by MYOHNSEPH 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surreptitious

    LOL Gumby! You crack me up!

  • garybuss

    Hi MYOHNSEPH, All,

    My dad bought my brother and I doodlebug scooters when I was 10 or so. Then a Cushman scooter when I was about 14. When I was 18 I bought a '48 Harley 74 hardtail panhead. The first summer I had it I rode it 7000 miles. That was 1963. I had that 74 for 5 years and sold it when I got married to make a down payment on a trailer house.

    In 1991 I bought a Goldwing and had 3 different ones over the next 9 years. I rode the west coast in '94 and Skyline drive and the Blueridge Parkway and Natchez Trace in '95, all with my wife on the back pulling a popup camper.

    We did Yellowstone, Glacier, Bear Tooth, much of the Mississippi river through Iowa and Wisconsin and the north shore drive to Thunder Bay several times. All total, I did Skyline Drive twice and the Blueridge three times.

    I sold the last bike 2 years ago. I still have the pop up camper.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures.


  • animal

    When I was the director of Sons of Liberty Riders, I preached that none of them use labels on anyone, since we dont like the bigoty aimed at us. Terms like "rice burner", Yuppy, wannabee, and jap-crap are not only negative, but demeaning. Using those terms also assumes that you put yourself on a higher plane than them, just buy owning a Harley. Not so, as I have seen many an asshole own a Harley and I wouldnt trust them as far as I can piss.... yet I know Honda and Yamaha guys that I trust like brothers.

    The description of the biker has been washed into the brains of people via movies and magazines for the past 50 years or more. Mostly, it is untrue crap nowadays, tho it carried more truth back in the 60's, where "bikers" were bikers. Now, all you need is a good credit rating and the "uniform" and most non-riders think you are a hells angel. I avoid those folks, for several reasons.

    I dont generally refer to myself as a biker, since it is such a reletive term. I define one as a person, male or female, that has a life that revolves around thier bike... and will ride it in most weather, and whether it is legal or not. The brand doesnt matter at all, as long as you stop anytime a brother is down along the road.


  • ballistic

    Well, just so you all know... I'm a biker. I mean I dont even have a car. I ride a bike come rain or snow. I don't have any pictures though, but I attended my last apostfest on one.

  • Prisca

    My father used to race motorbikes in his pre-JW days, and he explained the difference between a "biker" and a "bikie":

    A bikeris a person who rides a motorcycle.

    A bikie is the typical "Hell's Angel" type of biker who wear the big beards and are into drugs etc.

    That's how it is in Australia, anyway.

  • bikerchic

    Okay I couldn't resist so here is a REAL PEDAL POWERED BIKERCHIC!

    What makes a biker? Anyone who enjoys riding their bike, be it motorbike or bicycle, a biker is a bike rider period! IMHO

    bc (of the biker class)

  • TruckerGB

    Well,I can cetainly vouch for Ballistic,I was at the 'do' he came to.

    Animal,your words I couldnt put better myself.My club,25 years later,we are all still in touch and great friends,I know I have put this link before,but any one that hasnt seen it,have a look,your more than welcome,

    Heres a pic of 22 years ago,Im far right,,,,oh for youth again,,.

    Take care,


  • animal

    Excellent picture, trucker...

    When I had my chance to join a 1% club, I passed on it. I never was able to blindly follow anyone or anything, and that is one of the needed traits in a club like that. Other clubs are different, of course. My choice to run independent was a good one, many of my old friends are now dead from thier choices.

    If I come to your side of the pond, I would like to meet your guys.


  • TruckerGB

    Your more than welcome Animal,maybe visa versa,



  • Trauma_Hound

    All I know, is that I've ridden in all weather, including snow, when I had a bike, did that for 2 years straight without ever getting in a car. But have been riding bikes since I was 5, and motorized bikes since I was about 10. I love the thrill, and the freedom of one. And I really don't care what kind of bike someone rides. There are different bikes for different things, you wouldn't take your harley on tight twisty corners, anymore than you'd take a crotch rocket, that can do 80 degrees in corners down a dirt track with jumps. Not that you'd take your harley down this either. :) Personally, I like going fast once in awhile, so eventually I'll own another bike, actually 2, one for racing, and another one that's comfortable to ride long distances.All I know, is that I've ridden in all weather, including snow, when I had a bike, did that for 2 years straight without ever getting in a car. But have been riding bikes since I was 5, and motorized bikes since I was about 10. I love the thrill, and the freedom of one. And I really don't care what kind of bike someone rides. There are different bikes for different things, you wouldn't take your harley on tight twisty corners, anymore than you'd take a crotch rocket, that can do 80 degrees in corners down a dirt track with jumps. Not that you'd take your harley down this either. :) Personally, I like going fast once in awhile, so eventually I'll own another bike, actually 2, one for racing, and another one that's comfortable to ride long distances.

    However I want this harley badly. Mmmm Porche engine on a bike. 120 HP Mmmm:)

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