A Political Consideration For You

by Francois 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    I'm sure you've heard Tom Daschel, Al Gore, Richard Gephardt and other prominent democrats wheezing and moaning about talk radio. You can bet your boots that within the next 12 to 14 months, the democrat party is going to attempt to reinact some form of the old "Fairness Doctrine" which said that if you allowed one political point of view to be aired on your radio or TV station, that you had to provide equal time for the expression of the opposing point of view.

    I was employed in the radio/tv bidness during the years of the "Fairness Doctrine" and I can tell you the objective was never fairness. The objective was to silence critics of administration policy. The administration? Lyndon Johnson. Did it work. You bet your bippy it worked. And that's why we no longer have the "Fairness Doctrine." It was recognized as being an infringement of free speech, no to mention that it was not in any sense of the word "fair."

    Now we see the democrat party has been beaten into a corner, as well as it should be, being the party after all of Marx and Lenin and some of the most dangerous political ideas in our history. Let me be clear. The so-called ideas of the democrat party are the thinly disguised ideas of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro and other extremists. These ideas are dangerous to our freedoms, all of them, everyone of them. Pay attention to what the democrats are now saying about radio and tv news. They're saying that the media is right wing. They're saying that the media gets its instructions from the Republican National Committee. This is fantastic. The media have been leftist for as long as I can remember. It was Joseph Goebells who invented the Big Lie. Tell a Big Lie often enough and the people will start believing it. So here is the democrat party telling the Big Lie that the liberal media is suddenly controlled by the RNC.

    Remember the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution? Read them to refresh your memory. These are the freedoms of which I speak. The democrat party has noxious plans to take these "inalienable" freedoms away from you. It can only be done by stealth; the democrat party has not the backbone to attempt to take away our freedoms by frontal assault. However, it will attempt the cowards way, by concealing what it is attempting to do by sly word play - like calling an assault on your freedom of speech the "Fairness Doctrine."

    Here is how the "Fairness Doctrine" would work as the idea is currently being bandied about. For the last 60 days prior to an election, talk radio would be prohibited from discussing any political candidate, issue, or anything else having to do with politics. This would leave the newspapers as your only source of information, and the newspapers are overwhelmingly democratic. So far, the democrats havent' figured out how to stifle free speech on the internet, but you can bet they're trying.

    Just thought you'd like to know what the democrats are scheming for you now.

    One final thought. The democrat party hates talk radio in the same way the Leonid Brezhnev and the Russian Communist Party hated Radio Free Europe. And for the same reasons. Radio Free Europe brought the truth about the Communist Party and what the communists were doing in the world to the peoples of the the Russian Soviet. RFE exposed the lies of the Polit Bureau to the Soviet peoples and the Russian Communist Party hated RFE for that and attempted to jamb the RFE signal. That's what the American democrat party is attempting to do; it's attempting to jamb the truth about what plans it has for your freedom by "jambing" the truth from reaching your ears via talk radio and the Internet by any means possible (while calling it a "Fairness Doctrine). And it will not hesitate to stoop to the same low moral swamp as the Communist Party to shut it up.

    Write your congressmen and senators. It's your freedoms we're talking about here.


    Edited by - francois on 28 November 2002 12:5:9

    Edited by - francois on 28 November 2002 12:13:40

  • Navigator

    Gee Francois, what a scary thought! I do recall the chilling effect that the "so called" fairness doctrine had on political expression, but I never was sure of what the objective was. Being a texan, however, I am familiar with the heavy handed tactics of Lyndon Johnson. As I recall, the premise of the "fairness doctrine" was that monied interests could control the media and influence political outcomes. I 've heard that it was an adminstrative nightmare and could put some broadcast licenses in jeopardy. Wouldn't trying to muzzle talk radio, even temporarily, be a "tough sell" in the courts?

  • Yerusalyim

    Me, I'm a blatant Republican, I love Rush, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. Let the Dems come up with their own biased media outlets...oh wait, that's CNN and all of Network Broadcasting...silly me.

