Post your Christmas tree pics here

by WildHorses 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    Kids and Christmas....nothing better, nothing sweeter. I personally love it when they believe in Santa Claus. My little guy is only 3 and Santa is very real to him. It is a time of innocence and magical wonder.

    I was sad when my oldest "discovered the truth" about Santa.....and I think this will probably be the last year for my middle boy to still believe. But to see my oldest "play along" with the santa fantasy with her younger brothers is very heartwarming.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    What beautiful pic's of trees!!!

    It's been a while since I've posted a pic of something, but I'll take some pic's of our tree and see if I can figure out how to post them!

  • waiting

    Growing up - decorating our christmas tree is one of my fondest memories. The colors, the shinies, the smells of pine. All the bad things that happened during those times don't seem to bother as much - as remembering getting out the same 'ol ornaments year after year & shining them till they sparkled. That was My Job, btw.

    My mom & I would sit in the evenings and just watch the lights (we have tv also - even Way Back Then) - but this was such a treat!

    Well, nothing ever Pagan after age of 18 - and I'm 52 now..........and just put up my First Christmas Tree this week. I'm soooooo fascinated with it. My husband is not - he's NEVER celebrated anything - and at 58, that ol' fool just ain't gonna change.



    ps: memories also of sneakin' under parents' bed to search for as-yet unwrapped gifts!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Did it work!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I don't think I'm doing it right.

  • Tinkerbell4125
  • betweenworlds

    Nope can't see it :( Have you tried strike 9 tink? It works great!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Thanks between! I'll see what I can do! Maybe I'll get CC to do it!

  • Solace


    I love how your tree has that old feel to it, so nice..


    That is a beautiful tree, magnificant!


    For that having been your first tree, it looks like you had it professionally done.


    What a pretty mantle!


    Yours looks alot like mine, fun & traditional.. Dont you just love Christmas!!

    Heres our tree, you probably cant see them, but my son wanted blue lights this year and its pretty much loaded with homemade ornaments and candy.

    Now, if I could just finish my shopping!!

  • teejay

    All of the trees here look simply marvelous, but Lisa? Yours looks like it belongs in a magazine. Very very nice job, Girlfriend!

    I remember the one Christmas tree in my life back in 1962 -- the last year my mother was "worldly." It was a ceiling high pine tree and filled the house with the wonderful smell of the season. I remember Daddy decorating it while roasting peanuts in the oven. After it was finished, we all ran out into the cold to look back into our own apartment to see how pretty it was. After forty years, it seems like that happened last night.

    It's another year and I don't have a tree. Having a loyal JW wife calls for so many negotiations that many ex-JWs don't have to deal with. Since my daughter is only three and the full impact on what she's missing has yet to dawn on her, it's something I can do without for one more year. On the drive home at night through the neighborhood though, I see so many decorated trees -- seemingly more this year than ever before. When the time comes, I know the kind it will be (real) and how I'll decorate it (simply but elegantly).

    Thanks for giving me some good ideas, y'all. You've brought to the surface a very old but very cherished memory.

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