Stop Choosing to Be Overweight

by LuckyLucy 33 Replies latest social physical

  • LuckyLucy
    Stop Choosing to Be Overweight

    If you are obese, you're putting your health at risk. You need to take control of your weight to reduce the possibility of suffering serious complications. Having tried and failed in the past is no excuse to give up on yourself now. Dr. Phil spells out the most common weight loss pitfalls so that you can avoid them.

    Making Excuses
    What is your excuse? You don't have time to work out? Well, do you have time to die from complications related to obesity? You're too busy working? Why? So you can pay for the funeral? Get real! Life Law #1 is "You either get it or you don't." What is making you fat? It isn't your schedule or your metabolism or your willpower. Stop making excuses.

    Letting Weight Work
    Life Law #3 is, "People Do What Works." How is your weight working for you? What is your payoff for being overweight? Does the weight protect you by providing a barrier? Is the weight a form of rebellion? Do you get attention from it by playing the victim? Is your overeating a way of getting pleasure? Accept that you have chosen to be overweight because of the payoff, and have stayed overweight by having a lifestyle that contributes to it.

    Diets don't work because dieting is not a long-term solution. If you diet to lose weight, you'll gain the weight back once you get off the diet. Remember, you behave your way to success. There are no quick fixes. Even gastric bypass surgeries can only provide short-term results if your behavior and thinking don't change.

    What triggers you to overeat? Is it a certain time of the day? Do you turn to food when you get upset? Life Law #4 is, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge." So you need to be honest about how you are using food, and change the way you respond to your triggers.

    What is your internal dialogue saying? That you're a failure? A quitter? That you'll never lose weight? If so, you need to change these labels and limiting beliefs because they are sabotaging your efforts. How will you change if you don't believe you can change? How can you lose the weight this time if deep down you believe that the outcome is predestined and that you are destined to fail?
    Weight Loss FAQ
    Is Your Lifestyle Making You Fat?
    Helping Your Obese Child
    Motivation and Danger Zones
    Five Steps to Your Weight Loss Goal

  • ApagaLaLuz

    uh oh..... can't wait to watch the ruckus this one stirs up

  • ballistic
    Quote: Diets don't work because dieting is not a long-term solution. If you diet to lose weight, you'll gain the weight back once you get off the diet.

    Personally I find this quite negative. My diet is working. I'm loosing 1 Stone per month and have nearly finished my diet, and have enjoyed some aspects of it so much that I will continue to eat healthily and continue to educate myself on these matters.

    Maybe there are some classes of people this philosophy will help, but my thoughts were very different.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Eeek! :::Runs and Hides:::

    Of the Dr. Phil-Is-Scary Class

  • FrankyFourVests

    There's nothing wrong with what he is saying. Except for a small percentage of people with medical conditions for their obesity, the vast majority ofp eople are overweight because they don't eat right and do not put the time into taking care of themselves. 30 minutes a day and a proper diet isn't too high of a price.

  • MrMoe

    No. Being overweight is typically caused by an eating disorder, which in turn is a basic emotional psyhcological issue. It can be helped, but is in my opnion needing some serious therapy to assist with depression and/or other issues.

  • mike047

    BRIAN; WOW..1 stone[14 pounds, correct?] a month. GREAT. I have been on a diet since early July and have lost 30 pounds. 1.5-2 pounds a week average. I just altered the amount of my intake and the types of food I eat. Mostly vegatables and a small amount of chicken.

  • ballistic

    Yes Mike, I have been peeling the weight off, It slowed down over the last month, basically I lost 3 stone in 4 months. I have about another 1 and half to lose. I have been walking to work alternate weeks and on my own calorie controlled diet.

    The thing is, I understand it maybe a lot harder for other people. I have a good metabolism, but completely abused my body before. I had a liking for suet / saturated fat pies (we call them fray bentos puddings in the UK), pork pies and large quantities of beer plus junk food.

    It was not until I stopped and thought about what I was doing then I did a complete U-turn. I now eat as you do mainly vegetables and chicken / small portion of lamb. 2 meals a week I have something else but much smaller portions than I was having before. No heaped sugars in coffee anymore.

    It was hard at first. I was going dizzy through lack of blood sugar at first. But now I am used to it, I plan to keep up a healthy diet when I'm done.

    I really think my success in giving up smoking earlier in the year gave me the will to do this.

  • LB


    I've done them all. Lost weight on them all. Yes diets do fail miserably. There is a success rate on diets of 2% based on a period of 5 years. Imagine that. Only 2% success in a multil billion dollar industry.

    The putdown of gastric bypass is also true has poor eating habits can result in weight regain. But there is an 80% success rate over a period of 5 years. My surgeons success rate is over 90%.

    Overeating is a disorder. I felt I had an addiction to foods myself. Although I've lost 160 pounds I will fight this disorder the rest of my life.

    Nothing wrong was posted in this thread IMHO. No personal attacks were made. No attacks on obese people in general. The average person really doesn't have a clue as to what it's like to be obese or what the mindset of an obese person is. In the past I've visited doctors that told me to just "eat a little less, exercise a little more" and they felt this was all I needed to do in order to get weight off. Hey I have lost thousands of pounds in my life. Losing wasn't the problem for me. It was keeping it off. When you have an eating disorder that isn't an easy thing to manage.

  • ballistic

    LB, when you say multi-billion dollar industry, I have actually saved money by dieting, not spent any. I am buying simple healthy foods like fresh vegatables. The beer and junk food was costing me a fortune. I've never bought slimming products; I just don't see the point.

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