Anybody seen a UFO?

by SpannerintheWorks 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    The concept of life on other planets really fascinates me. The thought of intelligent life even more so. So, whenever I read headline

    news of a UFO sighting, I take notice.

    I've heard it said that it's impossible to believe in extraterrestrial life and still believe in God. But I've also had it said to me that one

    cannot believe that an evolutionary process shaped life on earth as we know it and also believe that there was an intelligence behind

    the creation of the universe. On that one I have other views.

    But getting back to UFOs, my only claim to a sighting was when I was about 14. I've always been interested in astronomy, and on

    15th August 197-something I was outside with my teloscope, late at night 'scoping the meteor shower that occurs around that time

    of year. Suddenly, I was approached by a green android with 3 heads...only kidding.!

    No, I was just gazing into the sky, without the aid of my telescope, when about 8 - 10 gold - coloured "lights" passed overhead.

    They weren't very bright, but were silent. I'm not sure how high up they were, therefore I can't say what size they were, either.

    The curious thing was that they were moving among each other as they went by.

    I know that they weren't birds, planes or anything like that so I suppose that makes them UFOs!

    I hadn't seen any UFO sightings resembling that before (it's usually an upturned dinnerplate or a frizbee hoax) until a couple of

    years ago when I saw a picture of a supposed UFO sighting that (dare I say it) was exactly like mine!

    Anybody seen a UFO?


  • willy_think

    When I was a kid I saw a UFO but as it got closer I identified it as a plain. (boy was I bumming) So I saw a UFO for 20 to 30 exciting seconds. I can't help but think if that plain were heading in another direction I would be swearing I saw a Space Ship until this very day.

    after all I thought, if it is flying and I can't identify it, it is odiously form space. I know better now, but it was soooo exciting I'll never forget it.

  • BB

    Not since last Tuesday.

    Bubber and me went to visit my Uncle Leroy who lives in a trailer park. I dont know why they call it a "park"; cause the whole place is actually kind of a dump. Anyway, we were all sittin in front of the big projection TV screen (which takes up about half of the trailer) when all of a sudden there was a bright light outside that flashed which simultaneously knocked out all the power and the pay-per-view wrestling match we was watchin.

    We got our guns out and started firing out the windows but whatever it was never did come back.

  • truthseeker1

    When I saw a UFO it crashed into the monkies flying out of my ass, then hit the pigs flying around then finally landed in a frozen over hell.

  • Crazy151drinker


    The vast majority of that stuff is military.

  • Undecided

    I haven't but my wife and her mother did one evening. It went down behind some trees in a field but when they drove over to the site they couldn't find it. My best friend from childhood and a friend were out walking in the evening at dark and saw a large triangular shape with lights around the perimeter moving very slowly and silently. He said he couldn't tell how high it was, but it seemed about the size of a football field and about 800 ft high. It just moved on over and out of sight. This was out in the country where I lived as a kid. He never saw or heard anymore about it.

    Ken P.

  • Xena

    I haven't ever seen anything or met anyone who has.....but I would like to keep an open mind about stuff like that....there are so many things we don't know and still can't explain...why not UFO's?

    Is it really any harder to believe then believing in God?

  • SpannerintheWorks


    The vast majority of that stuff is military.

    Do you think mine was military?


  • freedom96

    I would think that it would be the most exciting thing to ever see.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Hard to say! Remember that everything that we know about the Airforce's new planes is on average 10-15 years old. They have all kinds of crazy shit.

    The SR-71 (or its prototype) first flew in 1955! It was released to the public in 1975! I beleive there was public mention of it in the late 60's. The stealth stuff all started in the late 70's.

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