Anybody seen a UFO?

by SpannerintheWorks 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    Here's my experience.

    When I was a teenager, I drove my parents car down to the post office. When I got back in and turned the key, nothing happened, not even a click.

    Now, everyone knows that the presence of a UFO will knock out electrical equipment. So, I immediately looked up, and saw nothing - proving beyond a doubt that they had left.

    Then I tried the ignition again, and everything was fine. Scary.

  • WildHorses

    I've seen a UFO.I was 13 at the time and my oldestsister Wendy and her Husband Ronald saw it too. We were driving back from town in Wake Forest on 98hwy. I saw it first. It was a white glowing object. I was moving along in the sky and all of a sudden it dissapeared. Then it started back at the same place I saw it the first time but this time it kept moving until it was out of our view. I asked my sister..........."DID YOU SEE THAT?" and she and Ronald both said they saw it.I've not since seen anything like it. I know it had to be a few miles up in the sky but it was still quit large and it was an oval shaped object and very bright. I know it wasn't an airplane.

  • freeman

    Im not ready to go on Jerry Springer yet, but it is a fact that I had sex for the first time because of a UFO.

    Yep its a fact.

    I guess I was maybe 17 at the time and I was out on a date and the girl I was with spotted something in the clouds. I pulled over for a better look and now we both saw it. A slow moving round thing hovering and up quite high, obscured much of the time by the clouds. After a while we found the source of the UFOs power. It was a giant arc spotlight and generator aimed on a large tethered balloon floating in the clouds above us.

    As it turns out, it was in fact an advertisement stunt done by a local car dealership. On the way back to drop my date off one thing led to another and well..., I was one happy camper.

    So I dont want to hear anybody say anything bad about UFOs or the little green guys, they got me laid for the very first time. Sorry for being so crass, but how often do I get to tell this story. Just dont let my wife know because it wasnt her in the car.


    Edited by - freeman on 22 November 2002 11:57:5

  • Shakita

    I think I see one now!

  • rocky220

    Uh Freeman, are you sure that wasn't an elder scoping you from a helicopter?....Just kidding!

    Rock on Man!.........rocky220

  • Perry

    Never get lost in the Galaxy again!

  • LB

    I've seen some amazing things but no UFO. I can't imagine that any race from another planet would just be zipping around without visiting us or doing something. That wouldn't make much sense. They'd at least eat us.

  • back2dafront

    I think "UFO sightings" are really THESE:

    These things ain't no joke....

  • proplog2
  • Pleasuredome

    i saw one this year in april while i was on a flight from majorca(spain) to england. the flight had just gone over the spanish coastline towards the pyranees mountains, when i saw what i though was in the distance a a very dark long thin black cloud. i watchted this cloud because it was unusual in colour. as i watched it it began to reduce in size and eventualy turned into a metallic sphere, then started to expand again into a thin black line. it was very odd to watch

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