In shock.

by lulu 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    I can't prove this, but have heard through the grapevine, that all that is necessary for them to make that announcement is for two people (the two witness rule again) to have heard you say you are not a JW anymore, or don't consider yourself to be one.

    My niece had this happen last year because an elder called on her and saw her Christmas tree, in the back of the room, through the door. That was considered enough to announce she was disassociated.

  • plmkrzy
    all that is necessary for them to make that announcement is for two people (the two witness rule again) to have heard you say you are not a JW anymore, or don't consider yourself to be one.

    I believe that is true. In most cases they are "supposed" to contact you first so you can at least speak in your own defense, but they don't have to.

    BTW Lulu, thats terrible. Sorry they did that to you.

  • twinkletoes

    So sorry to hear that Lulu,

    We think that we could be next on the hit list. We have already checked out the price of a box advert in our local newspaper, (we can get a quarter page for about two hundred pounds !!) in case any slur on our christian character is ever mentioned. We have warned the elders that we will sue them personally, if this sort of announcement should be made.

    At least you are in good company, look what they did to Ray Franz, Carl Olaf Jonnson and Ed Dunlap just to name a few.

    Twink & Kaytee


    "If they are not prepared to be guided by the rudder, they will be taught by the rocks."

    This is the way they seem to be heading. It appears that the Organisation has deviated from the bible and are now possibly heading for disaster.

    We have asked the elders to show us from the Bible, where DA is mentioned, but there was just silence. If they can't substantiate DA from the bible, how can they even begin to link it with DF?


  • ozziepost
    If they can't substantiate DA from the bible, how can they even begin to link it with DF?

    Nor can they show you in the Bible:

    1. Judicial committee. It doesn't exist.

    2. Restrictions. A man-made procedure that results from their OT theology. Putting a person "on restrictions" after re-instatement flies in the face of Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Pathofthorns

    This happened to someone I know as well. I believe the announcement, as it was told to me was along the lines of "so and so has disassociated themselves by their actions".

    I believe there may be unwritten instructions to take this sort of action in certain cases, especially where there is "apostasy" involved or where the threat of legal action may be likely. I consider this action cowardly since in the instance I am aware of, the individual was not told such an announcement would be made.


  • zev

    first of all lulu, i want to say i got your mail, and from your post i recognize the subject.

    i'm sorry that you have had to experience the long arm of "the law". (aka the judicial machine).

    and weather or not you know it, they can and will do as they please.
    i have and will quote you from the "flock" book, the secrect elders manual about some reasons they could and will do "as they please".

    let me ask you, did you go to another church? or, after reading this quotation, can you think of someplace you've been or something you've done that would precipitate such actions against y'all?

    here is the quote from page 94/95 of the flocking book, under the chapter heading:


    UNIT 5 (a)
    'Ruling for Justice Itself'


    Apostasy is a standing away from, a falling away, defec-
    tion, rebellion, abandonment; it involves teaching false
    doctrines, supporting or promoting false religion and its
    holidays or interfaith activities. (Deut. 13:13, 15; Josh.
    22:22, ftn.; Acts 21:21, ftn.; 2 Cor. 6:14, 15, 17, 18;
    2. John 7, 9, 10; Rev. 18:4)

    Those with sincere doubts should be helped, dealt with
    mercifully. (Jude 22, 23; w82 9/1 pp. 20-1;w80 8/1
    pp. 21-2)

    Apostasy includes action taken against true worship of
    Jehovah or his established order among his dedicated
    people. (Jer. 17:13; 23:15; 28:15, 16; 2 Thess. 2:9, 10)

    Persons who deliberately spread (stubbornly hold to and
    speak about) teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught
    by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostates.

    If it is learned that a person has taken up association with
    another religious organization, the matter should be inves-
    tigated, and if verified, a committee should be formed.

    If it is clearly established that the person has joined
    another religion and intends to remain with it, the


    "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock"

    elders would make a brief announcement to the congre-
    gation that such- one has disassociated himself. (w86
    10/15 p. 31 )

    Working secularly for a false religious organization could
    put one in a position similar to that of one preaching false
    doctrine. (2 Cor. 6:14-16)

    Celebrating a false religious holiday would be similar to
    performing any other act of false worship. (Jer. 7:16-19)


    i really hope this information helps.

    my thoughts are with you and your husband for what has happened to you.


    Edited by - zev on 21 November 2002 18:14:33

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Oh come on!!!!!!!! What right did they have to do that without you're consent??

    Man, I would get a lawyer so fast it would make their heads spin!

    Total defamation case I would say.

    Best Wishes,


  • lulu

    Thank you so much for all your replies and advice, which we intend to do. Firstly, we were never asked to have a meeting at the KH. They had come to our home on occasions after I might add we had requested them not to come and disturb the peace of our household, but then it was me who said it and after all I'm just a woman.!! It was done to us because we asked them to explain an article from a watchtower, this has been posted to the scandal and cover up forum, today Under the title of GB disassociates itself.. We think at this stage we have interested a local reporter but am awaiting his phone call. We also intend to personally give each household( this will take some time of course)a tract setting out the W/T affliation with the U.N. and the consequences that has happened to us. I hope that eventually a courageous lawyer will read our story from somewhere and act for us. We do intend to be involved with the World Class Action, but apparently at this time does not include Australia.Thank you SIMON I never thought for one moment I would ever receive a communication from YOU. WOW!

  • jurs


    I never knew they could do that. I can see why your in shock. How awful.



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