Royal Commission live streamingstarting soon!

by possum 236 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AudeSapere
    cha ching wrote: (6 minutes ago) Angus, " I'll come back to some documents that may refresh your memory, in a minute"

    Do these 'elders' know of all the WT letters the RC posses?


    I wonder the same thing. Each elder has the same story. The same lack of recollection. The same arrogance. The same unpreparedness for their presentation. The same non-review of the 'witness packet' provided by the commission to each witness participant.

    Why didn't WT attorney(s) change up their strategy? Why are they sticking to the same prep work and letting each of these elders get shredded in the same manner as the others before them??

  • sparrowdown

    These WT representatives remind me of a crazy person wearing a tin foil hat and shooting imaginary lazer beams out of their eyes, and wondering why no one has burst into flames.

    Newsflash to the Elder's: Your superpowers are imaginary.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    So, he sees the testimony of "Eli", & I guess he wasn't toooooo worried about his testimony being messed up, so that he could be "objective"... was he?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    ...............................................................How does it feel Brother Elder?


  • LostGeneration

    Holy crap how does Angus not walk over there and just start choking this guy?

  • oppostate

    Oy, the notes clearly state that the father had abused the younger daughters and the older one BCG, the testimony was given by the mom... there's the two witnesses and if they had asked the little ones it would have been four witnesses.

    But de Rooy doesn't recall that.

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    I mean, I have looked through the list, but haven't had the time to look thru them all, buy I am assuming, they ARE there.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    What a son of a bitch that Rooys fool is! Lying piece of crap!
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    How would you like to entrust YOUR life into this scumbags hands? No integrity whatsoever, none!

    "We hate child abuse!" Liars!

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    He says, "We did not know of that information"

    How does HE know?

    He CAN'T remember, right?

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