What to do with those who abuse kids??

by JT 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • JT

    I'm sitting here in the serverroom freezing my buns off and the issue of the CHILD ABUSER and what to do with him or her was being kicked around

    we got the standard SHOT THE BASTARDS IN THE HEAD ETC,

    but how should these persons be dealt with- from all i have read these persons can not be cured of the desire to have sex with children- so should they be once identified be locked up since they will perhaps abuse a child in the future,

    should they get any treatment at all or should they just be shot?

    i was telling the guys what treatment jw offer to men with this problem

    go out in service, read all the literature, and atttend all the meetings

    one of the guys could not believe regardless of how one feels toward a molester THIS IS THE EXTENT OF WT TREATMENT and i told him YEP in fact this is the treatment offered as a solution for 95% of the issues that a jw will have if they go to the elders-

    does the internet with it's easy access to child porn contribute to a person who may already be struggling in this area but as of yet has not harm a child yet--

    i realize that line them up and shot them down sounds to good and too simplistic

    i often hear read of victims who make mention that the person who abused them was abused many times themselves, is this some type of cycle that if left untreated will continue from one generation to another

    i realize some of you have done much more research in this aspect of human behavior than i have so i ask WHAT DOES A SOCIETY (not wt) DO WITH THOSE WHO HAVE THESE PROBLEMS?


  • somebody


    The watchtower's so-called"aggressive policy" on child abuse is anything but aggressive, and does NOTHING to protect innocent children who have no voice and are helpless without adults to protect them. While it DOES make it very easy for the offenders. It rates right up there with the watchtower publishing for victims of rape to "treat your rapist with respect".

    Anyway.....My opinion is that convicted pedophiles should be locked away for life. By their actions towards children, they've basically "locked " their child victim up for life in the sence that they relive the abuse mentally forever. Pedophiles should be locked up for life because the rate of repeat offenders is HIGH. VERY HIGH if you research it. If they are not locked up, the the chances that they will victimize another child is way to high. The only way to break the cycle is to keep them away from children, short of death, is to lock them in prison for the rest of their lives.

    Meanwhile, I pray every day that the FBI investigates the files at the watchtower society. because there is probably many pedophiles who are free to keep abusing one child after another because of their rediculous their must- be-two-witnesses rule. That combined with thier advice to wait on jehovah and printing information on how to stall if authorities come and want to see the congreagation files is protecting themselves and thier own reputation instead of their protection of the children in congregations world wide.

    Every ALLEGED child molester should be automatically reported to the police ( no matter what state it happened in ) to be investigated. The "wordly" authorities care enough about children to investigate more than the watchtowers investingation of "it's the childs word against the adult abuser" and if there where no witnesses, then NOTHING more can be done , congregationally, and now we just wait on Jehovah". They call that an investigation!

    Just my opinion on the subject



  • Scully

    As part of their sentence, they should have the words "I AM A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER AND SEXUAL PREDATOR" tattooed on their foreheads.

    Then put them in the general population of the prison, and let the inmates take care of the "problem", just like they did with Jeffrey Dahmer.

    Love, Scully

  • Celia

    Prison for life --- a prison like the one in The Count of Monte Cristo ---

  • neyank

    Scully says:

    "As part of their sentence, they should have the words "I AM A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER AND SEXUAL PREDATOR" tattooed on their foreheads.

    Then put them in the general population of the prison, and let the inmates take care of the "problem", just like they did with Jeffrey Dahmer"

    I think that would be the best punishment.

    I was going to say, let the parents of the child decide the proper punishment.

    But thinking about this,the JW parents would just do whatever the WTS tells them to do, so that means no punishment from them.


  • neyank

    Scully says:

    "As part of their sentence, they should have the words "I AM A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER AND SEXUAL PREDATOR" tattooed on their foreheads.

    Then put them in the general population of the prison, and let the inmates take care of the "problem", just like they did with Jeffrey Dahmer"

    I think that would be the best punishment.

    I was going to say, let the parents of the child decide the proper punishment.

    But thinking about this,the JW parents would just do whatever the WTS tells them to do, so that means no punishment from them.


  • Pathofthorns

    I don't know what realistic and ethical options exist. Killing these people would be considered unethical by most countries. Locking them up for life would only be feasible in certain instances where the gravity of the crime would warrant that.

    But releasing these people back into general society after they have served their sentence does not protect society from these people who are often certain to repeat their crimes. And you can't punish people for what they *may* or even *probably* will do.

    I have no answer to the question posed and I think society has yet to come up with the perfect answer. If some sort of therapy/punishment like in the movie "a clockwork orange" existed, then I would think that would be interesting.


  • waiting

    okay............tiptoeing in here..............

    If ALL child molesters (no matter what type of molester they fall into) are put in prison for life............who pays the friggin' bill? The taxpayers. Who complains the most at re-election time? The taxpayers.

    What is one reason the courts stay so backed up? Appeals. The more prisoners, the more appeals. The cost of one prison riot is astronomical, btw....and all those new prisons & guards!

    It's a hell of a messy subject. Killing them really isn't the answer because of the same problem - it actually costs more to kill a person (legally) than to keep them in prison for life.

    There was an excellent article on therapists dealing with abusers - and monitarily why they don't want to. They have to show results, particularily if government sponsored. With victims, they don't have to show results. Somehow, that sounds like a Catch 22 to me, but screwily logical.

    I think the article was in Freeminds' subsidiary site on Abuse. I'll try to find it. *sigh*


  • Simon

    LIke it or not (and most don't) while society decides that they should live and be eventually released, the only way to stop more kids being abused is by reducing re-offending.

    On the radio was a system they have in Canada where people agree to form a social circle around an ex-offender and meet with them everyday. This has cut re-offending by 70%+

    A similar scheme is being tried in Britain.

  • somebody

    hiya waiting,

    I'm looking forward to reading the article if you find it. I'll be looking for it on freeminds myself, right along with you.

    I do agree that taxpayers have to pay to keep CONVICTED child molesters in prison for life. But the way I see it is that it's worth the price when we all pitch in to protect our children.

    I have tried to imagine if I would have a different view if I ever found that my own son or daughter were ever a convicted pedophile. would I want them to die? No. Would I want them to permenently be kept away from children? Yes.

    Stastics show that many victims of child molestation end up to be child molesters themselves when they grow into adulthood. And that's what I meant by breaking the cycle.

    If my child were a victim of a pedophile, I might have a whole different view than I have right now and want pedophiles shot. I don't know.

    I'm just giving my opinion on reading and talking to many victims of child molesters, and what it has done to them.

    At least taxpayers money is being well spent if it's spent on protecting innocent children any way they can.



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