NEW! Japan's "Conditional Donation" A...

by Alligator Wisdom 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    By Watchtower Correspondant in Japan (Alligator Wisdom)

    That's right! The Branch Office of Jehovah's Witnesses here in Japan has released this "NEW" donation/contribution arrangment. Of course, you'll know what the real reason is for this. But I'll let you decide for yourself. Below is the exact quote of the letter that will be read as an annoucement at the Service Meeting during this week in Japan.


    "As you may have heard in the concluding talk at the Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers District Convention this past summer, the Japanese Branch has shared in the additional privileges to produce and ship Bibles along with various publications to our brothers in Asia, the South Pacific and some African countries in addition to congregations in Japan.

    T hrough this letter, we inform you that we now have an arrangement called the "conditional donation (or contribution)". This will be in addition to the contributions for the worldwide preaching work in the Japanese Branch. This is a contribution made with the condition that "contributors can request monetary aid less than the sum of their contributions to the Watchtower Society" if they face the situation that they need funds for any reason in the future. Those who want to get any detailed information in this regard can ask the Branch Office by letter. We hope that this information is available for you."


    It seems that the Watchtower Society wants to have "guaranteed" contributions. And note that you can receive back what you contributed LESS than the sum of your total contributions.(For example, if you contribute $100, you can ask for it back at a later time, as long as it is less than $100. I'm sure many publishers will probably reason that, "Oh well, I'll leave only $30 as a donation since I only need $70 back".)

    Do you see the ploy? It's obvious!! The Watchtower knows that their R&F won't ask back for the full amount, which means that the Society gets to keep the difference. What a way for a "guaranteed" donation. WOW! I guess they really are hard-up for money!

    I'm wondering though??? How are they going to keep track of all this?? I suppose the account servant will now be busier than before!!

    (FYI ~ Since I'm currently in an English speaking congregation AND I'm a native English speaker from the USA, I am often asked by the native Japanese elder body in my congregation to help with the grammatical adjustments and phrases in letters which they had translated from Japanese to English before it is read to the congregation). Often times, this is how I get some information first-hand before the congregation knows about it. You'll see, it will be broadcasted publicly later this week.

    I know...I know...You're probably wondering why I don't inject some real "TRUTH" into those letters after I proofread them. . It has crossed my mind though!

    Do you think this "new arrangment" will be implimented throughout the Branch Offices worldwide?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

    edited to add a little personal background of me in Japan ~

    Edited by - alligator wisdom on 5 December 2002 0:26:20

    Edited by - alligator wisdom on 5 December 2002 0:31:0

    Edited by - alligator wisdom on 5 December 2002 1:2:46

  • Elsewhere


    This racket arrangement will result in the congregation tracking how much each individual "donates".

    Sounds a lot like the way they use a publisher's time sheet to determine his "spiritual strength".

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I know Elsewhere! My thoughts exactly!

    It is a numbers ($$$) game as well.

    So when do you think the Watchtower Society will now require a look at our pay-check stubs in order for them to determine if we are too materialistic or in pursuit of "unrighteous riches"?

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • TheOldHippie

    Different countries - different practices. In my country, we can deduct the amount we donate to the congregation, from the taxes we pay. It's tax deductable.

    And the government / state supports the branch in donating some 20-30$ per head connected with the congregation either thru baptism or thru birth.

  • Pathofthorns

    I sure wish I had made all my contributions the "conditional" way.. haha. At least I could have cashed out when I ceased my involvement with them.

    I wonder if u have to jump through any hoops to get your money back though or if it is as simple as sending a letter requesting a check


  • hippikon

    I think its a good shaft arrangement. I wish I could get back all the money I ever donated. Sounds great - If you get dfed just ask for your money back (Or do you only get it back if your in good standing)

    But it is interesting to see the society stoop to borrowing money.

  • SYN

    Ooh, this is a good one. Seems that the Society got a shock after losing 500+ Congregations in that area, now they've had a look at the bottom line, and, to quote Farkel, there is no bottom line

  • blondie

    Every year the WTS has an article towards the end of the year in the Watchtower about why it is scripturally correct to donate to the WTS and specific financial ways to do it. For many years, one has been the conditional-donation arrangement. It seems like they have kicked it up a notch with begging, oops, highlighting the arrangement more publicly at the conventions and in correspondence to be read directly to the congregation.

    *** w99 11/1 22 When Generosity Abounds ***


    Money may be given to the Watch Tower Society under a special arrangement in which, should the donor have a personal need, the donation will be returned to him. For more information, please contact the Treasurers Office at the address noted above.

    *** w98 11/1 26 "God Loves a Cheerful Giver" ***

    Conditional-Donation Arrangement

    Money may be given to the Watch Tower Society under a special arrangement in which, should the donor have a personal need, the donation will be returned to him. For more information, please contact the Treasurers Office at the address noted above.

    *** w97 11/1 28 "Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things"-How? ***

    Conditional-Donation Arrangement Money may be given to the Watch Tower Society under a special arrangement in which, should the donor have a personal need, the donation will be returned to him. For more information, please contact the Treasurers Office at the address noted above.
  • Scully

    The "Conditional Donation" Ripoff Arrangement has been around for a long time in Canada. When they moved the branch from its previous location in Toronto to Georgetown, the call for funding came with this method of donation emphasized. However, it didn't stipulate that you had to ask back LESS than what you conditionally donated.

    I'd LMAO if people started donating to the WTS and requested amounts back that left them with only $0.01 per transaction.

    Of course, the WTS is banking on the probability that R&F dubs will be too horrified at the thought of asking back money they loaned to "Jehovah", and will let these conditional donations drift into the realm of forgotten money. What happens if the donor dies?? Is there some kind of loophole that an heir or trustee could request the amount of the "conditional donation" back from the WTS to cover expenses of the estate? Or is one of the conditions of the transaction that the individual must request the funds back themselves, leaving widows or orphans of the donor with no recourse? Or what if the person becomes seriously disabled - accident or ill health - and cannot due to physical or mental limitations, ask for the money to be returned??

    What a scam. Judge Rutherford was right when he said "Religion is a snare and a racket". He should have made it a little more clear though, and said "THIS religion is a snare and a racket".

    Love, Scully

  • Scully

    Oh my GOD, I just re-read AW's post again and realized something:

    This is a contribution made with the condition that "contributors can request monetary aid less than the sum of their contributions to the Watchtower Society" if they face the situation that they need funds for any reason in the future.

    Does anyone else see the catch phrase in the above quotation?

    "contributors can request monetary aid less than the sum of their contributions to the Watchtower Society" if they face the situation that they need funds for any reason in the future.

    Does that mean, that when an individual falls on dire straits, if they have entered the conditional donation arrangement, they can ask for "monetary aid" from the WTS? A LOAN!!!??? With interest, no doubt?? On their own money???


    Love, Scully

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