the books of the world been able to comprehend. Why? Because they do not seek out Truth (Christ) but rather depend upon themselves and those prior to them to explain the 'mysteries' of suffering. Why is it taking so long? Let me remind you also for it is written: 'The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. ' (2 Peter 3:9) And for us to practice LOVE, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Self control so we may push off our sinful inherited traits from Adam but rather become One with Life (Christ).

    May Jah and Jah-Eshua's blessings be upon all. ~FS

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