  • back2dafront

    Whatever dude.

    I think there are pros and cons on both sides. What I hate about the Republicans is how they support this:


    What are Republicans doing to help the environment? Nothing. Why? Because there's dirty money involved between the government and Energy Corporations such as ENRON. I don't know all the deets about that scandal, but I know Bush had his fingers all in that one.

    Whether you care to believe it or not, there's dirt on both sides. I tend to have a little more respect for those who show insight on the future of the world rather than those who want to make the quickest buck any way the possibly can.

    And isn't it the Rebublican party that is currently taking our privacy freedoms away?

    And I find it quite interesting that California, the technological Mother of this country, voted majority Democratic. Nobody out here likes Bush. In fact, it seems like most people in the WORLD do not care for him. Wonder why that is?? I think it's because Republicans are conservative and appeal to the religious folk that are found predominantly in the south, the "Bible belt." Religion isn't that big on the west coast. I think they're brainwashing everyone in church to vote Republican. :-P Subliminal messages in the hymns or something.....hahhaha

    I really don't get involved in the depths of politics - just my two cents worth....

    I don't know what you think of me Francois, but I actually enjoy debating with you. :-)

  • Reborn2002

    Or how about Dumb Ass Dubya going on national television and proclaiming that the unethical practices of many CEO's (i.e. Enron, WorldCom) are unacceptable, when he did the EXACT SAME THING when he was CEO 10 years ago, but when questioned about this.. oh well it was legal then. It was established that Kenneth Lay and Dubya were buddy-buddy, even playing golf and going to Texas Ranger baseball games together, and Bush had nominated several employees of Enron to work on the Energy Committee.. oh but he knows nothing. His arrogant, condescending grin needs to be firmly b1tchslapped off his ugly mug.

    Or Dick Cheney and the questionable practices of Halliburton Company while he was CEO?

    Or, just as you said back2dafront, how the Bush Administration seems to ENJOY sacrificing the environment and the future for the wealth of the present. Nothing Dumb Ass Dubya would like more than to destroy all the forest preserves and parks with oil in the name of the almighty $$$$$. After all it is acceptable to step on the little person as long as he has his corporate fatcat political contributors to support him.



    Or how about Bush cutting the pay raises for lowly normal federal workers?


    After all, it is no money or food off of his table, and the average Joe does not pay his way, so why should he give a damn?

    People who sit here and spout off as though the Democratic party is EVIL and the Republicans are patriotic and guilty of no sin make me laugh. Francois I normally agree with you, but if the discussion is politics then I find it better that we not talk about it at all lest I get irritated with naivety.

    Over 1,000,000+ more people voted for Al Gore in Election 2000. The most votes garned for any Democrartic candidate in history. So much for "your vote counts" This is undisputed fact. The Republicans resort to an obsolete electoral college that DOES NOT speak for the will of the people (one state is more important then the people in another?) and Dubya whines to the Supreme Court (who ironically the Justices who voted in his favor were nominated by his dear old Daddy, "1000 Points of Light I didnt finish the job in Iraq so now we suffer Dumb Ass" George Herman Walker Bush the 1st, or "I don't know my own name and can't control my bladder" Ronald Reagan.

    In my opinion George W Bush is still an illegitimate President. He did not WIN the election. It was handed to him on a silver platter. If it were not for 9/11, he would be regarded as one of the WORST Presidents in history. The economy is in shambles (and for you pro Republicans who blame Clinton you must TRULY be stupid. I suppose it was Clintons fault the economy was shitty during the 12 years of Reagan and Bush 1 terms?, then it was the most prosperous in history during Clinton, then shitty again during Bush II) and his domestic policies SUCK (repealing ergonomics standards and air pollution laws) so he keeps pushing the terrorism/Iraq agenda because it is the ONLY topic that even makes him look respectable.

    Yeah, REAL fair.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 30 November 2002 12:54:43

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 30 November 2002 13:3:16

  • animal

    I forwarded your text on to our "bikers" list... assuming you dont mind. We also see the future, and it isnt pretty if things arent watched.


