Have you ever been fired from a job?

by DanTheMan 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ive been fired a few times. Usually for fighting on the job. Actually, always for fighting on the job. I used to have a short fuse and liked to rumble.I see now I was just a frustrated, angry, ex dub.

  • Skeptic


    Treat the matter seriously. Here is how to prevent a future relapse.

    Remember that even at company social functions, you are at work. Your career can be enhanced or destroyed by what happens at such functions.

    Don't drink too much at company events. Have a few drinks, but stay sober.

    As I learned the hard way this weekend, always treat women in a dignified manner. Your "harmless fun" may come with a high price tag.

    One company I worked at made one thing clear: Assume all emails will be shown in a court of law.


  • Dia

    'attractive nuisance'....I think I just found a name for a new line of blue jeans.

    Wouldn't that be cute scrawled across our bottoms?

    'Don't get too close; you could drown'.


    'There ought to be a fence around them'

    or perhaps just....

    'legally irresistable'


    Edited by - Dia on 13 November 2002 6:36:21

  • Shakita

    Hi Dan:

    Did they question this woman on her view of what happened? If she was, and gave the same response to them as she gave to you, you should be OK. She obviously will not pursue this "boob" thing, unless she felt threatened by you. Seems she wasn't. I think your boss will just let this "problem" fade away, unless he hears from her.

    I was fired from a job once. I was 17 and was on the job for 3 days when I was put in charge of the office of a hardware store in our area. I was only 17! This witch wanted the day off so she put me in charge of a fairly large and busy hardware store and on top of that she left me the books to do! God, what a nightmare! She never showed me how to work the intercom, yes, the store had an intercom system that you could page someone on to come to the office if need be. Well, I used that intercom to page the boss and went into an explanation in detail of what the caller wanted! God, I was so embarrassed when he came and told me that the whole store heard the message! I was so young and naive! I also messed up the witches' books. By the end of the day I was physically sick from being so nervous and pressured all day long! The next day the witch called and fired me! But, that's ok, because I ended up getting a job after that which I ended up keeping for quite awhile and loved most of the people I worked for.

    Hope everything works out for you. And, don't insult yourself. Keep your chin up. Everything works out in the end.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • benext

    It does sound as if the more you dwell on the issue the worse it seems to you. At this point you shouldn't make any more statements to anyone. There will probably be something put in your employment record for future reference. And never, ever send an interoffice e-mail without the expectation that it may/can/will be read by management.

    All the best.

  • troucul

    maybe if you pray to Jehovah about it everything will turn out fine

    you sound like that guy on the HBO show, "Curb Your Enthusiasm". It's on Sunday nights after Sopranos. He thinks he gets in trouble, apologizes, the person doesn't know what he's talking about, he needs to explain, and makes it 100 times worse.

    2 years from now, you'll be laughing your ass off. Don't sweat it.

  • DanTheMan

    OK, I didn't get fired today. But the situation is still in limbo. I'll definitely know by tomorrow. This is agonizing!

    I talked with my boss, she says that it is not up to her, but I gathered from what I was able to "fish" out of her that everything should be cool, I may get a suspension or something.

    It seems as though the main concern is not my bumbling, ill-advised apology. The main concern is, what exactly happened at the employee banquet? And the fact of the matter is is that she didn't even notice my lustful gaze. And there was no touching, nothing inappropriate said. All I did is ask her if she was having a good time and if another one of our coworker's had gone home.

    I just don't see how they possibly could can me for this. But, stranger things have happened. Like I indicated in a previous post, the company I work for is as strict as they come when it comes to stuff like this.

  • Joyzabel


    Thanks for the update, Dantheman.

    I hope it doesn't go any farther than what has happened already. Now at least you have learned to keep your mouth shut the day after the party


  • jelly

    You are probably not going to be fired from your job. If you are part of a large company you might have to go to some sensitivity training, or some similarly named program. Basically a harmless but wasteful way to spend a day. Honestly, the sessions are a lot like Khmer Rouge indoctrination meetings without the tasty rice dishes. Just nod when are supposed to nod and agree to what you are supposed to agree to and you will be fine (just like the meetings). And stop slapping yourself around for looking at your coworkers boobs; looking at boobs is what men do. As a side note something you should have learned from spending time in the org. never admit to anything. Deny deny deny (three times for emphasis)


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