Snowflakes and Death

by Windchaser 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Windchaser

    I live in Southern California. It snows up in the mountains sometimes, but I really haven't seen a good snowfall for many years. I am visiting my sister in IL soon and will probably see a lot of snow.

    I guess this is why I was thinking about snowflakes this morning. And then, I started thinking about death.

    People like to believe that there's life after dealth. Before I became a jw, I believed that you just died and that was that. Just like the jws teach. You go back to the earth.

    The thought I had this morning was this: No two snowflakes are alike. They are each beautiful in their own way. They exist momentarilly and are gone. It has always been hard for me to accept that when a person dies, his uniqueness dies, too, and wouldn't it be great to go to Heaven or be in the New System so that this very special individual would go on existing. I think we learn from nature, though. A snowflake is uniquely beautiful for a short period of time and then dissolves. Maybe that's true about people, too. Maybe this is all that the Creator really gives to us. This momentary floating down to earth.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    I've not seen snow for many years...we don't go because you have to have the right gear for snowy environments...and we're hot weather people with lots of thongs and sunblock LOL. So have fun at the snow Windy, we'll (us in the hot and fire zone regions) will be thinking of you and oozing with jealousy.

    I like your comparison between the unique beauty of a snow flake and the beauty of an individual. So many snowflakes have fallen from the sky and have melted and disappeared...that's the cycle of the snowflake. But for one special moment in time...someone,somewhere, somehow, enjoyed the beauty of that snowflake in all its glory before it was gone. Let us not forget the snowflakes.



  • Gopher

    I just slipped and fell in the %^&*^ snow today. But luckily I didn't come near death....from snowflakes!

    What happens after we die? It's a puzzle that we cannot solve. You might as well ask what is the purpose of life? Oh yeah, it's to serve our Creator, right??? Oh that was such an easy answer!!

    As far as the next life, my feeling is that we were created for some purpose, and if and when it's important, we'll definitely find out! That gives me some measure of comfort. (I don't know if it works for everyone.)

  • Windchaser


    If we only have this, we can show our beauty as much as we can, while we can.

    I can't wait to make a snow angel and a snow man and throw a snowball and eat yellow snow...well, maybe not eat yellow snow. (Do you remember Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's song about that?)

    Gopher, I'm glad that snowflakes didn't kill you today. My thinking is that maybe we were created just to shine for the moment. Maybe this is all we have.

  • Beck_Melbourne
    maybe not eat yellow snow

    What is yellow snow?? I won't tell you want I thought it was...ewww...LOL.

    I don't remember the Frank Zappa song but I've probably got it as an mp3 at home somewhere.

    Have fun at the snow Windy...don't forget your thermals LOL.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    What a beautiful observation, Windchaser.

  • Gopher


    Frank Zappa

    Dreamed I was an Eskimo
    Frozen wind began to blow
    Under my boots and around my toes
    The frost that bit the ground below
    It was a hundred degrees below zero...

    And my mama cried
    And my mama cried
    Nanook, a-no-no
    Nanook, a-no-no
    Don't be a naughty Eskimo
    Save your money, don't go to the show

    Well I turned around and I said "Oh, oh" Oh
    Well I turned around and I said "Oh, oh" Oh
    Well I turned around and I said "Ho, Ho"
    And the northern lights commenced to glow
    And she said, with a tear in her eye
    "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow"
    "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow"

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Hey Windchaser!

    If you don't mind me asking, which part of Southern California are you living in? I lived there before I moved to Japan (to serve where there is a greater need in an English speaking congregation ).

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Windchaser

    Beck: Thanks, I'll probably freeze my butt off and croak in a snowdrift, but it's fun thinking about being in the snow again. You probably thought right about the yellow snow.

    Gopher: Thanks for the lyrics. hehehehehe

    AW: I live in San Diego, a beautiful, expensive and crowded city. Where did you live?

    Orbit: Awww......thanks, the lovely orbit.

  • LyinEyes

    Windchaser, that was a beautiful way of looking at things. I struggle everyday trying to find meaning to life, why is it so short? Where do we go if any place after we die? It is hard for me to really accept the heavenly hope, it seems to good to be true. It breaks my heart that there might not be a paradise earth to enjoy with my family forever. But who knows, maybe there will be a paradise earth, or maybe we will go to heaven to be with Jesus like he said.

    I guess all the years of thinking we had such a hope and then have it snatched away because we lack faith in the WT, has caused many of us to lose our faith all together. I am still working on finding mine, and I am ok with that. If there is a God, or Jesus, He said to search for him, to never give up, so I will try . I am also looking into other forms of accepting nature and the universe.

    Like you said, maybe we are just part of the life for the here and now. For now, that is what I can bank on, and the sad thing is it can be taken away and forever in just a few minutes. I try to make the most of everyday with that in mind. I wish I had the hope I had at one time, but for it to be real and not lies.

    But if this life is all there is,,,,,,,,,,, I intend that when my time comes up, I will go out in some kind of blaze of glory,,,,,,,,, knowing that at least I was free from JW, and happy, that will be enough I guess.

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