For Sale - What the hell should I do with my books

by hippikon 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Keep your literature.

    If you are ever in a position to aid someone out......they will come in handy. I keep the older books and bound volumes.....the other stuff you can get if you should need it.

    All that is needed to prove this Org. is full of shit is within their own literature. I find this avenue as important as outside rebuttles.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    I recycled all of my literature. Hopefully it will be used to print something meaningful the next time around.

  • LB

    Personally I think they don't need to be preserved. I think that crap has ruined more lives than we can imagine but it's a personal choice of what to do with it.

    Mine made a lovely fire. A very large satisfying fire.

  • lv4fer

    WAY TO GO LB. I kept copies of some things it's good for research for counter-cult. Burning the rest of the stuff. I had several copies of books and stuff I threw it all out. Our garbage pickup person and the whole company is owned and operated by witnesses. I was kind of hoping they would see the stuff in the garbage. Not that I was trying to make a statement or anything!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    What should I do with my books

    keep it locked away somewhere, for evidence. just don't let your children find it

  • TresHappy

    I gave all my WT literature to a countercult ministry that has large amounts of WT stuff in their research library. I did throw the song book away. No one would want to sing those depressing things after they left the borg.

  • TR

    I donated all my WT books to Actually, there were several old books that I wish I would have kept. But oh well, I donated them to a good cause, and I have a '99 WT CD. If all you got is magazines, I'd use 'em to start fires.


  • freedom96

    I agree with some of the previous postings, that Randy at freeminds might want some of it. The rest, would make good firewood.

  • Gig

    I really think you should rid yourself responsibly. Don't let that propaganda get into unsuspecting hands. I agree with some of the other posters, donate it to someone out there actively trying to combat the WT. Don't give it a chance to mislead anybody, even the garbage man or workers at the landfill. At the very least, enjoy a nice WT would be great!


  • Quotes

    Damn, why is it you are "down under"? Why can't someone have a box of "rope" right here in Toronto?

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