Going door to door in extreme weather

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • imanaliento

    we use to live in North Dakota and some goofy CO's wife said it looked tacky to wear boots out in service so there were a few sisters that actually froze their toes more than once, not me I was one of those low hour publishers, when it was cold out I didn't go out.

  • freedom96

    It didn't snow where I grew up, but it sure could get very cold and stormy. There was nothing that kept us from going out in service. Growing up, I cannot think of any time EVER of not going out that weekend morning.

    We would go door to door with umbrellas, and the wind would make the rain go sideways, so the umbrella really was useless, and we expected the householder to listen to us???

    The hall I went to was very extreme; I had seen others that were not as bad. It was usually my elder dad who made us go and give a good example. Sometimes if the weather got too extreme, he would limit it to not-at-homes or return visits.

  • PurpleV
    the CO said something about how I'd brought reproach on Jehovah for what happened. Apparently the householder was horrified that they'd take a child door to door in that weather to the point where they'd pass out from the cold

    Pervert. He was probably a child molester. This is just another example of child abuse. Too bad the householder didn't call the authorities.

    PurpleV of the I-Hate-Pervs Class

  • undercover

    I remember one time a special pioneer was visiting our cong. We were out in service in a territory that normally in mild weather we would walk, but it was so cold and windy I decided to drive from driveway to driveway(not really rural but not city either). The special pioneer counseled me on this(so I'm lazy, DF me) and insisted we park and walk. We got two houses and then he suggests that maybe we take a coffee break and then drive from house to house.

    I remember going out in the rain and wondering what the hell are we doing out here. We look like a bunch of kooks.

    How bout bad dogs? The sisters refused to go to houses with dogs and the brothers had to prove how macho they were by going up against an ill-tempered animal. I knew several people bitten in service. Fortunately I was able to escape the couple of times I was charged but usually I was able to realize before I got to the house that the dog might be too dangerous to deal with.

  • Prisca

    Where I grew up we didn't have extremes of cold so much, but the heat was the worst. I remember walking down streets in the blazing sun, hardly a tree to seek refuge under, sweat pouring down your neck, and no one at home.

    I had one nice lady offer us a glass of water each, it was really appreciated.

    As for dogs, I was bitten once by a fox terrier. Just a nip, but I had to go and get a tetanus shot to be on the safe side.

  • justhuman

    In my place like Prisca(since we are neigbours) we don't have extremely cold weather. But we have a very hot summer.

    Specially when we were going to long distance village's to preach and we had to walk for 2 hours under the hot sun. But since we are close to the sea it was like knocking into empty houses, because most of the people were going to the beach.

    And I was thinking what nice it would have been if was in the beach with family instead of knocking empty houses.

  • aunthill

    I can't believe I used to go out in 110 heat! And that was before everybody bought and carried bottled water. I really liked going out with one young pioneer. He would knock on doors for about 45 minutes then suggest we all go for a cold drink, which would take about an hour. Then knock on doors for another 30 min. and call it a morning. Mind you we counted the whole time including the break as service time!


    Except for world travel,I have lived in the "Great White North" all my life.Yes,I have gone door to door in Extreme Weather when I was a kid..IT SUCKED!!!...OUTLAW

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    When I think of things guess I never made a good JW....hmmmmm cause I did go out in the winter and in real hot temperature days....but I never took my kids if it was TOO cold or TOO hot...only if it was baby bear poridge weather....just right so if there was no sitter on those days I didn't go. When someone would say somthing...and they would....I would point to the baby and say '"Sorry she couldn't make it" The old pass the blame to the kid trick.....who can argue with a baby....or a 5 year old to think of it! That stradigy didn't always work...but if i was handed the ol'sister so and so pioneered with her triplet babies and her toddler and 5 school aged ones all while BREAST feeding and holding a part time job to suport her own ministry so as not to be a burden on her family routine....I usualy just took it and felt incredibly low. Cause I didn't know how to answer that one...cause I wasn't her! Then one day it hit me....and when some one gave the speal I juts looked down and said in a dejected voice," I know isn't she so WONDERFUL!! I so wish I could be like sister so and so!! I don't know if I will ever be good enough for Jehovah."**sigh** And the sister who started the ol'routine got this concerned look and said," Oh,no dear! That's not what I ment. Here to help you feel better I'll tell you what a sister told me once when I didn't feel I was doing enough for Jehovah.....Do you know what makes the lest of Jehovah's servants better then the best person in the world?" "What ?" Says I. She responds lovingly as this is something that helps her when she feels unworthy ..."They Love Jehovah!"

    And you know what? It realy did make me feel better..... Cause I realy do Love Him no matter what imperfect people do or say to me. I love Him and His Son Our Lord And King Christ Jesus.**wipes a tear** snif**

    anyway in the winter....under my skirt I would wear pants and high VERY warm VERY fuzzy inside boots and several sweaters....coat...ski hat....2 mittens on each hand...lol I HATE HATE HATE cold weather!! Looked quite the **DORK**

    Am thinking of buying an Island right on the equater....anyone want to come?

    bye bye 4 now

    Ty 4 listening!!



  • Candlestick02

    LOL. Brings back the memories. I used to live in the Midwest. Cold, cold, freakin' cold weather. . . and there we were; numb toes, fingers, ears, noses. It was the worst. I remember trying to weasel out of going to Service and my mom, for some unknown reason (love?) wouldn't make me and my sister go. It helped that I was always catching a cold and lived on antibiotic for the greater part of the winters. Then as I got older I developed clever ways at trying to get out of service. . . a bad headache, cramps, etc.

    At least though I do remember them cancelling the meetings when it was really bitter cold out. And that's only when it was like 40 below with the wind-chill. My dad, being an elder, would call the other elders and recommend that they cancel it. Thank God! It beat my mom suggesting I wear pants UNDER my skirt, in order to attend the meetings. Practically had to undress and then re-dress in the middle of the local bookstudy persons' house. So embarassing.

    Anyway, this talk of going preaching reminded me too of another time when the 'young' ones in the hall were doing streetwork. I felt so bad for the people that we 'attacked' on that one street. I counted once about 20 people on that block, clumped in little groups.. Talking, moreso than preaching. I thought to myself 'geez, if this looks bad to me, no wonder people avoid us like the plague.' I got in my car and left. I went home and told my mom that it looked absolutely ridiculous. She, surprisingly, agreed. Nevertheless, she's still in the Borg. . .holding strong. . . and wishing strongly that I'd come back. Oh well.

    Thanks for allowing me to reminisce. It's funny now!

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