Circuit assembly today.

by apocalypse 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    Yeah! I'm a droner myself. Trying to do the slow "submerge" though. My wife is a regular pioneer, but is very sympathetic with my struggles since she is aware of my history and the crises that had developed within me because of the WT Society. Since my other family members are still JW's, I would rather "fade" instead of DA myself. It would be much easier in the days ahead functioning normally with the family unit. Both my wife and I are in our mid-30's. I was raised a JW (2nd generation) while my wife studied and was baptized at age 27 (1st generation).

    Circuit Assembly, huh? That reminds me of our past "Special Day Assembly" during the middle of October. It was a challenge to set thru it with "joy" []. My view toward the talks have changed dramatically. Now I'm really analyzing what they are saying from the platform (Like a critic). Kinda' like what you are doing. It does helps reconfirm our true convinctions, right? And since I'm a MS, I was used to help with the stage crew. That was kind of a distraction that helped me get thru the long day.

    And don't worry, I also think that the BORG will implode .

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Mum


    Could you and your wife move to another state so the family wouldn't know you were fading? It's a bit drastic, but freedom is priceless.

    On the subject of acting in harmony with prayer, I would like to present you with a "G" illustration: A former co-worker of mine wanted a second child. She was very active in the Methodist Church women's group, so the group prayed for her to have another baby. It worked! She gave birth to a baby boy within the year. All who got a birth announcement were firmly convinced that she did not "wait upon Jehovah." She and her husband admirably worked together to bring about the desired answer to prayer.

    Be of good courage,


  • apocalypse

    Thanks everyone for the fine words. And the criticism too.

    We will hang out for now. Don't know what else we can do but implode out families.

    What would that acchieve? I don't know. We do what we want anyway.

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