What to do with those who abuse kids??

by JT 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • waiting

    Hey Valis,

    Thanks for the great article and click. Well worth keeping & reading again.

    Child abusers are a major, nasty, problem. Interestingly though, the article stated that rapists tend to go back to that lifestyle more than child abusers.


    I think one reason why some of us are so outraged against child abusers is because of the emotional attachment. Children should be kept innocent theorectically. In reality, children have been raped, sold, bartered, enslaved, killed, faster than any other group of humans, regardless of their color or nationality - and this has gone on all throughout history.

    Btw, it's known & accepted that some children are mentally ill - and molest/rape/kill other children. Some children might not be mentally ill - just cruel, and do the same. Some children are child abuse victims who do the same to other children. What do we do with these children?


  • JT

    YOu guys and gals are good-

    like i said after we get thru the shoot and kill them routine - it does become clear from everyones comment for the most part that there is no easy solutions-

    i read many of the articles and i am still of the thought that you really can't fix this internal problem that such persons have, and the point about prisons for life is almost the only choice short of killing them - but like someone pointed out in the USA i know it is very expensive and long and drawn out-

    the example of the 19/16/ yr old and 30yr old man is one of those iffy kind of situation, but for most of us the 45yr old man and the 7 or 8 yr old child now that is what comes to mind for most of us, in fact it is interesting to note how the wt tried to use the older teenager as an example of LEGAL CHILD ABUSE,

    but most see right thru that trick, in fact those are not the type of cases that most of us have in mind when we say child abuse-

    i want to thank you all for your post- this issue and subject will not go away due to the extent of it- i often wonder how many families have actually been touched by this issue with a old dirty uncle who has messed with his little neices and no one says anything or the child is now40-50yrs old and is still struggling with this issue

    all the stuff i have read going back to LOT in the bible we see that INCEST has been on the table as an issue for society to address and deal with

    thanks for everyones thoughts

  • New Eyes
    New Eyes

    I would like to offer a solution to any abusers lurking out there in cyberspace.

    If you find that you can't resist the compulsion to offend.
    If you just know it's only a matter of time before you do it again.
    If you find your self moving towered a child, giving in to the evil.

    Stop, think about what you are doing.
    Go someplace and kill your self.
    You have the power to make it end.
    There is no way to make up for what you are doing, but there is a way to make it end.

    Edited by - New Eyes on 5 December 2002 10:51:59

  • scotsman

    Simon listens to Start the Week on Radio 4 too!

    I thought the social circle idea was interesting, where the offender meets a member of his support group every day and they all meet for dinner once a week. I like it, even if it does sound a rather middle class solution, but it's better than shooting or tattooing them as some advocate.

    Community responsibilty for what seems to be a community problem?

  • Dia

    Regarding the above article, I find the part about sex offenders lacking the ability to empathize to be fascinating, especially insofar as it regards JWs.

    I think people who grow up without empathy are basically people to whom empathy was not demonstrated or given in childhood.

    Isn't the WTS a breeding ground for this type of mindset?

    Don't JWs spend hours and hours and hours practicing how to NOT LISTEN to other people? And how to shame themselves out of their own thoughts and feelings?

    Doesn't the WTS praise and reward people for coldheartedness, especially toward their own children?

    Additionally, they tear down all reasonable personal boundaries, sexual and otherwise, by snooping, encouraging others to snoop, setting rules and demanding a level of personal revelation that is downright perverse.

  • TR

    We as a society cannot take the chance of letting these sex offenders loose. In some states, including my own, sex offenders are required to register and list current addresses. Their ugly mugs are shown on TV from time to time also.

    Personally, I don't think it's enough. These freaks will abuse again if they get the chance. Can they be cured? I doubt it. I say remove them from the gene pool. Maybe in the future we'll figure out what causes them to do this. Until then, we can't let them roam free.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    I would have to agree with George Carlin on this one "Naked upside down public hangings."

    Or my mother's solution which is castration and life in prison

  • Crazy151drinker

    Shoot the bastards.

  • JT
    think people who grow up without empathy are basically people to whom empathy was not demonstrated or given in childhood.

    Isn't the WTS a breeding ground for this type of mindset?

    Don't JWs spend hours and hours and hours practicing how to NOT LISTEN to other people? And how to shame themselves out of their own thoughts and feelings?

    Doesn't the WTS praise and reward people for coldheartedness, especially toward their own children?


    when you talk to nonjw about the concept of DFing they can't concieve how such a system works

    even folks who kids kill, molest and murder folks- they still are willing to talk to them, visit them in prison and say THIS IS MY CHILD -

    YET A JW PARENT WILL never speak to their child for the rest of their life and why ---- he smoked a Winston or Marlboro.

    to a nonjw who has not been indoctrinated to literally cut off ALL FELLOW FEELINGS they can not and WILL NOT UNDERSTAND what is means to be shunned in the manner that a jw is shunned and esp for such flimsly reasons as we have seen over the years

    i know girls as young as 13, 14 yr of age thrown out of the house got pregnant and were kicked to the curb and the reason is the kicker

    their fathers and mothers were told if you want to remain and elder or pioneer you got to get rid of the pregnant child or WE WILL TAKE THE BOOKSTUDY OUT OF YOUR HOUSE-

    you got to love it

  • SheilaM

    I am a peacenick always have been but my children have always known that if someone molested them I would kill the abuser, no if ands or but's. I always talked to my children about molesters and they always were good about people that made them feel creepy. But when my hubby and I found out about the issue of the JW's hiding the incidents of molestation we freaked. On Silent Lambs someone once said that their was a molester roaming free in the Cabool, Missouri congregation we lived there when my kids were little, I sat down with them again and made sure that nothing happened but I feel so violated I TRUSTED them so much I LET PEOPLE HOLD MY CHILDREN I let my children run around the assembly hall on breaks OHMYFREAKINGOD I knew that there were many faults with them but I was lulled into a false sense of security and I feel like I was in the lion's pit all the time with two little lamb chops ya know. I have a friend that is a Psychiatrist that works with offenders she was molested by a close relative, she does it to seek out why it happend. I believe this kind of peversion can not be rehabilitated. The only way a child is 100% safe is if they are dead, 70% is #%$#$#^#%^ that far to many children being abused, it's not worth it.

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