My Wiccan Experience

by COMF 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SPAZnik
    So, what's your take on it?

    Interesting dream/experience COMF.
    Personally, I'm averse to being manipulated
    against my will, or without my knowledge.
    Consensual manipulations are much more
    worthwhile, IMO.


  • GentlyFeral

    Props for Sirona, Avishai, and Robdar, but -- I'm not sure that love spells are necessarily a bad thing. Manipulation, sure, that's bad stuff and if you suspect it you ought to run. But a love spell that is bound by respect for the other's free will? I can't see what could be wrong with that.

    Anyhow, it sounds to me like you two had been "charging" your souls by means of all that deep talk the night before. Oh, and the sex certainly didn't hurt. It sounds like the deepest-down part of you is ready to consider searching for a soul-mate. For love. I have no idea whether or not there is any actually ooga-booga happening. It probably doesn't matter.

    I say, if you're ready for it, the search will be good for you -- even if your new lady isn't it. You'll be better, stronger, wiser and more alive -- even if it fails.


    Edited by - GentlyFeral on 4 December 2002 1:48:15

  • FrankyFourVests

    I think the fact that she tried to "charm" you without your consent speaks volumes about wht kind of person this is. What else would she do without your consent for "your own good" Run.

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks for the site Sirona,I really enjoyed what I have read so far on dreams and what things mean in them. I dream very vidily and my dreams are realistic, but sometimes there are things in them that don't seem to fit. But from what I am learning, these are the very keys to what is at the root of the whole dream. I feel that in my dreams I can find out so much about myself, especially when I find it hard to meditate consciously, or when I don't write in my journal. My dreams have often times actually come true, and I am very connected with them , and use them to guide myself. I know this my sound really strange, but thru my dreams, I have stayed connected with my mother , although she has been dead for 17 yrs. What is amazing is things I have dreamed about her, things I didnt know, some of my relatives tell me , actually happened with her, or that is how she felt about things, or things she wanted to say they know about. Maybe it is just my memory reminding me of the details about her I might have forgotten, I don't know. Right now I am trying to open my mind to new things. Being a JW all my life, so many things were forbidden, and taught to be evil, such as wicca and other pagan practices. I don't know for sure how I feel about things, but for some reason I am drawn to the wicca rede. In fact my mother's favorite saying and code of life was......... live and let live,,,,,,,,, which is a cornerstone belief and practice in wicca. I find mysel alot like my mom in my love for nature, respect for it and to a deeper almost mystical feeling about things that some people do not see. There are alot of vibes about things if you know what I mean. My mother and I almost had a kind of communication that was said without words , even when we were seperated, she knew and I knew when we needed each other. It is like chills, or a sudden startling urge to get hold of a person.

    Thanks again Sirona for the info, it seems to be something that I have always felt , but never was able to express it. Not sure if I will believe all I read about this, but so far things makes so much sense to me. Even the things that can not be explained , make more sense.

    I meant to ask you how you are doing? Have you been to the doctor lately, hope everything is fine............ I wish on you, wellness 3 fold.........

  • Silverleaf

    Hi COMF,

    On a Pagan discussion board I'm on we debate what constitutes interfering with someone else's free will all the time. Performing a spell or ritual on someone while they're asleep and without their express permission is a definite no-no. I'm sure she meant well and was trying to help you but her actions go against Wiccan principles. If she hasn't met with the coven yet I would encourage her to do so and ask someone about the proper etiquette for spellcasting. At the very least if I were you I would ask her (nicely of course) NOT to perform any more spells or rituals on your, for you or on your behalf unless you have discussed it first.


  • COMF

    Thanks, everybody, for your responses and observations. I'll reply to your posts with my thoughts later... must go to work now. I appreciate your interest and input.

    How about some comments from wiccans on the feasibility of us creating effective wands if I'm a nonbeliever, given that I follow all the proper guidelines and she does the charging correctly?

  • gumby

    So fill me in.....what attracts people to this? Whats in it for you? How does it help you?

    BTW...I liked the good witch of the east......but not the wicked witch of the west.

  • Sirona

    Comf: about the wands. Why is she suggesting "charging" them? You don't make a wand "magic" in my opinion. You make a nice wand and then the person buys it and charges it with his/her energy. If you put your own energy into it, that interferes with the person who comes along and wishes to charge it for themselves. I would not buy a wand that had been charged with someone elses energy....(actually I would not buy a wand ...LOL but thats not my point...). Aswell as that, it would be near impossible to use *your own* energy to charge wands en-masse IMO. Then theres the whole ethical thing....oh god(dess) its a nightmare. My Advice: make pretty looking sticks and sell them as wands....forget the energy bit. :D Actually I think there is much more of a market for other pagan stuff like Athames or Scrying Mirrors or things we use a lot like candles and incense.

    LyinEyes - I'm glad you enjoyed the info. Mail me if you want to know more.

    Fire - that book is a must-have for introduction to wicca. I can recommend others if you like I have quite a few!


  • Hmmm
    Well, as I continue on my path of mellowship, I've mellowed toward wicca as well.

    If I woke up and someone with daggers was making gestures over my heart, I'd be dismellowshipped right fast!


  • SixofNine

    lol @ dismellowshipped

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