Suicide ends pain for many

by joelbear 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey Joel,

    Guess I don't have to ask "what's up?" Adding to your "blah, blah, blah............", sunshine, talking with a real person, a touch of hand........all do wonders.

    If you've done all those recently, do them again, and again, and again. Playing humbug just don't get it.

    Take care,


  • TR


    The fact that you're posting seems to me to be a cry for help. Why else would you post? You want us to feel bad if you finally do it? Do you want us to say, "Yes, go ahead Joel, kill yourself if it makes you feel better." Is that what you want? Is it that you want us to give you the go ahead? Are you trying to make us understand that there are just no alternatives in your situation?

    Look, Joel, I've had close family members commit suicide. In my grandfather's case, he had emphasima and cancer, and just did not want to deal with the physical pain he was racked with. In my uncle's case, he was divorced, kids were grown and moved out, he didn't live near any family, and didn't even bother to call and talk to anyone. He sat alone, evidently, with his depression until it finally did him in. My dad and my other uncle tried to reach out to him, but he wouldn't listen. My uncle sat isolated, stewing in his own self pity. Believe me, my dad and my other uncle feel absolutely no guilt. They tried to help. His kids were shocked at first, but then they were just pissed that he didn't reach out. He didn't let anyone know how he was feeling. You are letting us know how you feel, in a way. It's senseless, Joel. You're posting here, asking for help. Now dammit, we're trying to help. Please go get some REAL help.


  • imanaliento

    I ditto Brummie

    it's a selfish way to deal with life, one really needs to look at what one has and not what you don't have.

    seriously I haven't seen you posting for awhile, people care. I care ! and a lot of others here CARE !

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Good post TR.

    Help is out there Joel, but you have to swallow alittle humility and ask for it.

  • Elsewhere

    It is selfish and cruel to deny people the right to relive their immense pain. People don't decide to do this on a whim. Be it physical or emotional, it requires an immense amount of pain to driver a person to take his own life.

    Please show compassion and understanding toward those who take this option of last resort.

  • butalbee

    Sure, suicide will end all the pain, I'm sure of that, no more living, breathing, crying, loving, fighting, denying, working, wondering, hurting, deciding, trying, hiding, dreaming, lying, but...............IMO, that's an easy way out, I like the suffering of all of life's tragedies, misfortunes, and painstaking realities........That's what I live for. Thinking of dying, you gotta think of what it'll do to the living, those who do care for you and love you.

  • jazbug

    Suicide is a permanent solution

    to a

    temporary problem !!

  • joelbear

    I agree its the easy way out. I join plenty of others who have taken the easy way out in their lives.

    Yes it will hurt those who love, those who watched the pain I've been in for 44 years while smiling

    and asking me to put the mask back on.

    They will finally see me without my mask. I'm pretty ugly.

  • joelbear

    People don't like me.

  • joelbear

    The gun's store is open til 6pm. Too bad I am such a woos and will just wake up in pain tomorrow

    and do it all over again.

    The record spins but never ends.

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