Is it Love?

by donkey 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Love is a feeling within. If a schitzo has that feeling.....then he feels the same as the other non- schitzo.

    I have spoken!

  • MrMoe
    I think romantic love is a dilusional experience. After all, when under its spell, we don't see the other person as they really are, so I guess it would be real love for the schizophrenic.

    Ha, sounds like somebody who has no clue what the REAL thing is then.

  • donkey


    I know you are a professor or some such creature as related to Psychology (no offense intended). Serious question, how do you feel about the Freudian views on god and Religion? Do you concur with them?

  • larc

    Mr. Moe, I am aware of the real thing, both on a personal level and amongst friends. Have you ever known someone in love, and all their friends did not understand what their friend saw in the person. This same person later on, wonders what they saw in the person as well. That is the kind of love I am talking about. Donkey, Freud did not believe in God. He saw the concept as a big father figure in the sky that helped society and parents control others when they weren't around. I tend to agree.

  • donkey


    Thanks for responding. As someone interested in in all aspects of evolutional science I try to learn as much as I can from as many sources as I can. One of the newer fields in life science is the forensic psychologists and evolutional psychologists. Do you have any suggested sources for me to read - much appreciated.


    What was it you said today?
    "Don't needle me, I've learned to bleed?"

    The prayers. The hymns. The beads. Now this?

    Don't you know your confession is like sand
    through the engines of consequence? Television snow?
    Shall I consult the Oxford Book of the Dead?
    The sages of our century? The flood lights?
    Freud, God, Kbler-Ross?
    That betrayer Frost who wrote
    (You underlined this for me, remember?
    the morning they forecast radiation
    and it was like Chernobyl wrestled the hair
    from your skull?)
    'The nearest friends can go with anyone to death comes far too short?'

    Freud. God. Kbler-Ross.
    God hiding behind the shipwreck of a diseased ghost.
    God revolve the transcendent skein with a slight whir and whisper --
    faultlessly --
    God morning that summer and the rings of Chernobyl.
    God of the rings and the hymns and the prayers.
    The songs of the dead.
    God of the beads.

  • larc

    Donkey, I can't help you much with forensic or evolutionary psych. - don't know much about it. I did read a book in the area of forensic psych. It was written by the man who was the first profiler for the FBI. It was very interesting. I think is was called "Mind Tracker", but I am not sure now.

  • MrMoe

    My mother and father are a prime example of REAL love on a romantic level. 51 years worth.

  • larc

    Mr. Moe, I have been married 38 years, so I am not unfamiliar with the concept you are espousing. I was talking about the romantic, red hot, sexy love that lasts for about a year, when chemicals are swirling through your brain, and you can't think clearly. That is the kind of love that is dillusional. It is nature's way of guaranteeing the survival of the species.

  • donkey

    Since God cannot be proved to be real or to exists then can you love him?

    Simple question. If the answer is NO then what do you call the Love that believers profess?

  • Iwasyoungonce


    IMO you are refering to lust and desire not love. True love has to do with helping, kindness, and wanting the best for something or someone, including yourself. Your mental reality and perception is not always relevent. What is normal? (Accept defined by social mores.) Desire; that is something you want and want others often to have for you. It is lust. Love; It is not about lust. You can be obsessed with something and not care about it at all. You can love someone without ever knowing them. We all know lust. But love has to do with a much higher way of living.

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