  • back2dafront

    Pretty typical response.

    C'mon Animal, surely you got something better than that.

  • NeonMadman
    I suppose it was Clintons fault the economy was shitty during the 12 years of Reagan and Bush 1 terms?,

    What planet were you living on then? Here on earth, the economy was booming during most of Reagan's term (except at the very beginning, left over from Carter). It dropped some during Bush 41's term, then picked up again. Clinton rode that wave very effectively, then, before he left office, it started to tank again, which only accelerated after 9/11. Maybe if Clinton had nabbed Osama, as he claims he could have, 9/11 wouldn't have happened and the economy would now be back on its feet.

  • teejay
    I was employed in the radio/tv bidness during the years of the "Fairness Doctrine" ... The objective was to silence critics of administration policy. The administration? Lyndon Johnson.

    Now we see the democrat party has been beaten into a corner, as well as it should be, being the party after all of Marx and Lenin and some of the most dangerous political ideas in our history. Let me be clear. The so-called ideas of the democrat party are the thinly disguised ideas of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro and other extremists. These ideas are dangerous to our freedoms, all of them, everyone of them.

    You're a funny guy, Frank.

    So "everyone" of the Dem's ideas are dangerous to our freedom? EVERY ONE of 'em, huh? And as proof, you reference something that happened... when? 1965? Is your head stuck in a time warp, Frank? You're joking, right? It sure reads like you're joking. Have you not been reading the news?

    Have you not seen -- with increasing frequency following 9/11 -- how your beloved President and his Republican party has REPEATEDLY suspended those guaranteed freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights (especially the Fourth), supposedly for the sake of "protecting" said freedoms? People arrested and imprisoned without access to counsel or even being formally charged?

    Have you read of the police in Wilmington, Delaware stopping, questioning and taking the pictures of innocent (usually Black) citizens WITHOUT CAUSE? Only because they are unfortunate enough to live in high-crime areas?

    Have you not read where, for example in the Northeast, police are no longer required to Mirandize people they arrest?

    Need I remind you of what the Bush Team did in Kyoto?

    Or that during the end of his last term, President Clinton enacted legislation that would have lowered by 80 percent the amount of poisonous arsenic allowed in public drinking water. Of course it would have forced some 3,000 communities -- mainly out West -- to come up with a little cash to upgrade their water systems to protect against arsenic poisoning. And how your beloved Republican Administration kowtowed to the mining interests that helped get him elected and went on to rescind those Clinton measures.

    Lining the pockets of mining company executives is more important than the health of people. And you say the Democrats are the ones with dangerous ideas? Interesting.

    Haven't you heard about the "Total Information Awareness" program, the Defense Department's proposed system that would track and keep a record of every American's Internet activity, banking transactions, travel arrangements, credit card purchases, medical conditions, employment history, real estate transactions, car purchases, telephone records and any other information contained in a computer database? Hear who was put in charge of it? Reagan's former national security adviser John Poindexter. Poindexter, you might recall, was found guilty in 1990 of five felonies for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal.

    Pay attention to what the democrats are now saying about radio and tv news. They're saying that the media is right wing. They're saying that the media gets its instructions from the Republican National Committee. This is fantastic. The media have been leftist for as long as I can remember.

    At least you're not totally delusional. If the Democrats are in fact saying that the media is right wing -- and I haven't seen or heard that they have said anything close to that -- then they are just looking for a scapegoat for the ass-kicking they just got at the polls. If they *are* saying would you allege, no one in their right minds pays it much attention, I don't think.

    Just thought you'd like to know what the democrats are scheming for you now.

    Nah. Sorry Frank. I ain't worried about the now-very-impotent Democrats or any of their "schemes." Based on what we've already seen from the present Administration, people better be keeping an eye on Dubya and his henchmen. That's where the very real danger is, IMO.

  • TR
    Me, I'm a blatant Republican, I love Rush, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly


    I love ya, man!


    I love ya, man!

    TR- conservative and proud of it.

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