Have you ever been fired from a job?

by DanTheMan 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Dantheman is a stupid f*cking loser who may be losing his job tomorrow due to a very f*cking stupid loser thing he did at work.

    I am so disgusted with myself right now. My image in the mirror makes me nauseous.

    Have you ever been fired from a job? How did it affect your employment from that point forward? How did you explain it to prospective employers?

    Dan, of the stupid f*cking loser class

  • hillbilly

    Dan--sorry you lost your job... but the good news is most states require your past employers to only verify your employment and cannot make specific comment on your performance.

    Hey, its a shock to get the boot but sometimes it the best thing that can happen to you.

    Hillbilly (of the "you can't fire me, I quit" class)

  • Englishman


    Yes, I have been fired from a job, and the boss was a JW too. All I did was to drive a 13 foot lorry under an 11 foot bridge.

    Hmm, it was a 2 week old lorry, so that's why he got minty I suppose.


  • nilfun


    Oh man, what did you do????

    I'm so sorry to see you feeling like this......

    Don't put yourself down....you are going to need some of that self-confidence for your next job interview.

    How did you explain it to prospective employers?

    Maybe you won't have to tell any perspective employers about this job.......?

  • Mulan

    I quit a job because I had the feeling I was going to be fired. They were all Mormons and I was the odd man out. I think they thought I was one too, when I was hired. It was just a matter of time until I got pushed out.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey dan

    Sorry to hear that...I've never been fired from my job but I'm a pretty darn good asskisser apparently...so here's a suggestion, as you've got nothing to lose, approach your boss and have in your hand a sewing needle and some thread. When your boss asks what they are for, just say you want to sew your lips permanently to their butt If your boss doesn't get a laugh out of that, then you don't want to work for someone who can't see the humour in things.

    Maybe there is some way you can work it out with your boss...surely there is a dismissal process in place and you can appeal to some kind of procedure, perhaps ask for a written warning or something like that.

    Btw dan, glad to see you posting...I saw on TV that the tornados hit Ohio and I went 'gasp!! Dantheman is in Ohio, OMG!' (((dan and all of Ohio)))

    Glad you're okay...sorry about the job. Well now you have an excuse to check out the Oz-job market...www.seek.com.au


  • DanTheMan

    I'm not fired yet, and I may be blowing all of this out of proportion. But - this has been about the best job I've ever had. I really love it there.

    God, I wanna die.

    Why am I about to be fired?

    It's a long story, and you're gonna laugh and think to yourself "what a stupid f*cking loser" because that is exactly what I am.

    Our company held an employee appreciation banquet last Saturday night. Dantheman had a few drinks. Dantheman started conversing with a very voluptuous (and married) coworker of his that was wearing a very cleavage revealing top. Dantheman was all but drooling on her.

    Dantheman goes up to said coworker on Monday and apologizes for being inappropriate at the banquet. Coworker doesn't understand what Dantheman is apologizing for. Perhaps Dantheman wasn't as obvious as he thought he was. So does Dantheman do the smart thing and let it stop right there? No, Dantheman does the stupid f*cking loser thing, being the stupid f*cking loser that he is, and explains to her why he is apologizing ("I had my eyes in the wrong place when I was talking to you")

    At this point Dantheman realizes that he has totally creeped his coworker out, because that is what stupid f*cking losers do, creep chicks out. So Dantheman sends her an email today stating that it was stupid to have brought it up and let's forget the whole stupid thing.

    Dantheman's email intercepted by curious HR person. HR person asks Dantheman's voluptuous coworker what it was about. Coworker explains that Dantheman apparently felt the need to apologize for drooling on her boobs at the employee banquet Saturday.

    HR calls Dantheman and his supervisor into office. Dantheman knows how strict his employer is about these kinds of issues. Dantheman feels like a complete idiot explaining to his boss and HR dude what happened. HR dude tosses up terms such as "harrassment".

    The ball is in the voluptuous coworker's court right now. It's all about how she perceived the situation. If she perceives the situation as harrassment, Dantheman could very well be looking for a new job.

    If I get fired, I guess I'm getting what I deserve. I'm a pathetic moron, and a stupid f*cking loser.

    I hate myself.

  • WildHorses

    Edited because you already did what I stated.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 12 November 2002 19:47:55

  • nilfun
    Coworker doesn't understand what Dantheman is apologizing for.

    How is it sexual harrasment then?

    Ok, so you over-explained yourself to your female co-worker....that does NOT make you a ...well...all those nasty things you keep calling yourself...

    Here's hoping that your co-worker does the right thing and drops this. How can she perceive this as sexual harrasment if she wasn't even aware she was being "harrassed"?

    If I get fired, I guess I'm getting what I deserve.

    No, you're not.

  • Robdar


    I worked in radio for 20 years. I have been fired so many times that I have lost count. Some of the times it was for what I said on the air, sometimes it was because the radio station was sold and a new group of people came in with their own crew.

    You will get past this. And you will have learned from your mistake. If your work record is clean, they may let you off with a warning. If you are fired, your next employer may call your current employer for a reference. Your previous employer cannot legally answer many questions other than verifying dates of employment. So, I wouldn't worry much about it. If you have a friend in a management position at the job you work at, put his/her name down as a reference and don't forget to ask them to write you a letter of recommendation to carry with you to job interviews.

    If, during the interview, you are asked why you left, answer truthfully and tell the employer what you learned from the experience, how you will never make that mistake again, etc. Make sure to downplay the event and never, ever speak badly of previous employers.

    I wish you much success. Please update us as to how you are doing.



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