Have you joined another religion?

by freedom96 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • PurpleV

    Thanks Frank, that was nice of you to say. I enjoy your posts too.

    Mouthy, where were you when I first got out???

  • jurs

    I feel the same way as Big Tex.


  • NeonMadman
    Don't tell them you have a drink once in a while, or like to go dancing, or listen to music other than Christian music. I asked a baptist pastor if I could hold a position if I did these things and he said no. Manmade rules again......no thanks!

    Well, maybe so, but it ain't the Watchtower, and every Baptist church doesn't march in lockstep. There are very wide differences between Baptist churches. Some are fundamental, some are evangelical, others are quite liberal. The one I go to now, and the one I went to before I moved to NJ, are both evangelical. I know there are some out there that have all the man-made rules, and I'm not interested in being in one of those. I know for a fact that some of the people in my previous church drank and danced and listened to non-Christian music.

    Before joining a church, one ordinarily sits down with the pastor, sometimes even a series of classes is required. If issues like those were to come up as requirements (for membership or for holding a position), or if I perceived that the church was in any way high-control, I'd be out the door in a heartbeat. Believe me, at this point in my life, I have little tolerance for non-Biblical requirements.

    I can say this, though - the church I attend now has already had me teach several Sunday School classes for their teenagers, even though I'm not a member. And nobody has made any inquiries about my lifestyle. If they are willing to do that, I would be surprised if any issues arose surrounding membership.

    Edited by - NeonMadman on 19 November 2002 9:27:9

  • lv4fer

    I have attended a few Christian churches in my area. I told my daughter I'd like to just start my own bible study group. She thinks it is a good idea. Mouthy how do you go about starting a group up. I'm also thinking about talking to Christian churches about the dangers of the witnesses and how to witness to witnesses, I feel like I need to help someone.

  • Bod

    After flunking the Dubs, I gradually stopped believing in God, and I'm probably a Buddhist now.

    This didn't stop me from singing in the local Church of England choir, because I like traditional Church music. I wouldn't be heard dead singing happy clappy music however.

    Although I didn't believe in any C of E doctrines, they are really great accepting people, though it depends on how much of a hippy the local vicar is. I'll be going along to sing at Christmas, and see all my old friends.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    As others have said in this thread, I'll never join a church.

    I will say though, I have started praying, something that I haven't done in a very long time, but that's where I leave it. My spirituality is something that is between me and my higher power. I don't need anyone to force their standards and judgements on me.

  • found

    Wow, ]

    We sure do "run the gamet" in all our responses, don't we? At first, I was just out of the JW's and feeling very fragile and afraid. After a while I joined the Unitarians, and to tell you the truth, it was really great! Terrific group of accepting, loving people with wonderful principles to live by.

    We would probably still be there now if there was a group in the area my family and I moved to. Since there wasn't, we just didn't do anything for a while until a neighbor mentioned the local Presbyterian church they were going to. My husband (an agnostic if anything) and I decided to check it out. As it turned out, the minister is terrific! Understanding and openminded as any I've ever heard of. Most of the church is made up of differing religious backgrounds and almost feels like a non-demominational church.

    Sometimes the sermons make me go"hmmm".... but for the most part, we just take advantage of the good christian principles taught there, enjoy all the "fun" stuff the church does and meet a lot of good people to do things with. We are now active in giving back to our local community because of the church, as they are very involved in helping out the needy, the elderly etc. Something I never did as a JW.

    I'll tell all of you, it feels good to be normal, to be a part of a community helping church, and to not be too hung up on "the semantics".

  • Beans


  • kelpie

    No I will never join another religion

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