al-Qaida demands America convert to Islam

by Reborn2002 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • breeze


    Interesting information...I looked into Islam after 911 for the first time and they are not mixing well with the rest of the world. The two worlds scenario is exactly what I had uncovered, believers & non-believers.

    If they do one more senseless act like 911, I am sure they will get their war? I am concerned that the "War on Terroism" has slowed? Why not continue the picking away at them?

    I will repeat something I put into another thread, the Moslems as a whole do feel the same about the West. In interview after interview immediatley after 911, I watched them denounce the US and all of the West over and over again? Moslem camps in each country? Look how many countries recently have been attacked by them? France, US, Russia, a number of African countries, just recenly, so they are isolating themselves more everyday. I believe some action must be taken. If they weren't some outspoken with it, maybe it could be ignored but they have been identified as the enemy and everyone seems to be saying that their extreme beliefs are just a few?

    To deal with them they must be isolated somehow from the rest of humanity. Their lack of tolerance to the so-called non-believer is not accepable in any culture today.

    If Iraq had anything to do with it, this next move I guess is the "War on Terroism"? I have seen many pros-cons on this subject. Maybe this issue deserves a post of it's own.... "did Iraq orchestrate the 911 attacks?"

    Edited by - breeze on 17 November 2002 10:3:39

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    The above thread and comments really helps the rest of the world appreciate the US attitude of "tolerance" for other nations and beliefs!

    Nuke'em .... what the phuk !

  • gumby

    Quote from article in discussion:

    You are placing Muslims under siege in Iraq, where children die every day. Oh, how weird that you don't care for 1.5 million Iraqi children who died under siege, but when 3,000 of your compatriots died, the whole world was shaken,''

    Opinions anyone??????

  • troucul

    Avishai, you know, that sounds so insane, it just might work.

    As far as the man, Mohammed, is concerned, the fact that he led military campaigns really shouldn't have anything to do with what happens today. Mohammed was only acting in the context of his day, much like the Israelites on their way to Canaan. Mohammed cannot be blamed for the violence that happens today. It's the fundamentalists, threatened by encroachment of the west, who hark back to the days of the 'rightly guided caliphs'. They insist on living in the 7th century. They are the ones to blame for all of this. While I sincerely doubt Mr. Bush's intelligence, he is right when he says that the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving.

  • JT

    it is interesting to note that we keep coming back to the same common issue RELIGION-

    WHILE these guys beleive their 'god' has told THEM TO kill now, most christain believers view that their 'god' will do the killing "HIMSELF" later on and for those who die before he gets the chance to strike as the comic Carlin says " he will roast and burn you for eternity" in a place called hell

    I just love when i hear the phrase THIS IS A CHRISTAIN NATION refering to the USA - yea right

    I can think of nothing as dangerous as a person who believes that they get instructions from god-

    esp if it involves the taking of other folks lives

    and thruout history wars have been fought over and over because some "Dude" rarely a WOMAN has stepped forth and proclaim: "I was talking to god last night and he told me so and so"

    and sure enought 1000'sof folks would believe him and off they would go killing folks in the name of god

    all we are seeing is how the tables have turned- back in bible times the god of the bible told the jews to kill other nations since they were wicked, now some 3/4000 yrs later a new god from the koran is telling his folks to kill the wicked and clear out the land

    imagine being a Hitite just going to work ever day minding your own biz ain't causing no body any problem and then you look up and damn here come some jews wiping out everyone in your little town out and why CAUSE GOD SAID SO

    fast forward 3000yrs --I'm sitting in the serverroom and someone yells turnon the tv and what do i see

    some dude instead of rolling into WASHINGTON dc on a horse is flying in on a Boeing 757 to do what?

    to kill folks- and why?? CAUSE GOD TOLD HIM TO-


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